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[英]How do I delete items from a dictionary




rooms = ["hallEnt", "hallMid", "snowRoom", "giantNature", "strangeWall", "riverBank"]
roomDirections = {
    "hallMid":{"s":"snowRoom", "e":"giantNature", "w":"hallEnt"},
    "giantNature":{"s":"strangeWall", "e":"riverBank", "w":"hallMid"},
    "strangeWall":{"s":"hallOuter", "e":"riverBank", "n":"giantNature"},
    "riverBank":{"e":"lilyOne", "w":"giantNature"},
    "lilyOne":{"e":"lilyTwo", "w":"riverBank", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
    "lilyTwo":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"lilyThree", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
    "lilyThree":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"lilyFour", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
    "lilyFour":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"treasureRoom", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},

roomDescriptions = {
    "hallEnt":"The hallway continues east, the cave opening is to the north, there is an opening in the south wall, but its too high to reach, there are some snowboots on the ground.",
    "hallMid":"To the east the hallway grows dark, there is a corridor to the south",
    "snowRoom":"The room is a dead end except for a lit lamp on the ground",
    "giantNature":"To the east you see a river, to the south is a wall with some strange lines on it",
    "strangeWall":"It appears to be just a wall, there are some old lines on the wall but you can't make them out.",
    "riverBank":"The river has giant lilypads floating on its surface, however there is only one safe path across them, jump on the wrong lilypad and you will go through it and be swept back to the riverbank.",
    "lilyOne":"The lilypads all look the same, you can only guess which is the right direction",
    "lilyTwo":"The lilypads all look the same, you can only guess which is the right direction",
    "LilyThree":"The lilypads all look the same, you can only guess which is the right direction",
    "LilyFour":"The lilypads all look the same, you can only guess which is the right direction",
    "treasureRoom":"There is nothing in the room except for a pedistal with priceless treasures on top of it.",

roomEntrance = {
    "hallEnt":"You are standing in the hallway entrance.",
    "hallMid":"You walk to the middle of the hallway.",
    "snowRoom":"You are standing in a room as white as can be, and it is snowing inside the room.",
    "giantNature":"You walk into a gigantic forest with a river running through the middle",
    "strangeWall":"You walk over to the strange wall.",
    "riverBank":"You walk right up to the edge of the river.",
    "lilyOne":"You jump onto the first lilypad.",
    "lilyTwo":"You jump onto the second lilypad.",
    "lilyThree":"You jump onto the third lilypad.",
    "lilyFour":"You jump onto the fourth lilypad.",
    "treasureRoom":"You land safely on the far bank of the river.",

dirs = ["north","south", "east", "west", "n", "s", "e", "w",]

roomItems = {

currentRoom = "hallEnt"
invItems = []

print("You are standing in a dark cave entrance")

while True:
    playerInput = input("What do you want to do? ")
    playerInput = playerInput.lower()
    if playerInput == "quit":

    elif playerInput == "look":

    elif playerInput in dirs:
        playerInput = playerInput[0]
        if playerInput in roomDirections[currentRoom]:
            currentRoom = roomDirections[currentRoom][playerInput]
            print(roomEntrance [currentRoom])
            print("You can't go that way")

    elif playerInput == "lookdown":
        print ("You see", roomItems[currentRoom])

    elif playerInput == "inventory" or playerInput == "inv":
        print (invItems)

        if playerInput in roomItems[currentRoom]:
            print("picked up", playerInput)
            for i in range(0, len(roomItems[currentRoom]):
                if playerInput == roomItems[currentRoom][i]:
                    del roomItems[currentRoom][i]

        elif playerInput in invItems:
            print("dropped", playerInput)
            roomItems[currentRoom].append (playerInput)
            for i in range (0, len(invItems)):
                if playerInput == invItems[i]:
                    del invItems[i]

            print("I don't understand")

從它如何遍歷房間項目來看,似乎期望房間項目是一個字符串列表。 現在它們只是普通的字符串。 也許項目看起來應該更像這樣:

roomItems = {
    "hallEnt": ["snowboots"],
    "snowRoom": ["lamp"],
    "treasureRoom": ["treasure"],

還值得檢查列表remove方法,因為它使您無需手動編寫循環就可以從列表中刪除內容。 例如:




for i in range(0, len(roomItems[currentRoom]):

我通過運行腳本發現了這一點。 您的系統是否不報告錯誤的行號?


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