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[英]How to implement a dynamic programming algorithms to TSP in Python?


  • 輸入:表示為點列表的城市。 例如,[(1,2),(0.3,4.5),(9,3)......]。 城市之間的距離定義為歐幾里德距離。
  • 輸出:此實例的旅行推銷員旅行的最低成本,向下舍入到最接近的整數。


Let A = 2-D array, indexed by subsets of {1, 2, ,3, ..., n} that contains 1 and destinations j belongs to {1, 2, 3,...n}
1. Base case:
2.          if S = {0}, then A[S, 1] = 0;
3.          else, A[S, 1] = Infinity.
4.for m = 2, 3, ..., n:   // m = subproblem size
5.    for each subset of {1, 2,...,n} of size m that contains 1:
6.        for each j belongs to S and j != 1:
7.            A[S, j] = the least value of A[S-{j},k]+the distance of k and j for every k belongs to S that doesn't equal to j
8.Return the least value of A[{1,2..n},j]+the distance between j and 1 for every j = 2, 3,...n.



例如,35 10 = 100011 2將代表城市{1,2,6}。 在這里,我從最右邊的位數,代表城市1。

為了使用子集的這種表示來索引列表,您應該創建長度為2 n的 2D數組:

# Assuming n is given.
A = [[0 for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(2 ** n)]



# Check whether some city (1-indexed) is inside subset.
if (1 << (i - 1)) & x:
    print 'city %d is inside subset!' % i

# In particular, checking for city #1 is super-easy:
if x & 1:
    print 'city 1 is inside subset!'

# Iterate over subsets with increasing cardinality:
subsets = range(1, 2 ** n)
for subset in sorted(subsets, key=lambda x: bin(x).count('1')):
    print subset, 
# For n=4 prints "1 2 4 8 3 5 6 9 10 12 7 11 13 14 15"

# Obtain a subset y, which is the same as x, 
# except city #j (1-indexed) is removed:
y = x ^ (1 << (j - 1))  # Note that city #j must be inside x.


# INFINITY and n are defined somewhere above.
A = [[INFINITY for i in xrange(n)] for j in xrange(2 ** n)]
# Base case (I guess it should read "if S = {1}, then A[S, 1] = 0",
because otherwise S = {0} is not a valid index to A, according to line #1)
A[1][1] = 0
# Iterate over all subsets:
subsets = range(1, 2 ** n)
for subset in sorted(subsets, key=lambda x: bin(x).count('1')):
    if not subset & 1:
        # City #1 is not presented.
    for j in xrange(2, n + 1):
        if not (1 << (j - 1)) & subset:
            # City #j is not presented.
        for k in xrange(1, n + 1):
            if k == j or not (1 << (k - 1)) & subset:
            A[subset][j] = min(A[subset][j], A[subset ^ (1 << (j - 1))][k] + get_dist(j, k))

除了具有實現偽代碼所需的所有功能之外,這種方法比使用元組\\ dicts更快。


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