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OS X上的wxPython和virtualenv

[英]wxPython and virtualenv on OS X

現在,我使用OS X Yosemite,並嘗試通過pip在我的virtuaenv中安裝一些軟件包:

relrin at MacBook-Relrin in ~ 
=> cd code/Helenae/

relrin at MacBook-Relrin in ~/code/Helenae 
=> source bin/activate

relrin at MacBook-Relrin in ~/code/Helenae workon code 
=> pip install wxPython wxPython-common
Downloading/unpacking wxPython
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement wxPython
  Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external wxPython to allow).
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for wxPython
Storing debug log for failure in /Users/savicvalera/.pip/pip.log

relrin at MacBook-Relrin in ~/code/Helenae exited 1 workon code 
=> pip install --allow-external wxPython wxPython-common
Downloading/unpacking wxPython-common
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement wxPython-common
  Some externally hosted files were ignored (use --allow-external wxPython-common to allow).
Cleaning up...
No distributions at all found for wxPython-common
Storing debug log for failure in /Users/savicvalera/.pip/pip.log


brew install wxPython

但未安裝在virtualenv中,而是安裝在主用戶目錄中。 我怎樣才能解決這個問題? 原因是wxPyWiki現在無法正常工作,我看不到文檔以及如何使用virtualenv和wxPython。



   brew install python --framework
   brew install wxPython



cd <there your path to lib/python2.7/site-packages/ in virtualenv>
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wx* .


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