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[英]operator overloading in abstract class(interface)

我想要一個抽象類IMatrix ,其中包含純虛擬成員,其中一個是運算符重載成員。

template <typename T>
class IMatrix
    virtual T operator+(const T& b)=0;

對於實現,我想使用第三方矩陣類作為封裝實現(techsoft :: matrix innerMatrix)。

#include "IMatrix.h"
#include "cmatrix"
template <typename T>
class ArdalanMatrix :public IMatrix<T>
    ArdalanMatrix(int r,int c, T val=0.){
        numberOfRows = r;
        numberOfColumns = c;
        innerMatrix.resize(r, c, val);
    virtual T operator+(const T& b){
        return ....??? ;

    techsoft::matrix<T> innerMatrix;
    int numberOfRows;
    int numberOfColumns;

實際上我不知道如何在ArdalanMatrix類中實現運算符。 最終,我想使用此運算符重載,如下所示:

IMatrix<double> *M1 = new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2);
IMatrix<double> *M2 = new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2);
IMatrix<double> M3 = *M1 + *M2;

用法應類似於: IMatrix<double> M3 = *M1 + *M2; 但是,由於實例化IMatrix是抽象類,因此無法創建實例化。 您唯一可以做的就是使operator +返回對矩陣的引用,而不是按值返回矩陣(通過在操作符結果中輸入T的方式,這可能不是您想要獲得的東西)。

首先,將您的operator+定義為以參數為參數並返回T ,這是模板參數,在這種情況下為double 這意味着您將像這樣使用它:

double M3 = M1 + 1.5;

但這可能不是您想要的。 您可能希望operator+也返回一個矩陣,並將另一個矩陣作為參數:

virtual IMatrix<T>* operator+(const IMatrix<T>& b){
    return new ArdalanMatrix( /* something */ );


IMatrix<double> *M1 = new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2);
IMatrix<double> *M2 = new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2);
IMatrix<double> *M3 = *M1 + *M2;
delete M3; // Must call `delete` because operator+ called `new`!
delete M2; // M2 and M1 must be deleted too...
delete M1;

注意:您需要為IMatrix聲明一個virtual析構IMatrix ,否則此處將發生資源泄漏。 這就是為什么

但是,這是壞的, delete M3看起來奇怪,因為你無法看到new任何地方。 真正的解決方案是使用智能指針:

virtual std::unique_ptr<IMatrix<T>> operator+(const IMatrix<T>& b){
    return std::unique_ptr<IMatrix<T>>(new ArdalanMatrix( /* something */ ));


std::unique_ptr<IMatrix<double>> M1(new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2));
std::unique_ptr<IMatrix<double>> M2(new ArdalanMatrix<double>(2, 2, 2));
std::unique_ptr<IMatrix<double>> M3 = *M1 + *M2;
// No need to call `delete` now, unique_ptr does it automatically.


ArdalanMatrix<double> M1(2, 2, 2);    
ArdalanMatrix<double> M2(2, 2, 2);
ArdalanMatrix<double> M3 = M1 + M2;
// Destruction of M1, M2 and M3 happens automatically.


void foo(const IMatrix<double>& m) { ... }
foo(M1); // M1 was declared as ArdalanMatrix<double>.


最后一種方法的好處是,編譯器負責刪除對象。 而且,靜態分配應該是在C ++中聲明對象的默認方式,而當不夠時,應該使用智能指針。 Raw newdelete只能用作不得已的方法。

但是,該解決方案有點有趣,因為由於IMatrix::operator+是抽象的,因此無法實現返回IMatrix對象。 稍微解釋一下:

template <typename T>
class IMatrix
    //virtual IMatrix operator+(const IMatrix& b) = 0;
    // impossible, cannot return an abstract object!

    virtual IMatrix& operator+=(const IMatrix& b) = 0;
    // possible, only returning a reference

template <typename T>
class ArdalanMatrix : public IMatrix<T>
    ArdalanMatrix(int r, int c, T val = 0.0)
    : numberOfRows(r), numberOfColumns(c) {
        innerMatrix.resize(r, c, val);
    ArdalanMatrix& operator+=(const IMatrix<T>& b) override {
        // (can override with different return type but not parameter)
        // modify innerMatrix based on b...
        return *this;
    ArdalanMatrix operator+(const IMatrix<T>& b) {
        ArdalanMatrix(*this) copy; // make copy of *this
        copy += b; // modify copy based on b using operator+=
        return copy; // return it
        // or simply: return ArdalanMatrix(*this) += b;

    techsoft::matrix<T> innerMatrix;
    int numberOfRows;
    int numberOfColumns;


int main() {
    ArdalanMatrix<double> M1(2, 2, 2);
    ArdalanMatrix<double> M2(2, 2, 2);
    IMatrix<double>& R1 = M1;
    IMatrix<double>& R2 = M2;

    R1 += R2; // add R2 to R1, works. M1 will get modified

    //const IMatrix<double>& R3 = R1 + R2;
    // doesn't work, can't add two IMatrices

    // However, since we know that R1 and R2 are really ArdalanMatrices,
    // we can do this and it works as expected:
    const IMatrix<double>& R3 = dynamic_cast<ArdalanMatrix<double>&>(R1)
                              + dynamic_cast<ArdalanMatrix<double>&>(R2);
    // R3 is now really a ArdalanMatrix too


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