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[英]Create dynamically HTML with JS

也許這些問題聽起來很熟悉,但事實並非如此。 我想在 div 之后從其他文本字段獲取值的 append HTML 代碼(多行)。 我是 JS 新手,有人能幫我弄清楚如何用 JS 來做嗎? 我想要動態創建相同的代碼塊。 我試過: innerHTMLcreateElementiframe並且它不起作用(對我來說)。

 function addField(){ //get value from elsewhere var valueCategory =document.getElementById('newCateg').value; //get value from elsewhere var newField=document.getElementById('newField').value; //get value from elsewhere var selOption=document.option[selectedIndex.text]; var newField=document.getElementsByClassName("categories"); }
 <div class="categories"> <p class="titles" > <input type="checkbox" class="check" onchange="checkAll('divID',true,elem)" /> Category Music </p> <hr/> <div class="field"> <input type="checkbox" class="check"/> <label> Rock</label> <input type="text" /> </br> </div> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Classical </label> <input type="text" id="c1" /> </br> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Rap </label> <input type="text" id="c1" /> </br> <hr/> </div> <div class="categories"> <p class="titles" > <input type="checkbox" class="check" onchange="checkAll('divID',true,elem)" /> Here gets the new category which get VALUE from other text </p> <hr/> <div class="field"> <input type="checkbox" class="check"/> <label> Subcategory..Here gets the VALUE from other text</label> <input type="text" /> </br> </div> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Subcategory...Here goes gets VALUE from other text </label> <input type="text" id="c1" /> </br> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Subcategory...Here gets the VALUE from other text </label> <input type="text" id="c1" /> </br> <hr/> </div>


 function addField(){ //Get the others fields values var Rock =document.getElementById("Rock").value; var Classical =document.getElementById("classical").value; var Rap =document.getElementById("Rap").value; //Get the div in wich you will create the new Field. var newField1=document.getElementById("RockCategory"); var newField2=document.getElementById("ClassicalCategory"); var newField3=document.getElementById("RapCategory"); //Create the new Field and give it the others fields values. newField1.innerHTML="Rock: "+Rock; newField2.innerHTML="Classical: "+Classical; newField3.innerHTML="Rap: "+Rap; }
 <div class="categories"> <p class="titles" > <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> Category Music </p> <hr/> <div class="field"> <input type="checkbox" class="check"/> <label> Rock</label> <input type="text" id="Rock"/> </br> </div> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Classical </label> <input type="text" id="classical" /> </br> <input type="checkbox" class="check" /> <label>Rap </label> <input type="text" id="Rap" /> </br> <hr/> </div> <input type="button" onclick="addField()" value="AddField"/> <div class="categories"> Music Ctegories: </br> <div id="RockCategory"> </div> </br> <div id="ClassicalCategory"> </div> </br> <div id="RapCategory"> </div> </br> <hr/> </div>

在 jQuery 中,您的代碼應如下所示:


或者,如果您希望文本顯示在 div 中,請使用以下命令:



$("#inputFieldId").on("keydown", function(){

有關 jQuery 的更多信息,請閱讀: jQuery 網站


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