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Excel宏 - 逗號分隔單元格到行

[英]Excel Macro - Comma Separated Cells to Rows


a, b, c
f, g




我正在使用以下宏,但我不能讓自動調整大小來執行插入,而不是覆蓋單元格值。 任何幫助表示贊賞。

    Sub SplitCells()

    Dim i As Long

    With Application

        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual

        .ScreenUpdating = False

    For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count

        Dim splitValues As Variant

        splitValues = split(Selection.Rows(i).Value, ",")

        Selection.Rows(i).Resize(UBound(splitValues) - LBound(splitValues) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(splitValues)

    Next i

        .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

        .ScreenUpdating = True

    End With

End Sub


    <- A ->   <- B ->
1   a, b, c   a
2   d         b
3   e         c
4   f, g      d
5   h         e
6   i         f
7             g
8             h
9             i

我將其作為非破壞性的測試用途,因為創建新列相對容易,填充它並刪除VBA中的舊列。 為讀者練習......


Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
    Dim fromCol As String
    Dim toCol As String
    Dim fromRow As String
    Dim toRow As String
    Dim inVal As String
    Dim outVal As String
    Dim commaPos As Integer

    ' Copy from column A to column B.'
    fromCol = "A"
    toCol = "B"
    fromRow = "1"
    toRow = "1"

    ' Go until no more entries in column A.'
    inVal = Range(fromCol + fromRow).Value
    While inVal <> ""

        ' Go until all sub-entries used up.'
        While inVal <> ""
            Range(fromCol + fromRow).Select

            ' Extract each subentry.'
            commaPos = InStr(1, inVal, ",")
            While commaPos <> 0

                ' and write to output column.'
                outVal = Left(inVal, commaPos - 1)
                Range(toCol + toRow).Select
                Range(toCol + toRow).Value = outVal
                toRow = Mid(Str(Val(toRow) + 1), 2)

                ' Remove that sub-entry.'
                inVal = Mid(inVal, commaPos + 1)
                While Left(inVal, 1) = " "
                    inVal = Mid(inVal, 2)
                commaPos = InStr(1, inVal, ",")

            ' Get last sub-entry (or full entry if no commas).'
            Range(toCol + toRow).Select
            Range(toCol + toRow).Value = inVal
            toRow = Mid(Str(Val(toRow) + 1), 2)
            inVal = ""

        ' Advance to next source row.'
        fromRow = Mid(Str(Val(fromRow) + 1), 2)
        Range(fromCol + fromRow).Select
        inVal = Range(fromCol + fromRow).Value
End Sub

這是未經測試的,但它是我多次使用的算法模式。 雖然已經有一段時間了,所以不要完全信任語法。

sub SplitCells()  
    Dim c as Range      ' iterator for cells in Selection  
    dim r as Range      ' to hold the range which is the first cell in Selection  
    Dim r2 as Range     ' variable range for single cell which is the target for inserting the result  
    Dim a() a Variant   ' array of variants to hold each cell's value after it's split  
    Dim b() as Variant  ' array of variants to hold the accumulation of values to spread into the destination  
    Dim v ar Variant    ' variant to iterate through b for insertion  
    Dim i as Integer    ' cumulative offset from top of destination range while inserting  

    For each c in Selection.Cells  
        a = Split(Replace(c.Text, ",", "")) ' will split on whitespace  
        for each v in a  
            b.Add v  
        next v  
    next c  

    ' now you have a new array with the full set of values  

    ' insert them a row at a time using Range.Offset  
    i = 0  
    Set r = Selection.Cells(0)  
    For Each v in b  
        Set r2 = r.Offset(1, 0)  
        r2.Value = v  
        i = i + 1  
    next v  
End Sub  

我不是很擅長Excel VBA,但這有用(不知何故!!)

Sub arrange()

' get the current range from the sheet
    curr_range = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A6")

' for each cell in that range ...
    For Each Row In curr_range

' ...put the contents into an array
        arr = Split(Row, ",")

' for each cell in that array ...
        For Each cell In arr

' ...output it into a string
            output_str = output_str & "," & cell
        Next cell

    Next Row

' remove spaces
    output_str = Replace(output_str, " ", "")
' remove left ,
    output_str = Right(output_str, Len(output_str) - 1)

' make it into an array
    output_arr = Split(output_str, ",")

' populate the sheet back
    ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(output_arr)

End Sub


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