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為什么在LinkedIn API上共享會返回400錯誤請求?

[英]Why Share on LinkedIn API return 400 Bad Request?

我正在嘗試使用PHP庫LinkedIn-Client API通過其在LinkedIn API 上的共享發布LinkedIn共享更新。 我已經成功授權了用戶,並且獲得了返回的訪問令牌。 我將令牌與此共享API調用一起使用。 這是我的代碼:

$linkedInOAuth = new Happyr\LinkedIn\LinkedIn(LINKEDIN_APP_ID, LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET);

if ($accessToken) { // assume that it is retrieved from session

    $postParams = array(
        "content" => array(
            'description' => "I'm so exciting to share a post using API."
        "visibility" => array(
            "code" => "connnections-only"

    $result = $linkedInOAuth->api(
        array("format" => "json"),


致命錯誤:未被捕獲的GuzzleException:400:客戶端錯誤響應[url] https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=xxxxxxx [狀態碼] 400 [原因短語]錯誤的請求被拋出... \\供應商\\ happyr \\ linkedin-api-client \\ src \\ Happyr \\ LinkedIn \\ Http \\ GuzzleRequest.php,第26行


[世界標准時間2015-04-30 3:00 PM更新]

LinkedIn-Client API 內部將Guzzle用於HTTP請求。 我試圖用GuzzleHttp上,無需使用Happyr\\LinkedIn\\LinkedIn->api()但同樣的錯誤,並沒有成功。

if ($accessToken) {
    $url = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=' . $accessToken;

    $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

    $response = $client->post($url, array(
        'headers' => array(
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
            'x-li-format'  => 'json'
        'json' => array(
            'comment' => 'Check out developer.linkedin.com!',
            'content' => array(
                'description' => 'I\'m so exciting to share a post using API.'
            'visibility' => array(
                'code' => 'connections-only'

致命錯誤:帶有消息“客戶端錯誤響應[url] https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=xxxxx [狀態代碼] 400 [狀態代碼]的未捕獲異常'GuzzleHttp \\ Exception \\ ClientException'原因短語]“錯誤請求”,位於\\ vendor \\ guzzlehttp \\ guzzle \\ src \\ Exception \\ RequestException.php:89堆棧跟蹤:#0 \\ vendor \\ guzzlehttp \\ guzzle \\ src \\ Subscriber \\ HttpError.php(33):GuzzleHttp \\ Exception \\ RequestException :: create(Object(GuzzleHttp \\ Message \\ Request),Object(GuzzleHttp \\ Message \\ Response))#1 \\ vendor \\ guzzlehttp \\ guzzle \\ src \\ Event \\ Emitter.php(109):GuzzleHttp \\ Subscriber \\ HttpError-> onComplete(Object(GuzzleHttp \\ Event \\ CompleteEvent),'complete')#2 \\ vendor \\ guzzlehttp \\ guzzle \\ src \\ RequestFsm.php(91):GuzzleHttp \\ Event \\ Emitter-> emit('complete',Object(Guz in第89行的\\ vendor \\ guzzlehttp \\ guzzle \\ src \\ Exception \\ RequestException.php


在LinkedIn API頁面上復制並使用了Share的 xml和json示例。 這次,錯誤更改為內部服務器錯誤。

if ($accessToken) {
    $format = 'xml';
    $url = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format='.$format.'&oauth2_access_token=' . $connect->accessToken;
    $postParams = array(
        "xml" => "
                <comment>Check out developer.linkedin.com!</comment>
                    <title>LinkedIn Developer Resources</title>
                    <description>Leverage LinkedIn's APIs to maximize engagement</description>
        "json" => array(
            "comment" => "Check out developer.linkedin.com!",
            "content" => array(
                "title" => "LinkedIn Developers Resources",
                "description" => "Leverage LinkedIn's APIs to maximize engagement",
                "submitted-url" => "https://developer.linkedin.com",
                "submitted-image-url" => "https://example.com/logo.png"
            "visibility" => array(
                "code" => "anyone"

    $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

    if ($format === 'xml') {
        $response = $client->post($url, array(
            'body' => $postParams['xml']
    } else {
        $response = $client->post($url, array(
            'headers' => array(
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                'x-li-format'  => 'json'
            'json' => $postParams['json']

致命錯誤:消息為“服務器錯誤響應[url] https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=xxxx [狀態代碼] 500 [狀態代碼]的未捕獲異常'GuzzleHttp \\ Exception \\ ServerException'原因短語]內部服務器錯誤”

根據Happyr \\ LinkedIn-API-client的Github問題,0.5.0中進行了一些更新,它解決了我的問題。 但是,LinkedIn尚未提供有關其Share API的文檔。 必須注意以下信息:

  1. comment字段是共享更新內容。 名稱comment導致混亂。
  2. 使用字段comment ,URL在共享更新內容中是可選的。
  3. content字段表示有關您共享的URL內容的快照。 為了更清楚地描述,它反映了開放圖元標簽;
    • content.title覆蓋<meta property="og:title" content="..." />
    • content.description覆蓋<meta property="description" content="..." />
    • content.title覆蓋<meta property="og:title" content="..." />
    • content.submitted-url覆蓋<meta property="og:url" content="..." />
    • content.submitted-image-url覆蓋<meta property="og:image" content="..." />
  4. 使用content字段時,必填字段submitted-url 其余的是可選的。 如果丟失,則會返回400 Bad Request
  5. LinkedIn Share API示例代碼中包含的URL會導致500 Internal Server Error 它們不應用於測試目的。

以下是使用Happyr \\ LinkedIn-API-client的API的正確用法。

(1)Happyr \\ LinkedIn-使用字段comment

$linkedInOAuth = new Happyr\LinkedIn\LinkedIn(LINKEDIN_APP_ID, LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET);
// retrieve $accessToken from db or session

$postParams = array(
    'json' => array(
        "comment" => "PHPLucidFrame - The simple, lightweight and flexible web application development framework http://phplucidframe.sithukyaw.com",
        "visibility" => array(
            "code" => "anyone"

$result = $linkedInOAuth->post('v1/people/~/shares', $postParams);

(2)Happyr \\ LinkedIn-使用字段content

$linkedInOAuth = new Happyr\LinkedIn\LinkedIn(LINKEDIN_APP_ID, LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET);
// retrieve $accessToken from db or session

$postParams = array(
    'json' => array(
        "content" => array(
            "title" => "PHPLucidFrame",
            "description" => "The simple, lightweight and flexible web application development framework",
            "submitted-url" => "http://phplucidframe.sithukyaw.com"
        "visibility" => array(
            "code" => "anyone"

$result = $linkedInOAuth->post('v1/people/~/shares', $postParams);



// retrieve $accessToken from db or session
$url = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=' . $accessToken;
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post($url, array(
    "json" => array(
        "comment" => "PHPLucidFrame - The simple, lightweight and flexible web application development framework http://phplucidframe.sithukyaw.com",
        "visibility" => array(
            "code" => "anyone"


// retrieve $accessToken from db or session
$url = 'https://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~/shares?format=json&oauth2_access_token=' . $accessToken;
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post($url, array(
    "json" => array(
        "content" => array(
            "title" => "PHPLucidFrame",
            "description" => "The simple, lightweight and flexible web application development framework",
            "submitted-url" => "http://phplucidframe.sithukyaw.com"
        "visibility" => array(
            "code" => "anyone"


這里只是一個快速的猜測,但是在將其發送到API之前,您可能需要將json_encode添加到$ postParams中。

$result = $linkedInOAuth->api(
    array("format" => "json"),


如果那行不通,我還會注意到Linkedin文檔說以下內容。 您可以嘗試添加這兩個標頭(如果尚未添加)。


內容類型:application / json


您的JSON帖子正文需要更正。 校驗:



  1. 通過包含網址的評論共享

     { "comment": "Check out developer.linkedin.com! http://linkd.in/1FC2PyG", "visibility": { "code": "anyone" } } 
  2. 分享特定的價值

     { "comment": "Check out developer.linkedin.com!", "content": { "title": "LinkedIn Developers Resources", "description": "Leverage LinkedIn's APIs to maximize engagement", "submitted-url": "https://developer.linkedin.com", "submitted-image-url": "https://example.com/logo.png" }, "visibility": { "code": "anyone" } } 


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