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[英]Paypal integration issue in titanium

我必須在我的應用程序中實現Paypal。 在這里,我已經將一些產品添加到購物車中。 如果我點擊購物車,我必須使用Paypal支付金額。





$.paypalWindow.addEventListener('open', function(){ 
var Paypal = require('ti.paypal'); 
var u = Ti.Android != undefined ? 'dp' : 0; 
var status = Ti.UI.createLabel({ top: 20 + u, height: 50 + u, color: '#333', text: 'Loading, please wait...' }); 
$.paypalWindow.add(status); var price = totalamount; 
 var   invoiceitemslist = JSON.stringify(data);

var button; function addButtonToWindow() {
if (button) { $.paypalWindow.remove(button); button = null; } 
button = Paypal.createPaypalButton({ width: 194 + u, height: 37 + u,    buttonStyle: Paypal.BUTTON_194x37, top: 20 + u,

    language: 'en_US',
    appID: 'APP-80W284485P519543T',
    paypalEnvironment: Paypal.PAYPAL_ENV_SANDBOX, 
    feePaidByReceiver: false,
    enableShipping: false,
    payment: { 
        paymentType: Paypal.PAYMENT_TYPE_BUSINESS,
        subtotal: price, 
        tax: 0.00,
        shipping: 0.00,
        currency: 'USD',
        recipient: 'thaibusiness@gmail.com',
        customID: 'anythingYouWant',
    [{"name":"Bajaj 200 mm Ultima PT01 Personal Fan","totalPrice":2997,"itemPrice":999,"itemCount":3},
        ipnUrl: 'http://www.appcelerator.com/',
        merchantName: 'EYMOBINS Insurance',
        memo: 'For the insurance with EYMOBINS!'

button.addEventListener('paymentCancelled', function (e) {
    alert('Payment cancelled. Please try again!');
button.addEventListener('paymentSuccess', function (e) {
    alert('Payment successfull. Please get your Policy No.!'+"  "+e.transactionID);
button.addEventListener('paymentError', function (e) {
    alert('Payment Error. Please try again!');

button.addEventListener('buttonDisplayed', function () {
    //alert('Please pay '+Ti.App.totalcost+'$ with Paypal!')

button.addEventListener('buttonError', function () {







[{"name":"Bajaj 200 mm Ultima PT01 Personal Fan","totalPrice":999,"itemPrice":999,"itemCount":1},{"name":"Average2Excellent CBSE KG EVS MATHS ENG Educational CD ROMS","totalPrice":547,"itemPrice":547,"itemCount":1}]






invoiceItems:[{"name":"Bajaj 200 mm Ultima PT01 Personal Fan","totalPrice":999,"itemPrice":999,"itemCount":1},{"name":"Average2Excellent CBSE KG EVS MATHS ENG Educational CD ROMS","totalPrice":547,"itemPrice":547,"itemCount":1}]


分配值時,它不會動態工作。 你能檢查一下代碼並提供幫助嗎?


如果我試圖在Android設備上運行此代碼,因為我點擊paypal按鈕沒有任何事情發生。 為什么登錄表單未在Android設備中打開。


[{"name":"Bajaj 200 mm Ultima PT01 Personal Fan","totalPrice":2997,"itemPrice":999,"itemCount":3}

這不是有效的JSON(或Javascript)。 這需要Paypal嗎? 我認為它應該是這樣的:

[{"name":"Bajaj 200 mm Ultima PT01 Personal Fan","totalPrice":2997,"itemPrice":999,"itemCount":3}


我仔細看了一下你的代碼示例。 你能確認totatamount的來源嗎? 由於代碼示例代表它將是undefined ,這將與您描述的錯誤消息一致。 在提交此數據之前,您能否立即確認它肯定是正確的值?

ti.paypal規范在README文件中有一個很好的代碼示例,它給出了如何設置createPaypalButton一個很好的例子。 如果你還沒有,我會建議看看這個。

button = Paypal.createPaypalButton({
    // NOTE: height/width only determine the size of the view that the button is embedded in - the actual button size
    // is determined by the buttonStyle property!
    width: 194 + u, height: 37 + u,
    buttonStyle: Paypal.BUTTON_194x37, // The style & size of the button
    bottom: 50 + u,

    language: 'en_US',
    textStyle: Paypal.PAYPAL_TEXT_DONATE, // Causes the button's text to change from "Pay" to "Donate"

    appID: '<<<YOUR APP ID HERE>>>', // The appID issued by Paypal for your application; for testing, feel free to delete this property entirely.
    paypalEnvironment: Paypal.PAYPAL_ENV_SANDBOX, // Sandbox, None or Live

    feePaidByReceiver: false, // This will only be applied when the transaction type is Personal
    enableShipping: false, // Whether or not to select/send shipping information

    advancedPayment: { // The payment itself
        payments: [
                isPrimary: true, // Mark this as the primary vendor; this marks this as a chain payment.
                merchantName: 'Primary Vendor',
                paymentType: Paypal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE, // The type of payment
                paymentSubtype: Paypal.PAYMENT_SUBTYPE_DONATIONS, // The subtype of the payment; you must be authorized for this by Paypal!
                subtotal: 13, // The total cost of the order, excluding tax and shipping
                tax: 0,
                shipping: 0,
                recipient: '<<<YOUR RECIPIENT HERE>>>',
                customID: 'anythingYouWant',
                invoiceItems: [
                    { name: 'Shoes', totalPrice: 8, itemPrice: 2, itemCount: 4 },
                    { name: 'Hats', totalPrice: 2, itemPrice: 0.5, itemCount: 4 },
                    { name: 'Coats', totalPrice: 3, itemPrice: 1, itemCount: 3 }
                merchantName: 'Vendor 1',
                paymentType: Paypal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE, // The type of payment
                paymentSubtype: Paypal.PAYMENT_SUBTYPE_DONATIONS, // The subtype of the payment; you must be authorized for this by Paypal!
                subtotal: 10, // The total cost of the order, excluding tax and shipping
                tax: 0,
                shipping: 0,
                recipient: '<<<YOUR RECIPIENT HERE>>>',
                customID: 'anythingYouWant',
                invoiceItems: [
                    { name: 'Shoes', totalPrice: 8, itemPrice: 2, itemCount: 4 },
                    { name: 'Hats', totalPrice: 2, itemPrice: 0.5, itemCount: 4 }
                merchantName: 'Vendor 2',
                paymentType: Paypal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE, // The type of payment
                paymentSubtype: Paypal.PAYMENT_SUBTYPE_DONATIONS, // The subtype of the payment; you must be authorized for this by Paypal!
                subtotal: 3, // The total cost of the order, excluding tax and shipping
                tax: 0,
                shipping: 0,
                recipient: '<<<YOUR RECIPIENT HERE>>>',
                customID: 'anythingYouWant',
                invoiceItems: [
                    { name: 'Coats', totalPrice: 3, itemPrice: 1, itemCount: 3 }
        ipnUrl: 'http://www.appcelerator.com/',
        currency: 'USD',
        memo: 'For the orphans and widows in the world!'


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