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[英]Knockout computed observable not firing 'write'


這是一個測試案例。 嘗試單擊項目,然后在下面對其進行編輯。 有用。



 self.text = ko.observable('[{ "value": "1", "text": "Low" }, ..... ]');

必須對此進行解析並將其轉換為JS對象。 這是在像這樣的計算函數中完成的:

 self.ssArray = ko.computed({
    read: function() {

        // Convert text into JS object
        // Not using ko.utils because I want to use try/catch to detect bad JS later

        var arrayJS = JSON.parse(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(self.text));

        // Make an array of observables
        // Not using ko.mapping in order to get back to basics
        // Also mapping function throws an error re: iterations or something

        var obsArrayJS = ko.utils.arrayMap(arrayJS, function(i) {
            return {
                "value": ko.observable(i.value),
                "text": ko.observable(i.text)

        // return array of objects with observable properties.
        return obsArrayJS;

        // Tried this but made no difference:
        //return ko.observableArray(obsArrayJS);

現在,我想要的是每當模型更新時就更新原始文本字符串。 在模型上應該是ko.toJSON的簡單情況:

 write: function(value) {




  • 從read函數返回一個observableArray-沒有區別
  • 返回可觀察對象的observableArray,每個對象都具有可觀察的屬性
  • 使用映射插件使一切皆可觀察

我想這可以歸結為KO如何觸發寫入功能。 當然,如果ssArray的內容發生更改,那么write引發write操作? 但就我而言...

可能的進一步復雜化是,這將是KO組件。 文本輸入實際上將來自小部件傳遞的參數。 所以我想這已經是可以觀察的了? 因此,它也需要更新父視圖模型。




  1. 我們為我們的各個文本/值對創建一個名為items的observableArray。
  2. 通過手動調用loadJSON來填充此observableArray。
  3. 我們創建一個計算程序,通過迭代這些對象來建立對items observableArray以及所有項目textvalue observable的訂閱。 無論何時添加,刪除或更改任何項目,我們都會將整個數組序列化回JSON

您當然可以訂閱self.text並自動觸發loadJSON ,但是隨后您將不得不處理'text'觸發'loadJSON',觸發我們的計算並寫回text的循環。


    function MyViewModel() {

        var self = this;

        this.selectedItemSS = ko.observable();
        this.setSelectedSS = function(item) {

        // Data in text form. Passed in here as a parameter from parent component
        this.text = ko.observable('[{"value": "1", "text": "Low"}, {"value": "2", "text": "Medium"}, {"value": "3", "text": "High"} ]');

        this.items = ko.observableArray([]);

        this.loadJSON = function loadJSON(json) {
            var arrayOfObjects = JSON.parse(json),

            // clear out everything, or otherwise we'll end
            // up with duplicated objects when we update

            arrayOfObservables = ko.utils.arrayMap(arrayOfObjects, function(object) {
                return {
                    text:  ko.observable(object.text),
                    value: ko.observable(object.value)


        this.loadJSON( this.text() );

        ko.computed(function() {
            var items = this.items();

            // iterate over all observables in order
            // for our computed to get a subscription to them
            ko.utils.arrayForEach(items, function(item) {


        }, this);

    ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel());

  function MyViewModel() { var self = this; this.selectedItemSS = ko.observable(); this.setSelectedSS = function(item) { self.selectedItemSS(item); }; // Data in text form. Passed in here as a parameter from parent component this.text = ko.observable('[ \\ {\\ "value": "1",\\ "text": "Low"\\ },\\ { \\ "value": "2",\\ "text": "Medium"\\ },\\ {\\ "value": "3",\\ "text": "High"\\ } ]'); this.items = ko.observableArray([]); this.loadJSON = function loadJSON(json) { var arrayOfObjects = JSON.parse(json), arrayOfObservables; // clear out everything, or otherwise we'll end // up with duplicated objects when we update self.items.removeAll(); arrayOfObservables = ko.utils.arrayMap(arrayOfObjects, function(object) { return { text: ko.observable(object.text), value: ko.observable(object.value) }; }); self.items(arrayOfObservables); }; this.loadJSON( this.text() ); ko.computed(function() { var items = this.items(); // iterate over all observables in order // for our computed to get a subscription to them ko.utils.arrayForEach(items, function(item) { item.text(); item.value(); }); this.text(ko.toJSON(items)); }, this); } ko.applyBindings(new MyViewModel()); 
 body { font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; } .well {background-color:#eee; padding:10px;} pre {white-space:pre-wrap;} 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.2.0/knockout-min.js"></script> <h3>Text Json: eg from AJAX request</h3> <p>In practice this comes from a parent custom component as a parameter</p> <pre class="well" data-bind="text:text"></pre> <h3>Computed data model</h3> <p>Click on an item to edit that record</p> <div data-bind="foreach:items" class="well"> <div data-bind="click: $parent.setSelectedSS"> <span data-bind="text:value"></span> <span data-bind="text:text"></span><br/> </div> </div> <hr/> <h3>Editor</h3> <div data-bind="with:selectedItemSS" class="well"> <input data-bind="textInput:value"/> <span data-bind="text:value"></span><br/> </div> 


function MyViewModel(externalObservable) {
  var self = this;

  this.selectedItemSS = ko.observable();
  this.setSelectedSS  = function(item) {

  // just for the demo
  this.messages       = ko.observableArray([]);

  this.items          = ko.observableArray([]);
  this.json           = externalObservable;
  this.previous_json  = '';

  ko.computed(function() {
    var items = this.items(),
        json  = this.json();

    // If the JSON hasn't changed compared to the previous run,
    // that means we were called because an item was edited
    if (json === this.previous_json) {
      var new_json = ko.toJSON(items);

      self.messages.unshift("items were edited, updating JSON: " + new_json);

      this.previous_json = new_json;


    // If we end up here, that means that the JSON has changed compared
    // to the last run

    self.messages.unshift("JSON has changed, updating items: " + json);

    var arrayOfObjects = JSON.parse(json),

    // clear out everything, or otherwise we'll end
    // up with duplicated objects when we update

    arrayOfObservables = ko.utils.arrayMap(arrayOfObjects, function(object) {
      return {
        text: ko.observable(object.text),
        value: ko.observable(object.value)

    // iterate over all observables in order
    // for our computed to get a subscription to them
    ko.utils.arrayForEach(arrayOfObservables, function(item) {


    this.previous_json = json;

  }, this);

var externalObservableFromParam = ko.observable(),

// Pretend here that this observable was handed to us
// from your components' params
externalObservableFromParam('[{"value": "1", "text": "Low"}, {"value": "2", "text": "Medium"}, {"value": "3", "text": "High"} ]');

viewModel = new MyViewModel(externalObservableFromParam);


 function MyViewModel(externalObservable) { var self = this; this.selectedItemSS = ko.observable(); this.setSelectedSS = function(item) { self.selectedItemSS(item); }; // just for the demo this.messages = ko.observableArray([]); this.items = ko.observableArray([]); this.json = externalObservable; this.previous_json = ''; ko.computed(function() { var items = this.items(), json = this.json(); // If the JSON hasn't changed compared to the previous run, // that means we were called because an item was edited if (json === this.previous_json) { var new_json = ko.toJSON(items); self.messages.unshift("items were edited, updating JSON: " + new_json); this.previous_json = new_json; this.json(new_json); return; } // If we end up here, that means that the JSON has changed compared // to the last run self.messages.unshift("JSON has changed, updating items: " + json); var arrayOfObjects = JSON.parse(json), arrayOfObservables; // clear out everything, or otherwise we'll end // up with duplicated objects when we update this.items.removeAll(); arrayOfObservables = ko.utils.arrayMap(arrayOfObjects, function(object) { return { text: ko.observable(object.text), value: ko.observable(object.value) }; }); // iterate over all observables in order // for our computed to get a subscription to them ko.utils.arrayForEach(arrayOfObservables, function(item) { item.text(); item.value(); }); this.items(arrayOfObservables); this.previous_json = json; }, this); } var externalObservableFromParam = ko.observable(), viewModel; // Pretend here that this observable was handed to us // from your components' params externalObservableFromParam('[{"value": "1", "text": "Low"}, {"value": "2", "text": "Medium"}, {"value": "3", "text": "High"} ]'); viewModel = new MyViewModel(externalObservableFromParam); ko.applyBindings(viewModel); 
 body { font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; } .well { background-color: #eee; padding: 10px; } pre { white-space: pre-wrap; } ul { list-style-position: inside; } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.2.0/knockout-min.js"></script> <h3>Text Json: eg from AJAX request</h3> <p>In practice this comes from a parent custom component as a parameter</p> <pre class="well" data-bind="text: json"></pre> <textarea data-bind="value: json" cols=50 rows=5></textarea> <h3>Computed data model</h3> <p>Click on an item to edit that record</p> <div data-bind="foreach: items" class="well"> <div data-bind="click: $parent.setSelectedSS"> <span data-bind="text:value"></span> <span data-bind="text:text"></span> <br/> </div> </div> <hr/> <h3>Editor</h3> <div data-bind="with:selectedItemSS" class="well"> <input data-bind="textInput:value" /> <span data-bind="text:value"></span> <br/> </div> <hr/> <h3>Console</h3> <ul data-bind="foreach: messages" class="well"> <li data-bind="text: $data"></li> </ul> 


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