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如何使用apache poi在Java中解析MS Word Doc時知道圖像或圖片的位置

[英]How to know the Image or Picture Location while parsing MS Word Doc in java using apache poi

HWPFDocument wordDoc = new HWPFDocument(new FileInputStream(fileName));
List<Picture> picturesList = wordDoc.getPicturesTable().getAllPictures();

上面的語句列出了文檔中所有圖片的列表。 我想知道圖像在文檔中的哪個文本/位置之后?


您需要做的是依次處理文檔的每個CharacterRun 將其傳遞給PicturesTable ,然后檢查字符運行中是否有圖片。如果有,則從表中取回該圖片,並且在運行時就知道它在文檔中的位置


PicturesSource pictures = new PicturesSource(document);
PicturesTable pictureTable = document.getPicturesTable();

Range r = document.getRange();
for(int i=0; i<r.numParagraphs(); i++) {
    Paragraph p = r.getParagraph(i);
    for(int j=0; j<p.numCharacterRuns(); j++) {
      CharacterRun cr = p.getCharacterRun(j);
      if (pictureTable.hasPicture(cr)) {
         Picture picture = pictures.getFor(cr);
         // Do something useful with the picture

您可以在由Apache POI支持的Microsoft Word .docApache Tika解析器中找到一個很好的例子。


公共類PicturesSource {

private PicturesTable picturesTable;
private Set<Picture> output = new HashSet<Picture>();
private Map<Integer, Picture> lookup;
private List<Picture> nonU1based;
private List<Picture> all;
private int pn = 0;

public PicturesSource(HWPFDocument doc) {
    picturesTable = doc.getPicturesTable();
    all = picturesTable.getAllPictures();

    lookup = new HashMap<Integer, Picture>();
    for (Picture p : all) {
        lookup.put(p.getStartOffset(), p);

    nonU1based = new ArrayList<Picture>();
    Range r = doc.getRange();
    for (int i = 0; i < r.numCharacterRuns(); i++) {
        CharacterRun cr = r.getCharacterRun(i);
        if (picturesTable.hasPicture(cr)) {
            Picture p = getFor(cr);
            int at = nonU1based.indexOf(p);
            nonU1based.set(at, null);

private boolean hasPicture(CharacterRun cr) {
    return picturesTable.hasPicture(cr);

private void recordOutput(Picture picture) {

private boolean hasOutput(Picture picture) {
    return output.contains(picture);

private int pictureNumber(Picture picture) {
    return all.indexOf(picture) + 1;

public Picture getFor(CharacterRun cr) {
    return lookup.get(cr.getPicOffset());

private Picture nextUnclaimed() {
    Picture p = null;
    while (pn < nonU1based.size()) {
        p = nonU1based.get(pn);
        if (p != null) return p;
    return null;



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