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Solr 5.0.0在CentOS中無法正常啟動

[英]Solr 5.0.0 is not starting properly in CentOS

當我運行命令bin/solr start -e cloud它並沒有要求我收集名稱和其他信息,例如沒有副本和配置設置。


Welcome to the SolrCloud example!

This interactive session will help you launch a SolrCloud cluster on your local workstation.

To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster? (specify 1-4 nodes) [2] 2
Ok, let's start up 2 Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.

Please enter the port for node1 [8983] 
Please enter the port for node2 [7574] 
Creating Solr home directory /home/webuser/abhijeet/solr-5.0.0/example/cloud/node1/solr
Cloning Solr home directory /home/webuser/abhijeet/solr-5.0.0/example/cloud/node1 into /home/webuser/abhijeet/solr-5.0.0/example/cloud/node2

Starting up SolrCloud node1 on port 8983 using command:

solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node1/solr -p 8983   

Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=23735). Happy searching!


abhijit@abhijit:~/Downloads/solr-5.0.0$ bin/solr start -e cloud 

Welcome to the SolrCloud example!

This interactive session will help you launch a SolrCloud cluster on your local workstation.

To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster? (specify 1-4 nodes) [2] 2
Ok, let's start up 2 Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.

Please enter the port for node1 [8983] 8983
Oops! Looks like port 8983 is already being used by another process. Please choose a different port. 8985
Please enter the port for node2 [7574] 7576

Starting up SolrCloud node1 on port 8985 using command:

solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node1/solr -p 8985   

Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8985 [|]  
Started Solr server on port 8985 (pid=7092). Happy searching!

Starting node2 on port 7576 using command:

solr start -cloud -s example/cloud/node2/solr -p 7576 -z localhost:9985   

Waiting to see Solr listening on port 7576 [\]  
Started Solr server on port 7576 (pid=7461). Happy searching!

Now let's create a new collection for indexing documents in your 2-node cluster.

Please provide a name for your new collection: [gettingstarted] testCore
How many shards would you like to split testCore into? [2] 2
How many replicas per shard would you like to create? [2] 2
Please choose a configuration for the testCore collection, available options are:
basic_configs, data_driven_schema_configs, or sample_techproducts_configs [data_driven_schema_configs] data_driven_schema_configs
Connecting to ZooKeeper at localhost:9985
Uploading /home/abhijit/Downloads/solr-5.0.0/server/solr/configsets/data_driven_schema_configs/conf for config testCore to ZooKeeper at localhost:9985

Creating new collection 'testCore' using command:


SolrCloud example running, please visit http://localhost:8985/solr 



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