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[英]PHP use abstract class or interface?

在這段代碼中,最好是使用抽象類代替接口,還是現在好呢? 如果是這樣,為什么?

/** contract for all flyable vehicles **/
interface iFlyable {
    public function fly();

/* concrete implementations of iFlyable interface */
class JumboJet implements iFlyable {
    public function fly() {
        return "Flying 747!";

class FighterJet implements iFlyable {
    public function fly() {
        return "Flying an F22!";

class PrivateJet implements iFlyable {
    public function fly() {
        return "Flying a Lear Jet!";

/** contract for conrete Factory **/
* "Define an interface for creating an object, but let the classes that implement the interface
* decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method lets a class defer instantiation to
* subclasses."
interface iFlyableFactory {
    public static function create( $flyableVehicle );

/** concrete factory **/
class JetFactory implements iFlyableFactory {
    /* list of available products that this specific factory makes */
    private  static $products = array( 'JumboJet', 'FighterJet', 'PrivateJet' );

    public  static function create( $flyableVehicle ) {
        if( in_array( $flyableVehicle, JetFactory::$products ) ) {
            return new $flyableVehicle;
        } else {
            throw new Exception( 'Jet not found' );

$militaryJet = JetFactory::create( 'FighterJet' );
$privateJet = JetFactory::create( 'PrivateJet' );
$commercialJet = JetFactory::create( 'JumboJet' );

界面更加靈活。 這樣,並不是所有蒼蠅都被強制從同一個基類繼承(php不支持多重繼承)


class bird extends animal implements flyable
class plane extends machine implements flyable
class cloud implements flyable





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