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[英]How do I Print a Hash Table in C?

我在C中有一個創建哈希表的程序。 我想知道它是什么,但是我不確定如何打印或顯示它。 我已經在下面粘貼了程序。 我是哈希表的新手,所以將不勝感激!

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define TABLE_SIZE  7
#define NUM_INPUTS  7

int hash( char *s )
        /* Note, this is a horrible hash function.  It's here for
                instructional purposes */
        return strlen( s ) % TABLE_SIZE ;

typedef struct entry
        char *key;
        int     val;
        struct entry *next;
} entry;

entry* table[ TABLE_SIZE ] = { NULL };

void insert( char *s, int v )
        /* this insert is NOT checking for duplicates.  :/ */
        int h = hash( s );
        entry *t = (entry*) malloc( sizeof( entry ));

        t->key = s;
        t->val = v;
        t->next = table[h];
        table[h] = t;

void clean_table()
        entry *p, *q;
        int i;

        for( i=0; i<TABLE_SIZE; ++i )
                for( p=table[i]; p!=NULL; p=q )
                        q = p->next;
                        free( p );
        }       // for each entry
}       // clean_table

int main()
        char* keyList[] = { "Jaga", "Jesse", "Cos", "Kate", "Nash", "Vera",
                "Bob" };

        int valList[] = { 24, 78, 86, 28, 11, 99, 38 };

        int i;

        for( i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; ++i )
                insert( keyList[i], valList[i] );

        /* what does the table look like here? */


        return( 0 );

這是一個用C語言編寫的簡單哈希表的示例。它實際上並沒有進行任何錯誤處理,因此這根本不適合生產,但是應該可以幫助您看到一個有效的實現示例 是另一篇文章,可幫助某人通過C語言實現哈希表實現。


int search(const char* key, int* out_val)
    // Find the hash index into the table.
    const int index = hash(key);

    // Now do a linear search through the linked list.
    for (struct entry* node = table[index]; node; node = node->next)
         // If we find a node with a matching key:
         if (strcmp(node->key, key) == 0)
              // Output the value and return 1 for success.
              *out_val = node->val;
              return 1;
    // We didn't find anything. Return 0 for failure.
    return 0;


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