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[英]How to look up a value in a related table, and how to add a drop-down menu to an edit panel?

我有一個腳本,該腳本向我顯示來自MySQL表的數據,並可以在其中添加/編輯員工。 有2個表,部門1個,雇員1個。





  1. 在我的“門戶”中顯示部門名稱而不是ID。
  2. 我的門戶現在僅顯示一個文本框,但是我想在部門之間添加一個下拉列表(請參閱屏幕截圖以查看門戶外觀)

如何在當前腳本中實現這一目標? 我有2個文件:index.php和aev.php:

 <?php ##################### # required settings # ##################### session_start(); require_once("aev/aev.php"); $tabledit = new MySQLtabledit(); # database settings: $tabledit->database = 'my_site_db'; $tabledit->host = 'localhost'; $tabledit->user = 'root'; $tabledit->pass = '****'; # table of the database $tabledit->table = 'aevinew2_workforce_employees'; # the primary key of the table (must be AUTO_INCREMENT) $tabledit->primary_key = 'id'; # the fields you want to see in "list view" $tabledit->fields_in_list_view = array('id','fname','lname','position','department','phone1','phone2','geboortedatum','icon'); ##################### # optional settings # ##################### # language (en of nl) $tabledit->language = 'nl'; # numbers of rows/records in "list view" $tabledit->num_rows_list_view = 15; # required fields in edit or add record $tabledit->fields_required = array('fname','lname','position','department','phone1','geboortedatum'); # help text $tabledit->help_text = array( 'id' => "Don't edit this field", 'fname' => "Verplicht veld", 'lname' => "Verplicht veld", 'position' => "Verplicht veld", 'department' => "Verplicht veld", 'email' => "Niet verplicht", 'phone1' => "Verplicht veld", 'phone2' => "Alleen invullen indien van toepassing", 'geboortedatum' => "Verplicht veld. Gebruik datum notatie YYYY-MM-DD", 'locstate' => "Veld leeg laten", 'featured' => "Veld leeg laten", 'icon' => "Selecteer afbeelding (functie nog niet beschikbaar)", 'bio' => "Veld leeg laten", 'ordering' => "Veld leeg laten", 'state' => "Veld leeg laten", 'website' => "Veld leeg laten", 'user_id' => "Veld leeg laten", ); # visible name of the fields $tabledit->show_text = array( 'id' => 'ID', 'fname' => 'Voornaam', 'lname' => 'Achternaam', 'position' => 'Functie', 'department' => 'Afdeling', 'email' => 'Email', 'phone1' => 'Telefoonnummer', 'phone2' => 'GSM', 'geboortedatum'=> 'Geboortedatum', 'locstate' => 'Status geblokkeerd', 'icon' => 'Foto', 'bio' => 'Biografie', 'ordering' => 'Sortering', 'state' => 'Status', 'website' => 'Website', 'user_id' => 'UserID', ); $tabledit->width_editor = '100%'; $tabledit->width_input_fields = '500px'; $tabledit->width_text_fields = '498px'; $tabledit->height_text_fields = '200px'; # warning no .htacces ('on' or 'off') $tabledit->no_htaccess_warning = 'off'; #################################### # connect, show editor, disconnect # #################################### $tabledit->database_connect(); echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'> <html> <head> <title>Werknemers Aevitae</title> </head> <body> "; $tabledit->do_it(); echo " </body> </html>" ; $tabledit->database_disconnect(); ?> 

 <?php // no direct access if(strtolower(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) == strtolower(basename(__FILE__))) { die('No access...'); } class MySQLtabledit { /** * * Werknemersbestand Aevitae * * Copyright (c) 2015 Richard Vliegen, Aevitae BV */ var $version = '1.0'; # text var $text; # language var $language = 'en'; # database settings var $database; var $host; var $user; var $pass; # table of the database var $table; # the primary key of the table var $primary_key; # the fields you want to see in "list view" var $fields_in_list_view; # numbers of rows/records in "list view" var $num_rows_list_view = 15; # required fields in edit or add record var $fields_required; # help text var $help_text; # visible name of the fields var $show_text; var $width_editor = '100%'; var $width_input_fields = '500px'; var $width_text_fields = '498px'; var $height_text_fields = '200px'; # warning no .htacces ('on' or 'off') var $no_htaccess_warning = 'off'; var $url_base; var $query_joomla_component; ########################### function database_connect() { ########################### if (!mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($this->database); } ############################## function database_disconnect() { ############################## mysql_close(); } ################ function do_it() { ################ require_once("./lang/en.php"); require_once("./lang/" . $this->language . ".php"); # No cache if(!headers_sent()) { header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d MYH:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header("Cache-control: private"); } if (!$this->url_base) $this->url_base = '.'; # name of the script $break = explode('/', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); $this->url_script = $break[count($break) - 1]; if ($_GET['mte_a'] == 'edit') { $this->edit_rec(); } elseif ($_GET['mte_a'] == 'new') { $this->edit_rec(); } elseif ($_GET['mte_a'] == 'del') { $this->del_rec(); } elseif ($_POST['mte_a'] == 'save') { $this->save_rec(); } else { $this->show_list(); } $this->close_and_print(); } #################### function show_list() { #################### # message after add or edit $this->content_saved = $_SESSION['content_saved']; $_SESSION['content_saved'] = ''; # default sort (a = ascending) $ad = 'a'; if ($_GET['sort'] && in_array($_GET['sort'],$this->fields_in_list_view) ) { if ($_GET['ad'] == 'a') $asc_des = 'ASC'; if ($_GET['ad'] == 'd') $asc_des = 'DESC'; $order_by = "ORDER by " . $_GET['sort'] . ' ' . $asc_des ; } else { $order_by = "ORDER by $this->primary_key DESC"; } # navigation 1/3 $start = $_GET["start"]; if (!$start) {$start = 0;} else {$start *=1;} // build query_string // query_joomla_component (joomla) if ($this->query_joomla_component) $query_string = '&option=' . $this->query_joomla_component ; // navigation $query_string .= '&start=' . $start; // sorting $query_string .= '&ad=' . $_GET['ad'] . '&sort=' . $_GET['sort'] ; // searching $query_string .= '&s=' . $_GET['s'] . '&f=' . $_GET['f'] ; # search if ($_GET['s'] && $_GET['f']) { $in_search = addslashes(stripslashes($_GET['s'])); $in_search_field = $_GET['f']; if ($in_search_field == $this->primary_key) { $where_search = "WHERE $in_search_field = '$in_search' "; } else { $where_search = "WHERE $in_search_field LIKE '%$in_search%' "; } } # select $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$this->table` $where_search $order_by"; $result = mysql_query($sql); # navigation 2/3 $hits_total = mysql_num_rows($result); $sql .= " LIMIT $start, $this->num_rows_list_view"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { $count = 0; while ($rij = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $count++; $this_row = ''; if ($background == '#eee') {$background='#fff';} else {$background='#eee';} foreach ($rij AS $key => $value) { $sort_image = ''; if (in_array($key, $this->fields_in_list_view)) { if ($count == 1) { // show nice text of a value if ($this->show_text[$key]) {$show_key = $this->show_text[$key];} else {$show_key = $key;} // sorting if ($_GET['sort'] == $key && $_GET['ad'] == 'a') { $sort_image = "<IMG SRC='$this->url_base/images/sort_a.png' WIDTH=9 HEIGHT=8 BORDER=0 ALT=''>"; $ad = 'd'; } if ($_GET['sort'] == $key && $_GET['ad'] == 'd') { $sort_image = "<IMG SRC='$this->url_base/images/sort_d.png' WIDTH=9 HEIGHT=8 BORDER=0 ALT=''>"; $ad = 'a'; } // remove sort and ad and add new ones $query_sort = preg_replace('/&(sort|ad)=[^&]*/','', $query_string) . "&sort=$key&ad=$ad"; $head .= "<td NOWRAP><a href='$this->url_script?$query_sort' class='mte_head'>$show_key</a> $sort_image</td>"; } if ($key == $this->primary_key) { $buttons = "<td NOWRAP><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='del_confirm($value)' title='Delete {$this->show_text[$key]} $value'><IMG SRC='$this->url_base/images/del.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0 ALT=''></a>&nbsp;<a href='?$query_string&mte_a=edit&id=$value' title='Edit {$this->show_text[$key]} $value'><IMG SRC='$this->url_base/images/edit.png' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0 ALT=''></a></td>"; $this_row .= "<td>$value</td>"; } else { $this_row .= '<td>' . substr(strip_tags($value), 0, 300) . '</td>'; } } } $rows .= "<tr style='background:$background'>$buttons $this_row</tr>"; } } else { $head = "<td style='padding:50px'>{$this->text['Nothing_found']}...</td>"; } # navigation 3/3 # remove start= from url $query_nav = preg_replace('/&(start|mte_a|id)=[^&]*/','', $query_string ); # this page $this_page = ($this->num_rows_list_view + $start)/$this->num_rows_list_view; # last page $last_page = ceil($hits_total/$this->num_rows_list_view); # navigatie numbers if ($this_page>10) { $vanaf = $this_page - 10; } else {$vanaf = 1;} if ($last_page>$this_page + 10) { $tot = $this_page + 10; } else {$tot = $last_page; } for ($f=$vanaf;$f<=$tot;$f++) { $nav_toon = $this->num_rows_list_view * ($f-1); if ($f == $this_page) { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='color:#fff;background: #808080;font-weight: bold'>$f</td> "; } else { $navigation .= "<td class='mte_nav' style='background: #fff'><A HREF='$this->url_script?$query_nav&start=$nav_toon'>$f</A></td>"; } } if ($hits_total<$this->num_rows_list_view) { $navigation = '';} # Previous if if ($this_page > 1) { $last = (($this_page - 1) * $this->num_rows_list_view ) - $this->num_rows_list_view; $last_page_html = "<A HREF='$this->url_script?$query_nav&start=$last' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Previous']}</A>"; } # Next if: if ($this_page != $last_page && $hits_total>1) { $next = $start + $this->num_rows_list_view; $next_page_html = "<A HREF='$this->url_script?$query_nav&start=$next' class='mte_nav_prev_next'>{$this->text['Next']}</A>"; } if ($navigation) { $nav_table = " <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 style='border: 0px solid white'> <tr> <td style='padding-right:6px;vertical-align: middle'>$last_page_html</td> $navigation <td style='padding-left:6px;vertical-align: middle'>$next_page_html</td> </tr> </table> "; $this->nav_top = " <div style='margin: -10px 0 20px 0;width: $this->width_editor'> <center> $nav_table </center> </div> "; $this->nav_bottom = " <div style='margin: 20px 0 0 0;width: $this->width_editor'> <center> $nav_table </center> </div> "; } # Search form + Add Record button foreach ($this->fields_in_list_view AS $option) { if ($this->show_text[$option]) {$show_option = $this->show_text[$option];} else {$show_option = $option;} if ($option == $in_search_field) { $options .= "<option selected value='$option'>$show_option</option>"; } else { $options .= "<option value='$option'>$show_option</option>"; } } $in_search_value = htmlentities(trim(stripslashes($_GET['s'])), ENT_QUOTES); $seach_form = " <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0> <tr> <td nowrap> <form method=get action='$this->url_script' style='padding: 15px'> <select name='f'>$options</select> <input type='text' name='s' value='$in_search_value' style='width:200px'> <input type='submit' value='{$this->text['Search']}' style='width:80px; border: 1px solid #000'> "; if ($this->query_joomla_component) $seach_form .= "<input type='hidden' value='$this->query_joomla_component' name='option'>"; $seach_form .= "</form>"; if ($_GET['s'] && $_GET['f']) { if ($this->query_joomla_component) $add_joomla = '?option=' . $this->query_joomla_component; $seach_form .= "<button onclick='window.location=\\"$this->url_script$add_joomla\\"' style='margin: 0 0 15px 15px; border: 1px solid #000;'>{$this->text['Clear_search']}</button>"; } $seach_form .= " </td> <td style='padding: 15px; text-align: right; width: $this->width_editor'> <button onclick='window.location=\\"$this->url_script?$query_string&mte_a=new\\"' style='margin: 0 0 15px 15px; border: 1px solid #000;'>{$this->text['Add_Record']}</button> </td> </tr> </table> "; $this->javascript = " function del_confirm(id) { if (confirm('{$this->text['Delete']} record {$this->show_text[$this->primary_key]} ' + id + '...?')) { window.location='$this->url_script?$query_string&mte_a=del&id=' + id } } "; # page content $this->content = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor;background:#454545; margin: 0'>$seach_form</div> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 style='margin: 0; width: $this->width_editor;'> <tr style='background:#626262; color: #fff'><td></td>$head</tr> $rows </table> $this->nav_bottom "; } ################## function del_rec() { ################## $in_id = $_GET['id']; if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE `$this->primary_key` = '$in_id'")) { $this->content_deleted = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor'> <div style='padding: 10px; color:#fff; background: #FF8000; font-weight: bold'>Record {$this->show_text[$this->primary_key]} $in_id {$this->text['deleted']}</div> </div> "; $this->show_list(); } else { $this->content = " </div> <div style='padding:2px 20px 20px 20px;margin: 0 0 20px 0; background: #DF0000; color: #fff;'><h3>Error</h3>" . mysql_error(). "</div><a href='$this->url_script'>List records...</a> </div>"; } } ################### function edit_rec() { ################### $in_id = $_GET['id']; # edit or new? if ($_GET['mte_a'] == 'edit') $edit=1; $count_required = 0; $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$this->table`"); # get field types while ($rij = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rij); $field_type[$Field] = $Type; } if (!$edit) { $rij = $field_type; } else { if ($edit) $where_edit = "WHERE `$this->primary_key` = $in_id"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$this->table` $where_edit LIMIT 1 ;"); $rij = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); } foreach ($rij AS $key => $value) { if (!$edit) $value = ''; $field = ''; $options = ''; $style = ''; $field_id = ''; $readonly = ''; $value_htmlentities = ''; if (in_array($key, $this->fields_required)) { $count_required++; $style = "class='mte_req'"; $field_id = "id='id_" . $count_required . "'"; } $field_kind = $field_type[$key]; # different fields # textarea if (preg_match("/text/", $field_kind)) { $field = "<textarea name='$key' $style $field_id>$value</textarea>"; } # select/options elseif (preg_match("/enum\\((.*)\\)/", $field_kind, $matches)) { $all_options = substr($matches[1],1,-1); $options_array = explode("','",$all_options); foreach ($options_array AS $option) { if ($option == $value) { $options .= "<option selected>$option</option>"; } else { $options .= "<option>$option</option>"; } } $field = "<select name='$key' $style $field_id>$options</select>"; } # input elseif (!preg_match("/blob/", $field_kind)) { if (preg_match("/\\(*(.*)\\)*/", $field_kind, $matches)) { if ($key == $this->primary_key) { $style = "style='background:#ccc'"; $readonly = 'readonly'; } $value_htmlentities = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES); if (!$edit && $key == $this->primary_key) { $field = "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value=''>[auto increment]"; } else { $field = "<input type='text' name='$key' value='$value_htmlentities' maxlength='{$matches[1]}' $style $readonly $field_id>"; } } } # blob: don't show elseif (preg_match("/blob/", $field_kind)) { $field = '[<i>binary</i>]'; } # make table row if ($background == '#eee') {$background='#fff';} else {$background='#eee';} if ($this->show_text[$key]) {$show_key = $this->show_text[$key];} else {$show_key = $key;} $rows .= "\\n\\n<tr style='background:$background'>\\n<td><b>$show_key</b></td>\\n<td>$field</td>\\n<td style='width:50%'>{$this->help_text[$key]}</td>\\n</tr>"; } $this->javascript = " function submitform() { var ok = 0; for (f=1;f<=$count_required;f++) { var elem = document.getElementById('id_' + f); if(elem.options) { if (elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].text!=null && elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].text!='') { ok++; } } else { if (elem.value!=null && elem.value!='') { ok++; } } } // alert($count_required + ' ' + ok); if (ok == $count_required) { return true; } else { alert('{$this->text['Check_the_required_fields']}...') return false; } } "; $this->content = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor;background:#454545'> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='border: 0px solid white'> <tr> <td> <button onclick='window.location=\\"{$_SESSION['hist_page']}\\";' style='margin: 20px 15px 25px 15px; border: 1px solid #000;'>{$this->text['Go_back']}</button></td> <td> <form method=post action='$this->url_script' onsubmit='return submitform()'> <input type='submit' value='{$this->text['Save']}' style='width: 80px;border: 1px solid #000; margin: 20px 0 25px 0'></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div style='width: $this->width_editor'> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 style='100%; margin: 0'> $rows </table> </div> "; if (!$edit) $this->content .= "<input type='hidden' name='mte_new_rec' value='1'>"; if ($this->query_joomla_component) $this->content .= "<input type='hidden' name='option' value='$this->query_joomla_component'>"; $this->content .= " <input type='hidden' name='mte_a' value='save'> </form> "; } ################### function save_rec() { ################### $in_mte_new_rec = $_POST['mte_new_rec']; $updates = ''; foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) { if ($key == $this->primary_key) { $in_id = $value; $where = "$key = $value"; } if ($key != 'mte_a' && $key != 'mte_new_rec' && $key != 'option') { if ($in_mte_new_rec) { $insert_fields .= " `$key`,"; $insert_values .= " '" . addslashes(stripslashes($value)) . "',"; } else { $updates .= " `$key` = '" . addslashes(stripslashes($value)) . "' ,"; } } } $insert_fields = substr($insert_fields,0,-1); $insert_values = substr($insert_values,0,-1); $updates = substr($updates,0,-1); # new record: if ($in_mte_new_rec) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `$this->table` ($insert_fields) VALUES ($insert_values); "; } # edit record: else { $sql = "UPDATE `$this->table` SET $updates WHERE $where LIMIT 1; "; } //echo $sql; exit; if (mysql_query($sql)) { if ($in_mte_new_rec) { $saved_id = mysql_insert_id(); $_GET['s'] = $saved_id; $_GET['f'] = $this->primary_key; } else { $saved_id = $in_id; } if ($this->show_text[$this->primary_key]) {$show_primary_key = $this->show_text[$this->primary_key];} else {$show_primary_key = $this->primary_key;} $_SESSION['content_saved'] = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor'> <div style='padding: 10px; color:#fff; background: #67B915; font-weight: bold'>Record $show_primary_key $saved_id {$this->text['saved']}</div> </div> "; if ($in_mte_new_rec) { echo "<script>window.location='?start=0&f=&sort=" . $this->primary_key . "&ad=d"; if ($this->query_joomla_component) { echo '&option=' . $this->query_joomla_component ; } echo "'</script>"; } else { echo "<script>window.location='" . $_SESSION['hist_page'] . "'</script>"; } } else { $this->content = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor'> <div style='padding:2px 20px 20px 20px;margin: 0 0 20px 0; background: #DF0000; color: #fff;'><h3>Error</h3>" . mysql_error() . "</div><a href='{$_SESSION['hist_page']}'>{$this->text['Go_back']}...</a> </div>"; } } ########################## function close_and_print() { ########################## # debug and warning no htaccess if ($this->debug) $this->debug .= '<br />'; if (!file_exists('./.htaccess') && $this->no_htaccess_warning == 'on') $this->debug .= "{$this->text['Protect_this_directory_with']} .htaccess"; if ($this->debug) $this->debug_html = " <div style='width: $this->width_editor'> <div class='mte_mess' style='background: #DD0000'>$this->debug</div> </div>"; # save page location $session_hist_page = $this->url_script . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($this->query_joomla_component && !preg_match("/option=$this->query_joomla_component/",$session_hist_page)) { $session_hist_page .= '&option=' . $this->query_joomla_component; } // no page history on the edit page because after refresh the Go Back is useless if (!$_GET['mte_a']) { $_SESSION['hist_page'] = $session_hist_page; } if ($this->query_joomla_component) $add_joomla = '?option=' . $this->query_joomla_component; echo " <script language='javascript'> $this->javascript </script> <link href='$this->url_base/css/mte.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style type='text/css'> .mte_content input { width: $this->width_input_fields; } .mte_content textarea { width: $this->width_text_fields; height: $this->height_text_fields; } </style> <div class='mte_content'> <div class='mte_head_1'><a href='$this->url_script$add_joomla' style='text-decoration: none;color: #797979'>Aevitae Werknemers</a> <span style='color: #ddd'>$this->version</span></div> <div class='mte_logo'></div> $this->nav_top $this->debug_html $this->content_saved $this->content_deleted $this->content </div> "; } } ?> 

為了回答查找問題,我認為您的課程本身不支持此功能嗎? 您需要添加功能。 我會做這樣的事情:

 * Converts a FK column to a lookup column
 * @param $columnName The name of the column in the current table
 * @param $foreignTable The name of the foreign table
 * @param $foreignKey The primary key in the foreign table
 * @param $foreignTextColumn The column to use as a lookup
public function declareLookupColumn($columnName, $foreignTable, $foreignKey, $foreignTextColumn)
    // @todo Store these values in your class, so you can examine
    // them when the table is rendered

您還需要修改表格渲染代碼。 對於每一列,請查看是否已使用此方法聲明了該列,如果是,則發出SELECT來獲取外部表值。


聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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