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如何實現與JOSE / JWE / JWT一起使用的concat KDF

[英]How to implement a concat KDF for use with JOSE/JWE/JWT

我正在嘗試編寫代碼來解密PHP中的JWE令牌,因為現有的庫不支持我需要的算法( A128CBC+HS256 ,這是已棄用的算法)。

我的問題是我不明白如何生成使用“連接密鑰派生功能”的內容加密密鑰(請參閱此處的5.8.1節: http : //csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-56A/ SP800-56A_Revision1_Mar08-2007.pdf )。 該功能的符號和說明深深困擾着我。

我正在基於JOSE JSON Web算法草案06獲取我的值。


// Derive CBC encryption & integrity keys
$shaSize = 256;
$encryptionKeySize = $shaSize / 2;
$integrityKeySize = $shaSize;

// Calculate the key derivation using Concat KDF for the content 
// encryption key
$encryptionSegments = [
    $masterKey,         // Z
    $encryptionKeySize, // keydatalen
    $this->packInt32sBe($encryptionKeySize) . utf8_encode('A128CBC+HS256'), // AlgorithmID
    $this->packInt32sBe(0), // PartyUInfo
    $this->packInt32sBe(0), // PartyUInfo
    'Encryption',           // SuppPubInfo
    $this->packInt32sBe(1), // SuppPrivInfo

// Calculate the SHA256 digest
$cek = hex2bin(hash('sha256', implode('', $encryptionSegments)));


public function packInt32sBe($n)
    if (pack('L', 1) === pack('N', 1)) {
        return pack('l', $n);

    return strrev(pack('l', $n));

此處未顯示的唯一變量是$masterKey ,它是解密的內容主密鑰。

我確實解決了這個問題。 不確定是否會幫助其他人,但以防萬一:

// Derive CBC encryption & integrity keys
$shaSize = 256;
$encryptionKeySize = $shaSize / 2;
$integrityKeySize = $shaSize;

// Calculate the key derivation using Concat KDF for the content 
// encryption key
$encryptionSegments = [
    $cmk,                              // Z
    $this->packInt32sBe($encryptionKeySize) . utf8_encode('A128CBC+HS256'), // AlgorithmID
    $this->packInt32sBe(0), // PartyUInfo
    $this->packInt32sBe(0), // PartyUInfo
    'Encryption',           // SuppPubInfo

// Calculate the SHA256 digest, and then get the first 16 bytes of it
$cek = substr(hex2bin(hash('sha256', implode('', $encryptionSegments))), 0, 16);

這里唯一未知的變量是$cmk ,這是我的內容主密鑰,也就是“ Z”值。 在這種特定情況下,我通過從XBOX One令牌請求中解密來獲得主密鑰。



class ConcatKDF
    public static function generate($Z, $encryption_algorithm, $encryption_key_size, $apu = "", $apv = "")
        $encryption_segments = array(
            self::toInt32Bits(1),                                                   // Round number 1
            $Z,                                                                     // Z (shared secret)
            self::toInt32Bits(strlen($encryption_algorithm)).$encryption_algorithm, // Size of algorithm and algorithm
            self::toInt32Bits(strlen($apu)).$apu,                                   // PartyUInfo
            self::toInt32Bits(strlen($apv)).$apv,                                   // PartyVInfo
            self::toInt32Bits($encryption_key_size),                                // SuppPubInfo (the encryption key size)
            "",                                                                     // SuppPrivInfo

        return substr(hex2bin(hash('sha256', implode('', $encryption_segments))), 0, $encryption_key_size/8);

    private static function toInt32Bits($value)
        return hex2bin(str_pad(dechex($value), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));


ConcatKDF::generate("The shared key here", 'A128CBC+HS256', 128);


ConcatKDF::generate("Another shared key here", 'A128GCM', 128, "Alice", "Bob");


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