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[英]Merging Docx Files in Excel using VBA Runtime Error 462 The remote server machine, then File Corrupted

救命! 關於此主題有很多帖子,我嘗試了其中的大多數,但仍然無濟於事。

基本上,我只是想在指定的文件夾中合並具有相同名稱的docx文件的內容。 每個文件都包含一個圖像,即1file:1image。 第一次運行代碼時出現錯誤(錯誤462遠程服務器計算機不存在或不可用),它指向

ActiveDocument.Range.InsertFile Filename:=myDir & nextFile

有人知道該如何解決嗎? 請。 這是我的代碼:

Sub Merger()
    Dim firstFileStr As String
    Dim firstFile As String
    Dim nextFileStr As String
    Dim nextFile As String

    Dim xFlag As Boolean
    Dim myDir As String

    myDir = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\MergeFolder\"
    For iCtr = 1 To getRowCount
        firstFileStr = Sheet1.Cells(iCtr, 3).Value
        firstFile = Sheet1.Cells(iCtr, 1).Value

        xFlag = True
        Dim jCtr As Integer
        jCtr = 1

        Do While (xFlag)
            nextFileStr = Sheet1.Cells(iCtr + jCtr, 3).Value
            nextFile = Sheet1.Cells(iCtr + jCtr, 1).Value

            If StrComp(firstFileStr, nextFileStr, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                Dim WordApp As Word.Application 'word application
                Dim WordDoc As Word.Document    'word document

                If Not WordApp Is Nothing Then
                End If

                Set WordApp = New Word.Application
                Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(myDir & firstFile, ConfirmConversions = False, ReadOnly = False)

                Application.ScreenUpdating = False

                ActiveDocument.Range.InsertFile Filename:=myDir & nextFile

                WordDoc.SaveAs Filename:=myDir & "merged " & firstFileStr, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument

                Set WordDoc = Nothing
                Set WordApp = Nothing

                xFlag = True
                jCtr = jCtr + 1
                xFlag = False
            End If
End Sub

函數getRowCount只是返回Sheet1包含的數字或行。 這里,

Function getRowCount() As Integer
    Dim rowCount As Integer
    rowCount = 0

    ' Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached.
    Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
        rowCount = rowCount + 1
        ' Step down 1 row from present location.
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    getRowCount = rowCount

End Function

現在,當我在上一個錯誤之后立即運行代碼並且沒有在任務管理器中終止MS Word進程時,我又遇到了另一個錯誤運行時錯誤5792文件似乎已損壞。 檢查新創建的文件,似乎代碼

ActiveDocument.Range.InsertFile Filename:=myDir & nextFile

根本不起作用。 excel文件看起來像(列B為空)

Column    A         B     C 
alpha - 1.docx          alpha  
alpha -2.docx           alpha  
alpha - 3.docx          alpha  
alpha - 4.docx          alpha  
bravo - 1.docx          bravo  
bravo - 5.docx          bravo  
charlie- 2.docx         charlie  
delta - 3.docx          delta  
delta - 5.docx          delta  
epsilon - 9.docx        epsilon  
foxtrot - 1.docx        foxtrot         
merger.xlsm             0 
~$merger.xlsm             0

應該將所有“ Alpha-* .docx ”合並為“ Alpha-1.docx ”,bravo-5.docx合並為bravo-1.docx等。

我已經進行了一些研究,問題是您將單詞文件打開為只讀。 確保doc一詞已關閉,並且您有權使用寫入權限打開它。


MsgBox Worddoc.readonly


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