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[英]Node.js hangs on multiple setTimeout looping calls

我正在嘗試編寫允許我暫停播放音頻文件的類。 該類接受原始的PCM數據,並且您向該類提供發送樣本塊的頻率。 例如,您可以指定每20毫秒傳遞一個塊。 該類還實現了pause()和resume()函數。

該類還使用我編寫的SerialQueue模塊,以確保不會同時在緩沖區上對數據進行切片和連接。 因此,在下面的代碼中您將看到很多對此的引用。

我遇到的問題是它將多次調用setTimeout,但最終在setTimeout上隨機凍結。 我的處理器使用率將立即上升,並且沒有任何其他反應。


var nopus = require( './lib/node-opus' );
var Speaker = require( 'speaker' );
var fs = require( 'fs' );
var path = require( 'path' );
var SerialQueue = require( './lib/serial-queue' );
var Transform = require( 'stream' ).Transform;
var inherits = require( 'util' ).inherits;

function ThrottlePCM( opts ) {
    // Default to an empty object
    if( !opts )
        opts = {};

    // Pass through the options
    Transform.call( this, opts );

    this.milliseconds = opts.milliseconds | 20;
    this.bitDepth = opts.bitDepth | 16;
    this.channels = opts.channels | 1;
    this.sampleRate = opts.sampleRate | 48000;

    // Set our frame size
    if( this.milliseconds==2.5 )
        this.frameSize = this.sampleRate/400;
    else if( this.milliseconds==5 )
        this.frameSize = this.sampleRate/200;
    else if( this.milliseconds==10 )
        this.frameSize = this.sampleRate/100;
    else if( this.milliseconds==20 )
        this.frameSize = this.sampleRate/50;
    else if( this.milliseconds==40 )
        this.frameSize = this.sampleRate/25;
    else if( this.milliseconds==60 )
        this.frameSize = 3*this.sampleRate/50;
        throw new Error( "Millisecond value is not supported." );

    this.bytesPerBeat = this.frameSize*this.bitDepth/8*this.channels;

    console.log( "Bytes per beat %d.", this.bytesPerBeat );

    this.buffer = null;
    this.queue = new SerialQueue();

    // Taken from TooTallNate
    this.totalBytes = 0;
    this.startTime = Date.now();
    this.pauseTime = null;

    // Can we pass
    this.canPass = true;
    this.paused = false;
    this.flushCallback = null;

inherits( ThrottlePCM, Transform );

ThrottlePCM.prototype._transform = function( data, encoding, done ) {
    var that = this;

    this.queue.queue( function() {
        // Append the buffer
        if( that.buffer )
            that.buffer = Buffer.concat( [ that.buffer, data ] );
            that.buffer = data;

        // Nen no tame
        if( that.canPass )
    } );

    // We are ready for more data

ThrottlePCM.prototype.pause = function() {
    this.paused = true;
    this.pauseTime = Date.now();

ThrottlePCM.prototype.resume = function() {
    this.paused = false;
    this.startTime+= Date.now()-this.pauseTime;

    console.log( "Difference is %d: %d", Date.now()-this.pauseTime, this.startTime );

    var that = this;

    this.queue.queue( function() {
    } );


ThrottlePCM.prototype.passThrough = function() {
    // Are we paused?
    if( this.paused ) {
        this.canPass = true;

    // No pass now
    this.canPass = false;

    // The rest of us
    var that = this;
    var totalBeats = (Date.now()-this.startTime)/this.milliseconds;
    var expected = totalBeats*this.bytesPerBeat;

    function passMe() {
        console.log( "== Inkasemeen" );
        that.queue.queue( function() {
            if( !that.buffer ) {
                // Should we just flush?
                if( that.flushCallback ) {
                    var callback = that.flushCallback;
                    that.flushCallback = null;

                    console.log( "Antipass" );

                    that.canPass = true; // We can pass now from on timer

            var output;

            if( that.buffer.length>that.bytesPerBeat ) {
                output = that.buffer.slice( 0, that.bytesPerBeat );
                that.buffer = that.buffer.slice( that.bytesPerBeat );
            else {
                output = that.buffer;
                that.buffer = null;

            that.push( output );
            that.totalBytes+= output.length;

            // Re-call us
        } );

    console.log( "--\nTotal Beats: %d\nTotal Bytes: %d\nExpected: %d\nBytes Per Beat: %d\nMilliseconds: %s", totalBeats, this.totalBytes, expected, this.bytesPerBeat, this.milliseconds );

    if( this.totalBytes>expected ) {
        var remainder = this.totalBytes-expected;
        var sleepTime = remainder/this.bytesPerBeat*this.milliseconds;

        console.log( "++\nSleep time: %d", sleepTime );

        if( sleepTime ) {
            setTimeout( passMe, sleepTime );
        else {
    else {
        console.log( "Bytes are higher by %d (%d-%d)", expected-this.totalBytes, expected, this.totalBytes );

ThrottlePCM.prototype._flush = function( done ) {
    console.log( "Flush called." );

    // No action here I don't think
    this.flushCallback = done;

    var that = this;

    this.queue.queue( function() {
        // Show ourselves flushy
        if( that.canPass )
    } );

var format = {
    channels: 1,
    bitDepth: 16,
    sampleRate: 48000,
    bitrate: 16000,
    milliseconds: 60

var rate = nopus.getFrameSizeFromMilliseconds*format.channels*nopus.binding.sizeof_opus_int16;
var speaker = new Speaker( format );
var decoder = new nopus.Decoder( format );
var throttle = decoder.pipe( new ThrottlePCM( format ) );

throttle.pipe( speaker );

var file = fs.createReadStream( path.join( __dirname, 'files/audio/233' ) );

file.pipe( decoder );


Bytes per beat 5760.
Total Beats: 0.1
Total Bytes: 0
Expected: 576
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Bytes are higher by 576 (576-0)
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 0.15
Total Bytes: 1920
Expected: 864
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 11
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 0.26666666666666666
Total Bytes: 7680
Expected: 1536
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 64
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 1.3666666666666667
Total Bytes: 13440
Expected: 7872
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 58
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 2.3833333333333333
Total Bytes: 19200
Expected: 13728
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 57
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 3.283333333333333
Total Bytes: 24960
Expected: 18912
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 63
== Inkasemeen
Total Beats: 4.35
Total Bytes: 30720
Expected: 25055.999999999996
Bytes Per Beat: 5760
Milliseconds: 60
Sleep time: 59.000000000000036

它始終掛在不同的位置。 如您所見,它會在調用passMe函數並打印“ == Inkasemeen”之前停止在右側。



找到了問題! 事實證明,Node.js不喜歡您將小數傳遞給setTimeout! 四舍五入解決了該問題。

if( sleepTime>0 ) {
    setTimeout( passMe, sleepTime|0 );
else {

讓我知道這段代碼是否對任何人有用。 如果是這樣,我可以在完成后發布一個github。 現在,它可以完全正常工作。



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