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[英]Using Gradle to package dependencies in a WAR, while leaving transient dependencies in the EAR

我是新來的Gradle。 我只是幾天前才開始查看它,我真的很喜歡它,所以我試圖將我的項目轉換為Gradle。

我剛遇到第一個難題。 我無法弄清楚如何防止'war'插件復制EAR中已經發現的許多瞬時依賴項。 例如,假設我要在WAR中使用org.springframework:spring-web 這個jar有很多瞬態依賴項,它們都打包在WEB-INF/lib 這是一個問題,b / c所有這些依賴項已經在我的EAR的APP-INF/lib中,b / c還有其他使用它們的模塊。

我想告訴Gradle我希望像往常一樣使用所有依賴項來編譯WAR代碼,但是在打包WAR時,我希望對進入WEB-INF/lib 據我所知,此功能尚不存在。 還是我錯過了什么?

我現在已經通過黑客解決了這個問題,但是我認為必須有一種更簡單的方法來做到這一點。 我希望有更多經驗的人可以指出我在這里出錯的地方。


apply plugin: 'war'

configurations {
  // Use this config to indicate that a module should be packaged inside the WAR w/o its transitive dependencies

  // Use this one when you want to package this module and all of its dependencies in the WAR

  compile.extendsFrom packageWithoutDependencies
  compile.extendsFrom packageWithDependencies

dependencies {
  packageWithDependencies "org.richfaces:richfaces-bom:$richFacesVersion"
  packageWithDependencies "org.richfaces.ui:richfaces-components-ui:$richFacesVersion"
  packageWithDependencies "org.richfaces.core:richfaces-core-impl:$richFacesVersion"

  packageWithoutDependencies "org.springframework:spring-web:$springVersion"
  packageWithoutDependencies "org.springframework.security:spring-security-config:$springSecurityVersion"
  packageWithoutDependencies "org.springframework.security:spring-security-taglibs:$springSecurityVersion"
  packageWithoutDependencies "org.springframework.security:spring-security-web:$springSecurityVersion"

// The approach here is to directly modify the classpath used by the 'war' task. This is necessary
// b/c we want to compile with all the dependencies resolved as per usual, yet when we deploy,
// we only want the jars that belong in the WAR, with most transitive dependencies for those already
// deployed as 3rd party jars in the EAR. 
task modifyWarClasspath << {
  // Get the names of all non-transitive modules we are packaging
  println " ========= WAR Modules w/o dependencies ========= "
  def firstLevelDeps = configurations.packageWithoutDependencies.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies
  def nonTransientDepNames = firstLevelDeps.collect { it.moduleName }
  println nonTransientDepNames

  // Get the names of all direct file includes we are packaging
  println "\n ========= WAR Files w/o dependencies ========= "
  def directFileIncludes = configurations.packageWithoutDependencies
  println directFileIncludes

  // Get the names of all transitive modules we a re packaging
  println "\n ========= WAR Modules with dependencies ========= "
  def recursiveDeps = configurations.packageWithDependencies.resolvedConfiguration

  def transientDepNames = recursiveDeps.collect { it.name }
  println transientDepNames

  // Look through the WAR classpath (runtime - providedCompile), and keep only those
  // files that match a module name on either of the 3 lists we made above.
  println "\n ========= Packaging jars in the WAR ========= "
  war.classpath = war.classpath.findAll {file -> 
    ((nonTransientDepNames + transientDepNames + directFileIncludes + 'main').find {directDepName -> 
    } != null)
  war.classpath*.name.sort().each { println it }
  println "\n\n"

// Enable 'packageWithDependencies' and 'packageWithoutDependencies' configs
war {
  dependsOn modifyWarClasspath

我現在有一個很好的簡單解決方案。 關鍵是利用“提供的”范圍,然后在我的WAR依賴項中使用它來引用我的EAR依賴項。 這樣,整個WAR類路徑中的類路徑可以從EAR依賴項中減去,因此只有Web依賴項被打包在WAR中。 漂亮又簡單。


configurations {
    provided {
        dependencies.all { dep ->
            configurations.default.exclude(group: dep.group, module: dep.name)
    compile.extendsFrom provided


dependencies {
  provided project(':DFIPConfig')
  provided project(':DFIPSAPBatch')
  provided project(':DFIPDomain')
  // etc...

  compile project(':DryDockProjects:DryDockWebProjects:CommonWebWCAGJar')
  compile project(':DryDockProjects:DryDockWebProjects:CommonParticipantWeb')
  // etc...

  // Other WAR dependencies as per usual



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