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[英]Detect key released without using keyup event - Javascript



考慮到按下的鍵會間隔一定時間重復一次按下事件(Mac上的修飾鍵除外),我認為可以增加變量並偵聽停止增加的點。 當它停止遞增時,鍵已被釋放?

不幸的是,有時候(並非總是如此),我的腳本在按住鍵的同時檢測到增量的結束。 如果反復按住短鍵不放,則失敗的可能性更大。 我已經用IE和FF測試過。

在檢查每個增量之間,我已經允許2秒鍾。 將Windows控制面板設置為最慢的鍵盤設置,一秒鍾可能就足夠了。

 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Detect keyup not using keyup event using Javascript</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> // opening variables var keyDownCount = 0; var nextLastTimeout1 = false; var nextLastTimeout2 = false; var lastCount = false; var nextCount = false; // function to compare the last two outcomes for keyDownCount by assigning them to variables lastCount and nextCount function nextLastCount() { if (lastCount) { nextCount = keyDownCount; if (lastCount === nextCount) { // clear any outstanding timeouts clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout1); clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout2); // they match, display the count in the html document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = keyDownCount; } else { // clear any outstanding timeouts clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout1); clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout2); // reset variable lastCount = false; // they don't match, call the function again after allowing sufficient time for the key repetition rate to increment the keyDownCount nextLastTimeout1 = self.setTimeout("nextLastCount()", 2000); } } else { lastCount = keyDownCount; if (lastCount === nextCount) { // clear any outstanding timeouts clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout1); clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout2); // they match, display the count in the html document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = keyDownCount; } else { // clear any outstanding timeouts clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout1); clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout2); // reset variable nextCount = false; // they don't match, call the function again after allowing sufficient time for the key repetition rate to increment the keyDownCount nextLastTimeout2 = self.setTimeout("nextLastCount", 2000); } } } // keydown listener document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; // listen for alt key down if (e.altKey) { if (keyDownCount === 0) { // call nextLastCount() to start comparing the last two outcomes for keyDownCount // allow sufficient time for the key repetition rate to increment keyDownCount setTimeout("nextLastCount()", 2000); } // increment the counter on each keydown repeat keyDownCount++; // display the current count in the html document.getElementById('display-count').innerHTML = keyDownCount; } }); // keyup listener document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; // listen for alt key released if (!e.altKey) { // clear any outstanding timeouts clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout1); clearTimeout(nextLastTimeout2); // reset the counter and the html fields when the keys are released keyDownCount = 0; document.getElementById('display-count').innerHTML = keyDownCount; document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = ""; } }); </script> </head> <body> <p>Hold down the alt key to start the counter, relese to reset.</p> <p>keyDownCount is: <span id="display-count"></span> </p> <p>Matching next and last detected on key count of: <span style="color:blue;" id="matched-next-last"></span> </p> </body> </html> 

萬一其他人可能需要它,我按以下方法解決了。 簡化的代碼,只有一個超時。


<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Detect keyup without using keyup event</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<script type="text/javascript">

// opening variables
var keyDownCount = 0;
var nextLastTimeout = false;
var nextCount = false;
var lastCount = false;
var nextCountTime = false;
var lastCountTime = false;

// function to compare the last two outcomes for keyDownCount by assigning them to variables lastCount and nextCount
function nextLastCount() {
    if (lastCount) {
    nextCount = keyDownCount;
    // record the time for use in calculating the keyboard delay
    nextCountTime = +new Date(); // milliseconds since 01 January, 1970
        if (lastCount === nextCount) {
        // they match, display the count in the html
        document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = keyDownCount;
        // reset variable
        lastCount = false;
        lastCount = keyDownCount;
        // record the time for use in calculating the keyboard delay
        lastCountTime = +new Date(); // milliseconds since 01 January, 1970
        if (lastCount === nextCount) { 
        // they match, display the count in the html
        document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = keyDownCount;
        // reset variable
        nextCount = false;

// keydown listener
document.addEventListener('keydown',function(e) {
if(!e) e = window.event; 
    // listen for alt key down
    if (e.altKey) {
    // increment the counter on each keydown repeat
    // display the current count in the html
    document.getElementById('display-count').innerHTML = keyDownCount;
    // see below
    // call function
        // calculate the keyboard delay i.e. time between repeated keystrokes
        if (nextCountTime && lastCountTime)  {
        // returns an always positive value in milliseconds 
        var keyboardDelay = Math.abs(nextCountTime - lastCountTime);
        // in the first few increments both count times are not available, use an estimate
        var keyboardDelay = 3000; // also 500ms added below
    // call nextLastCount() again, but on a delay that exceeds the keyboard delay
    // .. for safety, add 500ms to the calculated / estimated keyboard delay
    // this timeout will only complete when the increments stop
    // .. see clearTimeout(nextLastStickyTimeout) above
    nextLastTimeout = setTimeout("nextLastCount()",keyboardDelay + 500);

// keyup listener
document.addEventListener('keyup',function(e) {
if(!e) e = window.event; 
    // listen for alt key released
    if (!e.altKey) {
    // clear any outstanding timeouts
    // reset the counter and the html fields when the keys are released
    keyDownCount = 0;
    document.getElementById('display-count').innerHTML = keyDownCount;
    document.getElementById('matched-next-last').innerHTML = "";



<p>Hold down the alt key to start the counter, release to reset.</p>
<p>In Firefox, pressing the spacebar whilst the alt key is down will simulate a non keyup event</p>
<p>keyDownCount is: <span id="display-count"></span></p>
<p>Matching next and last detected on key count of: <span style="color:blue;"id="matched-next-last"></span></p>


這似乎應該已經解決。 這是關於最好的輸入庫的一個問題: 這是最好的Javascript鍵盤事件庫。(熱鍵,快捷鍵)



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