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如何在Akka actor中對Dispatch Http進行單元測試?

[英]How to unit test Dispatch Http in an Akka actor?

我有一個Akka演員,如下所示; 它收到一條消息並返回HTTP響應。

我在測試與Dispatch Http的交互時遇到麻煩,這是一個不錯的庫,但似乎很難測試。

class Service(serviceUrl:String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
    implicit val ec = context .dispatcher

    override def receive: Receive = {
        case Get(ids) => request(ids)

    private def request(ids:Seq[Int]):Unit = {
        val requestUrl = buildRequestUrl(ids)
        val request = url(requestUrl).GET
        Http(request) pipeTo sender()


case class Get(ids:Seq[Int])
class Service(serviceUrl:String) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
    implicit val ec = context .dispatcher

    def receive: Receive = {
        case Get(ids) => request(ids)

    def request(ids:Seq[Int]):Unit = {
        val requestUrl = buildRequestUrl(ids)
        val request = url(requestUrl).GET
        executeRequest(request) pipeTo sender()

    def executeRequest(req:Req) = Http(req)

    def buildRequestUrl(ids:Seq[Int]):String = s"http://someurl.com/?ids=${ids.mkString(",")}"

在這里,我提供了一個方法executeRequest ,它執行的所有操作都會執行http請求並返回結果。 此方法將在我的測試中被覆蓋,如下所示:

class ServiceTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) with SpecificationLike with Mockito with ImplicitSender{

  trait scoping extends Scope{
    def mockResult:Response
    var url:String = ""
    val testRef = TestActorRef(new Service(""){
      override def executeRequest(req:Req) = {
        url = req.toRequest.getUrl()

  "A request to service " should{
    "execute the request and return the response" in new scoping{
      val mockedResp = mock[Response]
      def mockResult = mockedResp
      testRef ! Get(Seq(1,2,3))
      url ==== s"http://someurl.com/?ids=${URLEncoder.encode("1,2,3")}"



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