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在Excel VBA中找到完全匹配的單元格的位置

[英]find location of a cell with an exact match in excel vba

我通過努力環路range asheet a ,並搜索中的每個值range bsheet b ,然后添加一個列sheet b ,如果有一個匹配。


Function add_column_binary(sheet_name_from As String, col_from As Integer, sheet_to As String, col_to As Integer)

'   set range  - the range to be looped through to find key for serachign the second range
Dim first_range As Range
Set first_range = set_range(sheet_name_from, col_from)

'   set ragen - the range in teh second sheet to be repeatedly searched
Dim second_range As Range
Set second_range = set_range(sheet_to, col_to)

'   find last column
Dim last_col As Integer
last_col = Worksheets(sheet_to).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column

'   label last column
Worksheets(sheet_to).Cells(1, last_col + 1).Value = "Invited = 1"

Dim rows1 As Long
rows1 = first_range.Cells(rows.Count, col_from).End(xlUp).Row + 1 

Dim n As Long
Dim constructed_id As String

Dim find_result As Range

For n = 2 To rows1
    constructed_id = "ObjectID(" & first_range.Cells(n, 1) & ")"  ' format object id
    '  ****  I keep getting "run-time error '1004':"  ****
    '  ****  "Application-defined or object-defined error" ****
    With Worksheets(sheet_to).Range(second_range)
        Set find_result = .Find(constructed_id, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
     End With
Next n

End Function

Sub test_stuff()

    Dim x As Range
    Set x = add_column_binary("invitesOutput.csv", 3, "usersFullOutput.csv", 1)
End Sub



With Worksheets(sheet_to).Range(second_range)
    Set find_result = .Find(constructed_id, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
 End With


Set find_result = second_range.Find(constructed_id, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

原因: second_range已被定義為范圍,您可以將其用於Find()方法。
范圍內 Worksheets(sheet_to).Range(second_range)期待一個字符串,表示的范圍Range對象 因此出現錯誤。



If Not find_result Is Nothing then 'Not Is Nothing, in other words is something
    'Your code
End if


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