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[英]Having trouble with an algorithm that loops through a string

我正在使用Visual Studio社區。

第一次循環運行一切正常,我得到06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45 Powerball: 22 ,但是第二次循環獲得07/03/2002“ 04 33 35 36 45”強力球: 22。

第二次遍歷循環,返回到第一個圖形的編號。 我知道我會寫

Numbers(i) = Full_History.Substring(Start + 10, 16)Balls(i) = FullHistory.Substring(Start + 26, 14) ,但這似乎不對。 我希望我能解釋這個權利。 任何幫助將不勝感激。

Dim Start As Integer = 0                                                'Create a variable for start
Dim Finish As Integer = 40                                              
For i As Integer = 0 To Array_Size - 1 Step 1                           'Loop through the string
Full_Draw(i) = Full_History.Substring(Start, Finish)                'Store the full drawing
Dates(i) = Full_History.Substring(Start, 10)                        'Store the Date of the drawing
Numbers(i) = Full_History.Substring(10, 16)                         'Store the numbers drawn
Balls(i) = Full_History.Substring(26, 14)                           'Store the 'ball' if necessary
Start += 40                                                         'Increment the start variable


Dim rx As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d\d\/\d\d\/\d{4})\s(\d\d)\s(\d\d)\s(\d\d)\s(\d\d)\s(\d\d)\s+Powerball:\s(\d\d)")
Dim s = "06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45  Powerball: 22 06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45  Powerball: 22 06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45  Powerball: 22 06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45  Powerball: 22 06/29/2002 04 33 35 36 45  Powerball: 22"
Dim matches = rx.Matches(s)
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each m As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match In matches
    sb.AppendLine("Date: " & m.Groups(1).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("#1: " & m.Groups(2).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("#2: " & m.Groups(3).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("#3: " & m.Groups(4).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("#4: " & m.Groups(5).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("#5: " & m.Groups(6).Value)
    sb.AppendLine("Powerball: " & m.Groups(7).Value)


  • \\ d代表一個數字
  • /是文字斜杠字符
  • {4}是一個量詞,表示前一事物的4
  • / s是空格
  • / s +表示盡可能多的空格
  • ()表示捕獲組,允許訪問每個匹配項的.Groups屬性中的值



Numbers(i) = Full_History.Substring(10, 16)                         'Store the numbers drawn
Balls(i) = Full_History.Substring(26, 14)   

這些行將始終在源字符串中裁剪相同的部分(例如,索引10到26)。 您還需要使用Start變量來縮放Substring的開始部分,例如

Numbers(i) = Full_History.Substring(Start + 10, 16)                         'Store the numbers drawn
Balls(i) = Full_History.Substring(Start + 26, 14)   

否則,不必驚訝每個元素的結局相同。 為了避免更多的混亂,請先將整個內容裁剪掉,然后將這個新字符串分解成各個部分:

For i As Integer = 0 To Array_Size - 1 Step 1                           'Loop through the string
    Dim ThisDraw As String = Full_History.Substring(Start, Finish)
    Full_Draw(i) = ThisDraw
    'Notice the fixed indizes now
    Dates(i) = ThisDraw.Substring(0, 10)                        'Store the Date of the drawing
    Numbers(i) = ThisDraw.Substring(10, 16)                         'Store the numbers drawn
    Balls(i) = ThisDraw.Substring(26, 14)                           'Store the 'ball' if necessary
    Start += Finish

謝謝你的回復。 我通過在數組中剪切單個圖形,然后在其中剪切出一個子字符串(單個圖形),而不是試圖直接從“ FullString”數組中剪切圖形,日期,數字和球,解決了該問題。流。



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