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[英]How do I print using toString using inheritance in Java

public class StuTest2
   public static final int NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS = 7;

   public static void main(String[] args)
  Student[] stus = new Student[NUMBER_OF_STUDENTS];

  // Student has ID, name, and GPA
  stus[0] = new Student(123, "Suzy", 3.9);

  // Default for missing GPA will be 9.99 "special value
  stus[1] = new Student(234, "Tom");

  // Default name will be "Student #xxx" where
  // "xxx" is the actual ID number
  stus[2] = new Student(456);

  // A grad student also has a thesis topic
  stus[3] = new GradStudent(567, "Fred", 3.8, "Java");

  // Default thesis topic is "Undecided"
  stus[4] = new GradStudent(678, "Staci", 3.1);

  // Doctoral students earn a stipend
  stus[5] = new DoctoralStudent(789, "Mandy", 4.0, "Databases", 3550.00);

  // If missing, the default stipend is $3000.00
  stus[6] = new DoctoralStudent(890, "Ned", 3.7, "Cisco Networking");

  // Inside the loop, the toString method is called for each
  // student. All graduate students show the word "Graduate" in
  // front of the output from this method.
  for(Student stu : stus)

class Student
   private int id;
   private String name;
   private double gpa;

   public Student(int i, String n, double g)
       id = i;
       name = n;
       gpa = g;

   public Student(int i)
       this(i, "Student #" + i);

   public Student(int i, String n)
       this(i, n, 9.99);

   public int getId()
       return id;

   public String getName()
       return name;

   public double getGPA()
       return gpa;

   public String toString()
       return System.out.println(stus.getId+", " + stus.getName
            + ", " + stus.getGPA);


class GradStudent extends Student
private String topic;

public GradStudent(int i, String n, double g, String t)
    super(i, n, g);
    topic = t;

public GradStudent(int i, String n, double g)
    this(i, n, g, "Undecided");

public String getTopic()
    return topic;

public String toString()
    return super.getTopic();

class DoctoralStudent extends GradStudent
private double stip;

public DoctoralStudent(int i, String n, double g, String t, double s)
    super(i, n, g, t);
    stip = s;

public DoctoralStudent(int i, String n, double g, String t)
    this(i, n, g, t, 3000.00);

public double getStip()
    return stip;

public String toString()
    return super.getStip();


我正在嘗試使用return super.toString()進行打印,但是我發現錯誤提示無法找到stus的符號,但是我在開始學生課程之前就擁有了它。 是什么賦予了? ps,對不起,結賬不好,嘗試達到這里的標准,哈哈

您的“ stus”變量僅 main()方法內部,因此您不能在該方法之外訪問它。 此外,“ stus”是一個數組,因此在其上調用getId甚至都沒有意義。 此外,請注意,getId引用變量,因為它后面沒有括號。


 public String toString()
       return getId() +", " + getName() + ", " + getGPA();


您的代碼中有很多不正確的語法,我強烈建議從小得多的角度開始。 如果逐步開發程序,而不是一口氣完成全部工作,那么運氣會更好。 我建議從頭開始,對添加的每一行進行編譯和測試。


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