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[英]Word matching to string

我正在嘗試將某個單詞/字符串與字符串匹配到一個類別。 我創建了一個簡單的示例來說明我要做什么以及遇到的問題。


一個以上的問題可能具有最高的價值,而我的代碼只是從列表中選擇第一個。 讓他們獲得兩項,然后再次開始檢查字典似乎是錯誤的。


categorys = {
    'fruits': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear'],
    'chocolate': ['mars', 'kitkat', 'areo'],
    'drinks': ['coffee', 'tea', 'orange', 'coke']

# create a diction of points for each category and set to 0
points = {}
for key, value in categorys.items():
    points[key] = 0

# calulate points for category
# key = category, value = style
for key, values in categorys.items():
    if 'orange' in key.lower() or 'drink' in values:
        points[key] += 1

# get category with the highest point although it just grabs the first item
calculated_category = max(points.iterkeys(), key=(lambda key: points[key]))
print calculated_category



    categorys = {
    'fruits': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear'],
    'chocolate': ['mars', 'kitkat', 'areo'],
    'drinks': ['coffee', 'tea', 'orange', 'coke']

# create a diction of points for each category and set to 0
points = {}
for key, value in categorys.items():
    points[key] = 0

# calulate points for category
# key = category, value = style
for key, values in categorys.items():
    if 'drink' in key.lower()
        points[key] += 1
    if 'orange' in values:
        points[key] += 1

# get category with the highest point although it just grabs the first     item
# max(points.iterkeys(), key=(lambda key: points[key]))
max_value = max(points.values())
[k for k, v in points.iteritems() if v == max_value]


max_value = max(points.values())
calculated_category = [k for k, v in points.iteritems() if v == max_value]
print calculated_category

輸出是['fruits', 'drinks', 'chocolate'] ,在您的示例中,它們似乎都具有相同的points0 不知道這是故意的還是其他問題。 如果將條件更改為if 'drink' in key.lower() or 'orange' in values: ,這似乎更有意義,則輸出為['fruits', 'drinks']


  1. 水果,香蕉
  2. 飲料,茶...等


cat, item = raw_input()  #you enter fruits, banana
for key, values in categorys.items():
    if cat == key.lower() and item in values:
        points[key] += 1

# get category with the highest point although it just grabs the first item
calculated_category = max(points.items(), key = lambda item_tuple: item_tuple[1])
print calculated_category 


  1. 字典理解以創建字典:


>>> points = { key:0 for key in categorys }
>>> points
{'fruits': 0, 'drinks': 0, 'chocolate': 0}

  1. 使用收集模塊創建默認的int字典

無需為每個鍵分配0值。 鏈接


>>> import collections
>>> points = collections.defaultdict(int)
>>> points["drink"]
>>> points["drink"] += 1
>>> points["drink"]

  1. 使用iteritems()方法迭代鍵和值字典( iteams()將返回元組列表)

如果您要對類別進行測試,例如"orange""drink" ,那么我建議您再做一個字典,將這些詞映射到類別列表(與當前字典相反)。 這將使您進行快速測試,即可查看單詞的類別(如果有),而無需進行大量迭代。

from collections import Counter

categorys = {
    'fruits': ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear'],
    'chocolate': ['mars', 'kitkat', 'areo'],
    'drinks': ['coffee', 'tea', 'orange', 'coke']

words_to_cats = {}
for cat, words in categorys.items():
    for word in words:
        words_to_cats.setdefault(word, []).append(cat)

def find_best_category(iterable_of_words):
    score = Counter()
    for word in iterable_of_words:
        score.update(words_to_cats.get(word, [])) # count matches in the word list

        for cat in categorys: # check for partial matches in the category name
            if word in cat:
                score[cat] += 1

    return score.most_common(1)

請注意,這只會返回一個項目,如果有確切的並列,它將在得分最高的項目中任意選擇一個獲勝類別。 在您的示例中(輸入['orange', 'drink'] ),沒有領帶,它將選擇"drinks" ,因為兩個詞都與該類別匹配(一個詞與“ orange”和一個與類別名稱部分匹配)。


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