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[英]Passing a method to another method from a different Class



例如,如何使以下代碼正常工作? (請記住,我不允許在ODE類中創建Equation方法的特定實例):

public class Equations {
  public double pressureDrp( double a, double b) {
   return a+b;  //this is just a dummy equation for the sake of the question
  public double waffles( double a, double b) {
   return a-b;  //this is just a dummy equation for the sake of the question


public class ODE {
  //x being a method being passed in of "Equations" type.
  public double rK4( Equation method x ) {
    return x(3, 4);   
     //this would return a value of 7 from the pressureDrp method in class Pressure
    //if I had passed in the waffles method instead I would of gotten a value of -1.

我將使用一個接口來封裝二進制方法的概念並允許回調 ,例如:

interface BinaryEquation {
   double operate(double d1, double d2);


class Equations {
   public static class PressureDrop implements BinaryEquation {

      public double operate(double d1, double d2) {
         return d1 + d2;


   public static class Waffles implements BinaryEquation {

      public double operate(double d1, double d2) {
         return d1 - d2;



class ODE {
   public double rk4(BinaryEquation eq) {
      return eq.operate(3, 4);   


public class BinaryTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("PressureDrop(3, 4): " + new Equations.PressureDrop().operate(3, 4));
      System.out.println("PressureDrop(3, 4): " + new Equations.Waffles().operate(3, 4));


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