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[英]what is the code for main class in proxy design pattern?



import java.math.*; import java.rmi.*;
    public interface Payment extends Remote{
    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
        throws PaymentException, RemoteException; }


    `public class PaymentException extends Exception{
    public PaymentException(String m){
    public PaymentException(String m, Throwable c){
        super(m, c);


    `import java.math.*;
     import java.net.*;
     import java.rmi.*;
     import java.rmi.server.*;
           public class PaymentImpl implements Payment{
           private static final String PAYMENT_SERVICE_NAME = "paymentService";

         public PaymentImpl() throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException{
    Naming.rebind(PAYMENT_SERVICE_NAME, this);
public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
  throws PaymentException{



   import java.math.*;
public interface PaymentService{
    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
      throws PaymentException, ServiceUnavailableException;


    public class PaymentVO{


public class ServiceUnavailableException extends Exception{
public ServiceUnavailableException(String m){
public ServiceUnavailableException(String m, Throwable c){
    super(m, c);


請參閱以下類圖,了解來自以下位置的代理設計模式: http : //www.codeproject.com/Articles/186001/Proxy-Design-Pattern 在此處輸入圖片說明

在您的問題中,您有一個付款接口,即“主題”。 然后,您具有實現了Payment接口的PaymentImpl,這就是“真實主題”。 但是,您在這里缺少“代理”。

您需要編寫一個PaymentProxy類,該類還將實現Payment接口。 此類將引用作為私有字段的“真實主題”(PaymentImpl)類型的對象,並將通過此“真實主題”對象調用從“主題”繼承的方法。


public class PaymentProxy implements Payment{

    private PaymentImpl realPayment;

    public PaymentProxy(){


    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price) throws PaymentException{
           realPayment = new PaymentImpl();
       realPayment.purchase(payInfo, price);

您可能會注意到,使用代理設計模式時,realPayment是按需創建的。 當對象創建很昂貴時,這很有用。


public class Client{
   public static void main(String[] args){

      PaymentProxy paymentProxy = new PaymentProxy(); //note that the real proxy object is not yet created
      //... code for resolving payInfo and price as per the requirement
      paymentProxy.purchase(payInfo, price); //this is where the real payment object of type PaymentImpl is created and invoked




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