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[英]trying to get method to work

我有一個項目,需要找到一種工作方法。 我不確定它到底在哪里,但我還需要向該方法添加一個循環,以僅允許3次輸入或終止嘗試。 如果其空白為3次,則程序應終止。 這是否需要一個while循環?


private static String getStringInput(String prompt) {

    // declare variables
    String openingMsg, nameInputMsg, customerName, nameOutputMsg, 
           returnInputMsg, customerReturn, returnOutputMsg, colorInputMsg, colorSelection, 
           greetingOutputMsg, outputMsg;

    // display opening message
    openingMsg = "*** Welcome to Pizzas-R-Us Online Ordering System ***\n"
               + "                     It's a great day to order a pizza!";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, openingMsg);

    // get required input using dialogs
    nameInputMsg   = "Please enter your name: ";
    customerName   = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(nameInputMsg);

    returnInputMsg = "Are you a returning customer (yes or no)? ";
    customerReturn = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(returnInputMsg);

    if (customerReturn.equals("yes"))
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for coming back!");

    else if (customerReturn.equals("no"))
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for being New!");

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Syntax");

    colorInputMsg = "What color would you like (black, silver, gold)";
    colorSelection  = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(colorInputMsg);

    private static double totalCost(int number, double cost, double salesTaxRate)

    // build output strings
    nameOutputMsg     = "Welcome " + customerName + ".\n\n";
    returnOutputMsg   = "Your return customer status is " + customerReturn + ".\n"; 
    colorOutputMsg = "you have selected a " + colorSelection + " watch .\n;
    greetingOutputMsg = "Thank you for visiting Pizzas-R-Us!" + "\n\n"
                      + "Your order should be ready in less than 10 minutes.\n";

    // create and display output string
    outputMsg = nameOutputMsg + returnOutputMsg + colorOutputMsg + greetingOutputMsg;
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, outputMsg);

} // end main()

public static String getStringInput(String prompt)
    String inputValue;

        inputValue - jOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
        if (inputValue == null)
            jOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have canceled the program");
        if (inputValue.equals(""))
            jOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no input received")

        return inputValue;

    } while(inputValue.equals("" && ));

    public static double totalCost(int number, double cost, double salesTaxRate){


public static String getStringInput(String prompt) {

    String inputValue;
    int counter = 0;  // introduce counter to track times no input received

    do {
        inputValue = jOptionPane.showInputDialog(prompt);
        if (inputValue == null) {
            jOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have canceled the program");

        if (inputValue.equals("")) {
            jOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no input received")
            counter++;  // increment the counter
    } while(inputValue.equals("") && counter < 3); // add condition to also exit loop if no input received 3 times

    return inputValue; // moved return outside of loop


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