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[英]Migrating a legacy PHP Project from Windows to Linux (inconsistent case disaster)

我有一個低質量的PHP項目(我沒有寫它:))和向linux文件系統遷移的問題,也就是說,與Windows區分大小寫相反。 include和image-name與我需要一種自動解決方案的真實文件名有些矛盾。



foreach(php,js,jpg,png,gif ..)作為$ found在目錄中:在目錄中找到所有php:用$ found替換ignoreCase($ found)

我試圖用perl和File :: Find來寫這個,但是我目前卡住了:/

您可以使用find和gnu-sed gsed在命令行中執行此gsed


# Replace filenames found in code and create a backup of original
find . -type f \( -name "*.php" -or -name "*.jpg" \) -exec bash -c 'gsed -i.bak "s/\(\W\)`basename {}`\(\W\)/\1`basename {}`\2/Ig" /src/ *'  \;

# Explanation
#   find
#     .               : Recursively from current directory,
#     -type f         : files only - not folders,
#     f\(..\)         : with extensions,
#     -ecec           : execute this command,
#     base -c         : and execute in bash after {} replacement
#   sed 
#     -i              : Replace text in the actual file,
#     .bak            : but backup file to *.bak,
#     s/              : search for;
#       \W            : something beginning with a
#                       non word so we dont match test.img with 
#                       otherTest.img, but will still match "test.img"
#       `basename {}` : file name placeholder provided by find
#       \W            : does not end in a word so we dont match 
#                       test.htm against test.html
#     /`basename {}`/ : Replace string from the search  with the 
#                       string of the actual filename
#     g               : Global search, match more than just the first instance
#     I               : Case insensitive search
#     /src/*          : Full path to files sed will work on


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