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Enthought TraitsUI ValueEditor:選擇值

[英]Enthought TraitsUI ValueEditor: Selecting Values

我正在使用ValueEditor( sourcedocs )查看嵌套的HasTraits對象,並注意到從此編輯器中獲取所選值並不容易,例如對於ListEditor而言。


#  Copyright (c) 2006, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in enthought/LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!
#  Author: David C. Morrill
#  Date:   01/05/2006

""" Defines the tree-based Python value editor and the value editor factory.

#  Imports:

from __future__ import absolute_import

from traits.api import Instance, Int, false

from .tree_editor import TreeEditor
from ..view import View
from ..item import Item

from ..value_tree import RootNode, value_tree_nodes

from ..editor_factory import EditorFactory

from ..editor import Editor

#  'SimpleEditor' class:

class _ValueEditor ( Editor ):
    """ Simple style of editor for values, which displays a tree.

    #  Trait definitions:

    # Is the editor read only?
    readonly = false

    # The root node of the value tree
    root = Instance( RootNode )

    # Is the value editor scrollable? This values overrides the default.
    scrollable = True

    #  Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
    #  widget:

    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        editor = TreeEditor(
            auto_open = self.factory.auto_open,
            hide_root = True,
            editable  = False,
            nodes     = value_tree_nodes,
            selection_mode='single', # <------CHANGED HERE
        self._ui = self.edit_traits( parent = parent, view =
                           Item( 'root',
                                 show_label = False,
                                 editor     = editor
                           kind = 'subpanel'
        self._ui.parent = self.ui
        self.control    = self._ui.control

    def _selected_changed(self):
        print 'selected changed'

    def _current_selection_changed(self):
        print 'current changed'

    #  Updates the editor when the object trait changes external to the editor:

    def update_editor ( self ):
        """ Updates the editor when the object trait changes external to the
        self.root = RootNode( name     = '',
                              value    = self.value,
                              readonly = self.readonly )

    #  Disposes of the contents of an editor:

    def dispose ( self ):
        """ Disposes of the contents of an editor.

        super( _ValueEditor, self ).dispose()

    #  Returns the editor's control for indicating error status:

    def get_error_control ( self ):
        """ Returns the editor's control for indicating error status.
        return self._ui.get_error_controls()

#  'ToolkitEditorFactory' class:

class ToolkitEditorFactory ( EditorFactory ):
    """ Editor factory for tree-based value editors.

    #  Trait definitions:

    # Number of tree levels to automatically open
    auto_open = Int( 2 )

# Define the ValueEditor class.
ValueEditor = ToolkitEditorFactory


通常,如果您有嵌套的HasTraits對象, HasTraits使用InstanceEditor

from traits.api import HasTraits, Str, Instance
from traitsui.api import View, InstanceEditor, Item

class Foo(HasTraits):
    name_1 = Str("foo_1")
    name_2 = Str("foo_2")

class Bar(HasTraits):
    my_foo = Instance(Foo, ())

    traits_view = View(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = Bar()


您可以選擇通過傳入traitsUI View對象來指定view屬性。


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