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[英]Returning immutable array/object from function - JavaScript

可能存在這樣的問題,但我只是想問一下。 也許對某人會有幫助。


window.WML.namespace('Cards', {}, (function (wml) {
 'use strict';

  var layout = {
    '4': [
        {x: X_POS_3, y: Y_POS_1}, {x: X_POS_4, y: Y_POS_1},
        {x: X_POS_5, y: Y_POS_2}, {x: X_POS_6, y: Y_POS_2}
        {x: X_POS_1, y: Y_POS_1}, {x: X_POS_2, y: Y_POS_1},
        {x: X_POS_4, y: Y_POS_2}, {x: X_POS_5, y: Y_POS_2}
        {x: X_POS_2, y: Y_POS_1}, {x: X_POS_5, y: Y_POS_1},
        {x: X_POS_4, y: Y_POS_2}, {x: X_POS_5, y: Y_POS_2}
    '5': [
      // similar code

  return {
    cardLayout: function () {
      return layout;


var myLayout = WML.Cards.cardLayout();
myLayout['4'] = 34;

console.log(WML.Cards.cardLayout()); // prints {'4': 34, '5': []}


namespace(ObjectName, inheritObject, newObjectProperties);



您可以使用setters / getters防止意外寫入應為不可變的對象:

var o = (function() {
    var internal_o = {x:3};
    var internal_y = 5;
    Object.defineProperty(o, "y", {
        get: function(){ return internal_y },
        set: function(){ /*do nothing*/ },
    return internal_o;
o.y = 3; // Does nothing
console.log(o.y) // 5

我們將數據存儲在一個閉包中,因此不可能直接訪問它。 但是,您必須(遞歸地)對每個想要不可變的屬性執行此操作-您可能希望對代碼進行泛化,以便可以調用defineImmutableProperty(obj, "propertyName", value)類的函數。 在您的示例中,如果將'4'屬性設置為不可變,則仍然可以更改數組的元素或這些點的xy屬性。


var o = (function() {
    var internal_o = {x:3};
    var internal_array = [1, 2, 3];
    Object.defineProperty(o, "numbers", {
        get: function(){ return internal_array.slice() },
        set: function(){ /*do nothing*/ },
    return internal_o;
o.numbers; // [1, 2, 3], copied from the internal array
o.numbers[1] = "changed"; // Sets a value of the internal array
console.log(o.numbers[1]); // still 2
var numbers = o.numbers;
numbers[1] = "changed";
console.log(numbers[1]); // Since we are still working with the copy, this *will* have mutated

所有這些都帶來了性能成本以及許多其他代碼。 所以,你應該問問自己,它確實是多么重要的數據是准不變! (如果有人願意,運行firebug或類似工具的人肯定可以覆蓋這些技術,因為它可以完全訪問瀏覽器的所有功能。)

此遞歸函數解決了該問題,但移動API不支持它。 因此,如果有人計划制作其應用程序的移動版本,則Object.defineProperty()可在所有平台上運行。

function deepFreeze(o) {
  var prop, propKey;
  Object.freeze(o); // First freeze the object.
  for (propKey in o) {
    prop = o[propKey];
    if (!o.hasOwnProperty(propKey) || !(typeof prop === 'object') || Object.isFrozen(prop)) {
      // If the object is on the prototype, not an object, or is already frozen,
      // skip it. Note that this might leave an unfrozen reference somewhere in the
      // object if there is an already frozen object containing an unfrozen object.

    deepFreeze(prop); // Recursively call deepFreeze.



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