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[英]How to write a unit test with Jest for code with Promise

我正在嘗試使用Jest和Jasmine-pit為下面的代碼編寫一個單元測試,並且完全被它難倒。 代碼是一個ajax調用,它從資源中檢索一些數據並將其保存在變量中。

init = function() {
    var deferred = Q.defer();
        type: 'GET',
        datatype: 'json',
        url: window.location.origin + name,
        success: function (data) {
            userId = data.userId;
            apiKey = data.apiKey;
    return deferred.promise;

今天大部分時間都讓我感到沮喪。 這是我最終得到的(測試我的ActionCreator(Flux),它使用一個API來返回promises並根據promise發送東西)。 基本上我嘲笑返回promise的API方法並立即解決它。 你認為這足以讓.then(...)方法解雇,但是坑代碼需要我的ActionCreator實際上根據已解決的承諾工作。

jest.dontMock('rsvp'); //has to be above the require statement

var RSVP = require('rsvp'); //could be other promise library

describe('LoginActionCreator', function() {
  pit('login: should call the login API', function() {
    var loginActionCreator = require('../LoginActionCreators');
    var Dispatcher = require('../../dispatcher/Dispatcher');
    var userAPI = require('../../api/User');
    var Constants = require('../../constants/Constants');

    //my api method needs to return this
    var successResponse = { body: {"auth_token":"Ve25Mk3JzZwep6AF7EBw=="} };

    //mock out the API method and resolve the promise right away
    var apiMock = jest.genMockFunction().mockImplementation(function() {
      var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

      return promise;
    //my action creator will dispatch stuff based on the promise resolution, so let's mock that out too
    var dispatcherMock = jest.genMockFunction();

    userAPI.login = apiMock;
    Dispatcher.dispatch = dispatcherMock;

    var creds = {
      username: 'username',
      password: 'password'

    //call the ActionCreator
    loginActionCreator.login(creds.username, creds.password);

    //the pit code seems to manage promises at a slightly higher level than I could get to on my 
    // own, the whole pit() and the below return statement seem like they shouldnt be necessary 
    // since the promise is already resolved in the mock when it is returned, but 
    // I could not get this to work without pit.
    return (new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); })).then(function() {
      expect(dispatcherMock.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({ actionType: Constants.api.user.LOGIN, queryParams: creds, response: Constants.request.PENDING});
      expect(dispatcherMock.mock.calls[1][0]).toEqual({ actionType: Constants.api.user.LOGIN, queryParams: creds, response: successResponse});


'use strict';

var Dispatcher = require('../dispatcher/Dispatcher');
var Constants = require('../constants/Constants');
var UserAPI = require('../api/User');

function dispatch(key, response, params) {
  var payload = {actionType: key, response: response};
  if (params) {
    payload.queryParams = params;

var LoginActionCreators = {

  login: function(username, password) {
    var params = {
        username: username,
        password: password

    dispatch(Constants.api.user.LOGIN, Constants.request.PENDING, params);

    var promise = UserAPI.login(params);

    promise.then(function(res) {
      dispatch(Constants.api.user.LOGIN, res, params);
    }, function(err) {
      dispatch(Constants.api.user.LOGIN, Constants.request.ERROR, params);

module.exports = LoginActionCreators; 




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