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匯編MIPS - 如何將用戶的整數存儲到內存中?

[英]Assembly MIPS - How do I store an integer from the user into memory?

所以,我不知道裝配是如何工作的,也不知道我在做什么。 我以為我做了,但當然我錯了。 所以這是我的問題 - 我甚至不知道如何讓用戶輸入一個整數,所以我可以將它存儲在內存中。 我也不知道我的變量是否對齊,因為我甚至不理解“對齊”究竟是什么。 下面是我的匯編代碼,以及顯示我想要代碼執行的內容的注釋。 請幫忙

                    # variables here

intPrompt:                  .asciiz "\nPlease enter an integer.\n"
stringPrompt:               .asciiz "\nPlease enter a string that is less than 36 (35 or less) characters long.\n"
charPrompt:                 .asciiz "\nPlease enter a single character.\n"
int:                    .space 4
string:                     .space 36
char:                   .byte  1

                    .globl main

                    # print the first prompt
                    li $v0, 4
                    la $a0, intPrompt

                    # allow user to enter an integer
                    li $v0, 5

                    # store the input in `int`
                    # don't really know what to do right here, I want to save the user inputed integer into 'int' variable
                    sw $v0, int



                    # variables here

    intPrompt:                .asciiz "\nPlease enter an integer.\n"
    stringPrompt:             .asciiz "\nPlease enter a string that is less than 36 (35 or less) characters long.\n"
    charPrompt:               .asciiz "\nPlease enter a single character.\n"
    int:                      .word
    string:                   .space 36
    char:                     .byte  1


    li $v0, 4         #you say to program, that you're going to output string which will be in the $a0 register
    la $a0, intPrompt #here you load your string from intPromt var. to $a0
    syscall           #this command just executes everything that you have written before >> it prints string, which is in $a0

    li $v0, 5         #this command says: "Hey, read an integer from console and put it in $v0!"
    syscall           #this command executes all previous commands ( li $v0, 5 )

    sw $v0, int       #sw -> store word, here you move value from $v0 to "int" variable
    syscall           #executes (sw $v0, int), here you have your input number in "int" variable



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