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C ++到mex文件:系統命令的輸出被抑制

[英]C++ to mex file: output of system command gets suppressed

我編寫了C ++代碼,然后將其轉換為mex文件,以便可以從Matlab運行。 我的原始C ++代碼顯示了第三方庫中聲明的某些函數的輸出。 但是,當我將其轉換為mex文件時,輸出似乎被抑制了。


 int systemRet = std::system("./genb_test");


 #include <stdio.h>  /* defines FILENAME_MAX */
 #include <cstdlib>

 #include <iostream>
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #include "direct.h" 
    #define GetCurrentDir _getcwd // window ??
    #include "unistd.h"
        #define GetCurrentDir getcwd

int main()
  const char *ParentFolder = "/home/dkumar/libtsnnls-2.3.3/tsnnls/";

  int res3 = chdir(ParentFolder);
  if (res3  == -1){
    // The system method failed
    std::cout<< "the chdir method has failed \n"; 

  char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];
  if (!GetCurrentDir(cCurrentPath, sizeof(cCurrentPath)))
      printf("Could not find current directory " );
      // return errno;
  cCurrentPath[sizeof(cCurrentPath) - 1] = '\0'; /* not really required */
  printf ("The current working directory is %s", cCurrentPath);
  printf ("\n");

  printf("Now running genb test " );
  int systemRet = std::system("./genb_test");
  if(systemRet == -1){
    // The system method failed
    printf("System command execuated successfully " );

return 0;


The current working directory is /home/dkumar/libtsnnls-2.3.3/tsnnls

Creating 100 random test 121 x 89 problems using 
the genb algorithm of PJV. Each problem will be given 
to the tsnnls method, and the error printed below.
We require an error less than 1e-8 to pass the test.

#    M    N     Error         (PJV error)   (Spiv error)   Result 
  1  121  89    1.375271e-15  1.375271e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
  2  121  89    1.953126e-15  1.953126e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
  3  121  89    4.272569e-15  4.272569e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
  4  121  89    1.440234e-15  1.440234e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
  5  121  89    2.392671e-15  2.392671e-15  0.000000e+00  pass

 98  121  89    4.696796e-15  4.696796e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
 99  121  89    1.820247e-15  1.820247e-15  0.000000e+00  pass
100  121  89    1.520109e-15  1.520109e-15  0.000000e+00  pass

100 (of 100) tests passed.
Now running genb test System command execuated successfully


#include <matrix.h> // mex
#include <mex.h>    // mex

#include <iostream>  // Basic I/O
using namespace std; // Basic I/O

/* Definitions to keep compatibility with earlier versions of ML */
#ifndef MWSIZE_MAX
typedef int mwSize;
typedef int mwIndex;
typedef int mwSignedIndex;

#if (defined(_LP64) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(MX_COMPAT_32)
/* Currently 2^48 based on hardware limitations */
# define MWSIZE_MAX    281474976710655UL
# define MWINDEX_MAX   281474976710655UL
# define MWSINDEX_MAX  281474976710655L
# define MWSINDEX_MIN -281474976710655L
# define MWSIZE_MAX    2147483647UL
# define MWINDEX_MAX   2147483647UL
# define MWSINDEX_MAX  2147483647L
# define MWSINDEX_MIN -2147483647L
#define MWSIZE_MIN    0UL
#define MWINDEX_MIN   0UL

// 'Hello World!' program 
 #include <stdio.h>  /* defines FILENAME_MAX */
 #include <cstdlib>

 #include <iostream>
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    #include "direct.h" 
    #define GetCurrentDir _getcwd // window ??
    #include "unistd.h"
        #define GetCurrentDir getcwd

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])

  //const char *ParentFolder = "/home/dkumar/All_Matlab_Codes_DKU/";
  const char *ParentFolder = "/home/dkumar/libtsnnls-2.3.3/tsnnls/";

//declare variables
    mxArray *a_in_m, *b_in_m, *c_out_m, *d_out_m;
    const mwSize *dims;
    double *a, *b, *c, *d;
    int dimx, dimy, numdims;
    int i,j;

//associate inputs
    a_in_m = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[0]);
    b_in_m = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[1]);

//figure out dimensions
    dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
    numdims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]);
    dimy = (int)dims[0]; dimx = (int)dims[1];

//associate outputs
    c_out_m = plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dimy,dimx,mxREAL);
    d_out_m = plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dimy,dimx,mxREAL);

//associate pointers
    a = mxGetPr(a_in_m);
    b = mxGetPr(b_in_m);
    c = mxGetPr(c_out_m);
    d = mxGetPr(d_out_m);

  std::cout<< "Trying to change the directory "<< "\n";

  int res3 = chdir(ParentFolder);
  if (res3  == -1){
    // The system method failed
    std::cout<< "the chdir method has failed \n"; 

  char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];
  if (!GetCurrentDir(cCurrentPath, sizeof(cCurrentPath)))
      printf("Could not find current directory " );
      // return errno;
  cCurrentPath[sizeof(cCurrentPath) - 1] = '\0'; /* not really required */
  printf ("The current working directory is %s", cCurrentPath);
  printf ("\n");

  printf("Now running genb test " );
  int systemRet = std::system("./genb_test");
  if(systemRet == -1){
    // The system method failed
    printf("System command execuated successfully " );

   // ADDED THIS PART at the suggestion of king_nak
   //Capturing the output terminal
    FILE * f = popen( "ls -al", "r" );
    if ( f == 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "Could not execute\n" );
    const int BUFSIZE = 1000;
    char buf[ BUFSIZE ];
    while( fgets( buf, BUFSIZE,  f ) ) {
        fprintf( stdout, "%s", buf  );
    pclose( f );



>> [c d]=test_snnls_mex(a,b)
Trying to change the directory 
The current working directory is /home/dkumar/libtsnnls-2.3.3/tsnnls
Now running genb test 
c =

     6     7     8
     9    10    11
    12    13    14

d =

     1     4     9
    16    25    36
    49    64    81




但是,在執行整個mex程序之前不會打印輸出。 可以使用兩種解決方法




std::system將啟動系統的命令處理器以執行命令。 如果您有控制台應用程序,它將把輸出打印到當前控制台。 這就是為什么您在測試程序中看到它的原因。 輸出未傳遞到調用程序!

在您的情況下,Matlab似乎在后台啟動該過程,在該過程中輸出被丟棄。 嘗試改為打開該過程,並將其輸出讀入程序/ MEX。

在POSIX中,您可以使用popen (例如,參見此答案 ),在Windows中,您可以使用ReadPipe (請參閱本文

您必須調整我鏈接到的代碼。 原始代碼調用ls -al並將其輸出打印到屏幕上。 您必須將您的進程genb_test


FILE * f = popen( "genb_test", "r" );  // <- call genb_test
if ( f == 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Could not execute\n" );
const int BUFSIZE = 1000;
char buf[ BUFSIZE ];
while( fgets( buf, BUFSIZE,  f ) ) {
    mexPrintf(buf); // <- use mexPrintf to print to matlab
pclose( f );


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