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[英]VBA code to read a word doc

有什么方法可以創建一個 VBA 代碼來通過音頻閱讀 word 文檔? 就好像計算機正在閱讀文檔上的內容一樣。 (當然是所有文字)。

我在谷歌上找到了這個搜索。 http://vbadud.blogspot.com/2010/06/vba-how-to-convert-text-file-to-speech.html

Sub Speech_FromFile_Example() 

     Dim oVoice As SpVoice 
     Voice Object Dim oVoiceFile As SpFileStream 
     File Stream Object Dim sFile As String 
     File Name Set oVoice = New SpVoice 
     Set oVoiceFile = New SpFileStream

    oVoice.Speak "This is an example for reading out a file" 
    sFile = "C:\ShasurData\ForBlogger\SpeechSample.txt" 
    oVoiceFile.Open sFile 
    oVoice.SpeakStream oVoiceFile 

End Sub 

代碼需要 Microsoft Speech Object Library

Word 的 VBA 宏:

Dim speech as SpVoice

Sub SpeakText()

On Error Resume Next

Set speech = New SpVoice

If Len(Selection.Text) > 1 Then 'speak selection
speech.Speak Selection.Text

SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak

Else 'speak whole document
speech.Speak ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Characters.Count).Text

SVSFlagsAsync + SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak

End If


Loop Until speech.WaitUntilDone(10)

Set speech = Nothing

End Sub

Sub StopSpeaking()

'Based on a macro by Mathew Heikkila

'used to interrupt any running speech to text

On Error Resume Next

speech.Speak vbNullString, SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak

Set speech = Nothing

End Sub

如果您使用的是 Windows 10,請小心 - 我有兩個同名的庫“Microsoft Speech Object Library” - 確保選擇指向 Windows/system32/Speech/Common/sapi.dll 的庫


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