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[英]PHP undefined index / variable


注意:未定義變量:第35行的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project.php中的錯誤


    $clicked = false;
    if($clicked == false && isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        if ($_POST['label'] == '') {
            echo "<p>You must enter in a label!</p>";   
            $error = true;
        if ($_POST['url'] == '') {
            echo "<p>You must enter in a url!</p>"; 
            $error = true;
        if ($_POST['status'] == '') {
            echo "<p>You must enter in a status (0 or 1)!</p>"; 
            $error = true;  
    if ($error != true) {
        if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == '1'  ) {
            $query = "INSERT INTO nav (label, url, target, status, position) VALUES  ('$_POST[label]', '$_POST[url]', '$_POST[target]', $_POST[status], $_POST[position])"; 
            $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
            if ($result) {
                echo "<p>You've added a new navigation link!</p>";
            else {
                echo "<p>An error has occured!</p>"; 
                echo mysqli_error($dbc);
                echo '<p>'.$query.'</p>';
            $clicked = true;//submit button replaced        

<h5>*Required Fields</h5>
<form action="project.php" method="post">
    <p><input type="text" name="label" size="50" placeholder="Enter a Label" value=""/></p>         
    <p><input type="text" name="position" size="10" placeholder="Enter a Position" value=""/></p>           
    <p><input type="text" name="url" size="50" placeholder="Enter a URL" value=""/></p>     
    <p><input type="text" name="target" size="50" placeholder="Enter a target" value=""/></p>           
    <p><input type="text" name="status" size="10" value="" /></p>           

    if ($clicked == false) {
        echo '<p><button type="submit" name="submit" value = "1" >Add Navigation Link</button></p>';
    else {
        echo '<p><a href "project.php"  id = resetBtn>Do Another</a></p>';


if($clicked == false && $_POST['submit'] == "1") {
    if ($_POST['label'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a label!</p>";   
        $error = true;
    if ($_POST['url'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a url!</p>"; 
        $error = true;
    if ($_POST['status'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a status (0 or 1)!</p>"; 
        $error = true;  


注意:未定義的索引:在第18行的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project.php中提交

注意:未定義變量:第35行的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project.php中的錯誤

顯然,無論出於何種原因,都不會“看到”名稱為“提交”的按鈕。 我相信。 對於我來說,這有點有意義……如果我沒有記錯的話:php以一種線性方式從頭到尾讀取,並且由於該形式在if語句之下,因此該索引尚不存在。 我認為,通過以下事實進一步證實了這一點:單擊“提交”按鈕后,所有錯誤都會消失,並因此執行if語句中的if語句的error(echo)語句。

這真是令人難以置信。 這也不起作用...

if(isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == '1') {
    if (isset($_POST['label']) && $_POST['label'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a label!</p>";   
        $error = true;
    if (isset($_POST['url']) && $_POST['url'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a url!</p>"; 
        $error = true;
    if (isset($_POST['status']) && $_POST['status'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a status (0 or 1)!</p>"; 
        $error = true;  

...但是,在先前版本的代碼中,if語句條件的isset和“等於”的組合解決了與$ _POST ['submit']有關的Unidentified索引問題,這是該代碼:ps:與該特定代碼塊有關,盡管我和他做的完全一樣,但我跟隨的以下鏈接教程中的同伴也沒有出現任何這些錯誤。

    $clicked = false;
    if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == '1'  ) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO nav (label, url, target, status, position) VALUES ('$_POST[label]', '$_POST[url]', '$_POST[target]', $_POST[status], $_POST[position])";  
        $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
        if ($result) {
            echo "<p>You've added a new navigation link!</p>";}
        else {
            echo "<p>An error has occured!</p>"; 
            echo mysqli_error($dbc);
            echo '<p>'.$query.'</p>';
        $clicked = true;//submit button replaced        

<h5>*Required Fields</h5>   
<form action="project2.php" method="post">
    <p><input type="text" name="label" size="50" placeholder="Enter a Label" value=""/></p>
    <p><input type="text" name="position" size="10" placeholder="Enter a Position" value=""/></p>
    <p><input type="text" name="url" size="50" placeholder="Enter a URL" value=""/></p>
    <p><input type="text" name="target" size="50" placeholder="Enter a target" value=""/></p>
    <p><input type="text" name="status" size="10" value="" /></p>

    if ($clicked == false) {
        echo '<p><button type="submit" name="submit" value = "1" >Add Navigation Link</button></p>';
    else {
        echo '<p><a href "project2.php"  id = resetBtn>Do Another</a></p>';

再次,這工作正常,沒有錯誤。 那么,為什么在發布的第一段代碼中出現undefine變量錯誤? 由於后續if語句無法執行,因此出現了未定義的變量,這就是我假設與索引問題有關的一個問題,但是錯誤並不能反映這一點!

當我僅用$ clicked == false替換條件時,如下所示:

$clicked = false;
if($clicked == false) {
    if ($_POST['label'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a label!</p>";   
         $error = true;
    if ($_POST['url'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a url!</p>"; 
        $error = true;
    if ($_POST['status'] == '') {
        echo "<p>You must enter in a status (0 or 1)!</p>"; 
        $error = true;  


注意:未定義的索引:第20行的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project4.php中的標簽您必須輸入標簽!

注意:未定義的索引:第24行的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project4.php中的url您必須輸入一個url!

注意:第28行上的C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\ test \\ projects \\ Learning \\ php \\ Databases \\ Forms and Databases \\ project4.php中的狀態為undefined index:必須輸入狀態(0或1)!

您需要在第一個IF語句之前定義$ error變量

$error = true;


另外,在代碼中與已定義的數據庫連接無關,您需要已定義$ dbc變量

$dbc = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db");




echo $_HaveNotSetThisVar; // as this is not set prior to using. You're getting an error


很像您先前的錯誤。 這次以數組形式:

echo $Array['NonExistantKey']; // Undefined index 




if (isset($_HaveNotSetThisVar)){
  echo "Variable Set";


if (isset($Array['NonExistantKey'])){
   echo "Array Key Set";




 $Vaar = "Test";
 echo $Var; // Undefined Error


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