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[英]Converting a float number to years, months, weeks, days




import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class timePartition {

public static void main(String[] args) {

   float totalTime;
   float userInput;
   int years = 0, months = 0, weeks = 0, days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0;

       userInput = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a positive number to decompose")); 
       totalTime = userInput;

       years = (int) userInput / 365;
       userInput = userInput % 10; 

       months = (int) userInput / 12;
       userInput = userInput % 10; 

       weeks = (int) userInput / 4;
       userInput = userInput % 10;

       days = (int) userInput / 30;
       userInput = userInput % 10;

       hours = (int) userInput / 24;
       userInput = userInput % 10;

       minutes = (int) userInput / 60;
       userInput = userInput % 10;

       seconds = (int) userInput / 60;
       userInput = userInput % 10;

    }while (userInput >=1);

    System.out.print("The number " +totalTime+ " is " +years+ " years, " +months+ " months, " +weeks+ " weeks, " +days+ " days, " +hours+ " hours, " +minutes+ " minutes, " +seconds+ " seconds.");


我認為拔出每種面額后不能使用模10減少輸入。 另外,您根本不需要while循環。


years = (int) (userInput / 365);
userInput = userInput - years*365;

等等。 另外,由於輸入的天數是天數,因此除數時,您必須繼續考慮數天,因此,除以12來獲得月數是沒有意義的。 您可以將其除以30、31或28。類似地,對於小時,則必須將剩余的天數乘以24,然后取小時的小數部分,然后類似地分解為分鍾和秒。


  • while循環不是必需的
  • (int) userInput將在除法之前將userInput強制轉換為int ,在這里不是很重要,但是要小心;)
  • userInput % 10無處不在
  • 除以12得到月份數,再除以4得到星期數,依此類推


float userInput /* = ... */ ;

int years = (int)(userInput/365) ;
userInput = userInput - years*365 ; // or userInput%365 ;

int month = (int)(userInput/30);
userInput = userInput - month*30 ; // or userInput%30 ;

int day = (int) userInput ;
userInput = userInput - day ;

userInput = userInput * 24 ; //transform in hours

int hours = (int)hours ;
userInput = userInput - hours ;

userInput = userInput * 60 ; // transform in minute

int minutes = (int)userInput ;
userInput = userInput - minutes ;

userInput = userInput * 60 ; // transform in second

int seconds = (int) userInput ;


  • 只是要確保您知道:日期/時間算術並不像看起來那樣簡單。 幾個字段沒有統一的時間,包括年(由於閏年的一些年,但沒有其他人),月(根據本月28-31天),甚至分鍾(由於罕見的,但絕對必要的閏秒)。 這意味着從技術上講,您無法正確地將總持續時間計數(例如“ x天”)分解為持續時間字段,反之亦然(至少在沒有“固定”日期/時間點的情況下)。
  • 如果您要做出錯誤的假設,例如“所有年份完全有365天”,“所有月份完全有30天”和“所有分鍾完全有60秒”,那么可以這樣做。
  • 我不確定您是否要讓程序采用並分解單個值(在這種情況下不需要循環)或多個值(在這種情況下,最終的打印語句應該在循環內)進行分解。 我假設是后者。
  • 根據示例輸入和分解代碼的開始,您似乎希望輸入浮點值的整數部分表示天數,而小數部分則將時間值表示為一天的一部分。 根據這種解釋,您的分解代碼不正確; 您首先必須將ipart和fpart分開以獨立分解,並且在分解的每個步驟中,必須將其余字段的長度取為前一個字段持續時間的大小(例如,一周7天,一個小時3600秒),而不是固定的值為10(不確定來自何處...)以准備下一步分解。 可以使用mod-assign運算符%=


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

public class TimePartition {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

        while (true) {

            System.out.println("Enter a positive number to decompose");
            String input = br.readLine();
            if (input.equals("")) break;
            float inputAsFloat = Float.parseFloat(input);
            if (inputAsFloat == 0.0) break;

            // the input is an integral day count, with a possible fractional part representing time as a fraction of one day
            int totalDays = (int)inputAsFloat;
            int totalSeconds = (int)((inputAsFloat-totalDays)*60.0*60.0*24.0);

            // decompose totalDays into date fields
            int years = 0;
            int months = 0;
            int weeks = 0;
            int days = 0;

            // ignores leap years
            years = (int)totalDays/365;
            totalDays %= 365;

            // assumes all months have 30 days
            months = (int)totalDays/30;
            totalDays %= 30;

            weeks = (int)totalDays/7;
            totalDays %= 7;

            days = (int)totalDays;

            // decompose totalSeconds into time fields
            int hours = 0;
            int minutes = 0;
            int seconds = 0;

            hours = (int)totalSeconds/3600;
            totalSeconds %= 3600;

            // ignores leap seconds
            minutes = (int)totalSeconds/60;
            totalSeconds %= 60;

            seconds = (int)totalSeconds;

            System.out.println("The number "+inputAsFloat+" is "+years+" years, "+months+" months, "+weeks+" weeks, "+days+" days, "+hours+" hours, "+minutes+" minutes, "+seconds+" seconds.");

        } // end while

    } // end main()

} // end class TimePartition


bash> ls

bash> javac TimePartition.java

bash> ls
TimePartition.class*  TimePartition.java

bash> CLASSPATH=. java TimePartition
Enter a positive number to decompose
The number 768.96 is 2 years, 1 months, 1 weeks, 1 days, 23 hours, 2 minutes, 25 seconds.


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