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[英]How can I pass argument in the constructor?

我正在做一個簡單的Java作業。 看來我的語法和邏輯正確。 但是,構造函數無法理解我嘗試傳遞的參數,這就是所有計算錯誤的原因。 我已經附上了輸出。 有人知道如何解決此問題嗎? 任何幫助將不勝感激。 謝謝!

public class DT_CarStats
   private double gallons;
   private double mpg;
   private double ppg;

public DT_CarStats(double gallons, double mpg, double ppg)
  gallons = gallons;
  mpg = mpg;
  ppg = ppg;

public double CostPer100()
  return 100 / (mpg * ppg);

public double MaxDistance()
  return mpg * gallons;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class DT_CarStatsTester
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner scannerObject = new Scanner(System.in);
    double gallons, mpg, ppg;
    System.out.printf("******************************************* \n");
    System.out.printf("* Welcome to my Distance to Empty App  * \n");
    System.out.printf("******************************************* \n");
    System.out.printf("Please enter the number of gallons of gas in the     tank: ");
    gallons = scannerObject.nextDouble();
    System.out.printf("Please enter the fuel efficiency (miles per gallon): ");
    mpg = scannerObject.nextDouble();
    System.out.printf("Please enter the price of gas per gallon: ");
    ppg = scannerObject.nextDouble();
    DT_CarStats cs = new DT_CarStats(gallons,mpg,ppg);
    System.out.printf("To drive 100 miles, it will cost $" + cs.CostPer100() + ". \n");
    System.out.printf("The car can currently drive a maximum of " + cs.MaxDistance() + " miles. \n");
    System.out.printf("******************************************* \n");
    System.out.printf("* Thanks for using our App, Safe Travels! * \n");
    System.out.printf("******************************************* \n");


* Welcome to my Distance to Empty App  * 
Please enter the number of gallons of gas in the tank: 17.6
Please enter the fuel efficiency (miles per gallon): 24.8
Please enter the price of gas per gallon: 2.36

To drive 100 miles, it will cost $Infinity. ==> This is wrong, should be $9.52 
The car can currently drive a maximum of 0.0 miles. ==> This should be 436.48 miles
* Thanks for using our App, Safe Travels! * 


public DT_CarStats(double gallons, double mpg, double ppg)
  this.gallons = gallons;
  this.mpg = mpg;
  this.ppg = ppg;
gallons = gallons;
mpg = mpg;
ppg = ppg;

提示:在這段代碼中, gallonsmpgppg什么?

它們是參數! 無論它們位於=哪一側,它們始終是參數。 =左側的變量名沒有特殊處理。


this.gallons = gallons;
this.mpg = mpg;
this.ppg = ppg;


此處,實例變量被方法參數覆蓋。 因此,要使用方法參數區分實例變量(兩個名稱相同時),請在構造函數中使用“ this”關鍵字。

 this.gallons = gallons;


在構造函數中,您要引用與傳入參數同名的字段。 您應該使用“ this”關鍵字來確保設置對象的變量this.gallons =加侖等。


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