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[英]list comprehension with tuple comparision

輸入: [("abc", 1, "def"), ("abc", 1, "ghi"), ("bc", 2, "a"), ("bc", 2, "b"), ("bc", 3, "a")]

預期輸出: [("abc", 1, "def"), ("bc", 2, "a"), ("bc", 3, "a")]

我正在嘗試類似的東西: field_list = [field for i, field in enumerate(field_list) for cmp_field in field_list[i+1:] if] ......不知道if適合這里?

我想使用列表理解來實現這一點。 獲取輸出的邏輯-刪除重復項(如果item [0]和item [1]相同,則將元組視為重復項)。

我可以使用傳統的for循環來實現它,但是我想通過列表理解來實現。 有什么想法嗎?

編輯:(“ abc”,1,“ def”)和(“ abc”,1,“ ghi”)是重復的,所以我可以選擇第一個。

output = [(x, y, z) for j, (x, y, z) in enumerate(input) if (x, y) not in [(x2, y2) for x2, y2, _ in input[:j]]]
# output = [('abc', 1, 'def'), ('bc', 2, 'a'), ('bc', 3, 'a')]

但是,使用傳統的for循環可能會更有效,因為您不需要在每次迭代(或Ashwini Chaudhary建議的集合)時構建第二個列表。

以從中得到啟發這個 ,你可以嘗試

inp = [("abc", 1, "def"), ("abc", 1, "ghi"), ("bc", 2, "a"), ("bc", 2, "b"), ("bc", 3, "a")]
res = []
[res.append(el) for el in inp if not [tmp for tmp in res if tmp[0] == el[0] and tmp[1] == el[1]]]



In [40]: l=[("abc", 1, "def"), ("abc", 1, "ghi"), ("bc", 2, "a"), ("bc", 2, "b"), ("bc", 3, "a")]

In [41]: from itertools import groupby

In [42]: groups=[list(g) for k,g in groupby(l,key=itemgetter(1))]

In [43]: groups
[[('abc', 1, 'def'), ('abc', 1, 'ghi')],
 [('bc', 2, 'a'), ('bc', 2, 'b')],
 [('bc', 3, 'a')]]

In [44]: [elem[0] for elem in groups]
Out[44]: [('abc', 1, 'def'), ('bc', 2, 'a'), ('bc', 3, 'a')]


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