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[英]SQL - Looping through ever row of table in mysql?

所以我有2張桌子, communicationmovement

communication具有fromID列,具有呼叫者ID的timestamp和呼叫時間。 然后,我進行了另一個表movement ,該表movement具有IDtimestampxy ,具有一個人的ID,他們的位置(x,y)以及他們在該位置的時間。


For every single row of communication(R)
    SELECT * FROM movement m
    WHERE m.ID = R.fromID && m.timestamp <= R.timestamp
    ORDER BY timestamp 

基本上,這是為給定的communication timestamp找到最接近的movement timestamp communication timestamp 之后,最終,我想根據movement數據找到呼叫的位置(x,y)

我該怎么做? 我知道有一種基於集合的方法,但是我不想那樣做。 我看着cursors ,但是我感到在那方面的表現很糟糕……所以無論如何都要循環執行此操作? 我本質上是想遍歷communication每一行,並得到結果...


CREATE PROCEDURE findClosestTimestamp() 
DECLARE commRowCount DEFAULT 0; 
DECLARE ctimestamp DEFAULT 0; 
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM communication INTO commRowCount; 

SET i = 0; 
WHILE i < commRowCount DO 
SELECT timestamp INTO ctimestamp FROM communication c 
SELECT * FROM movement m 
WHERE m.vID = c.fromID && m.timestamp <= R.timestamp

但是我知道那是完全錯誤的……是做這種游標的唯一方法嗎? 我只是在Internet上的任何地方都找不到這樣的示例,而且我對SQL過程完全陌生。 任何指導將不勝感激,謝謝!!


delimiter $$
create procedure findClosestTimeStamp()
    -- Variables to hold values from the communications table
    declare cFromId int;
    declare cTimeStamp datetime;
    -- Variables related to cursor:
    --    1. 'done' will be used to check if all the rows in the cursor 
    --       have been read
    --    2. 'curComm' will be the cursor: it will fetch each row
    --    3. The 'continue' handler will update the 'done' variable
    declare done int default false;
    declare curComm cursor for
        select fromId, timestamp from communication; -- This is the query used by the cursor.
    declare continue handler for not found -- This handler will be executed if no row is found in the cursor (for example, if all rows have been read).
        set done = true;

    -- Open the cursor: This will put the cursor on the first row of its
    -- rowset.
    open curComm;
    -- Begin the loop (that 'loop_comm' is a label for the loop)
    loop_comm: loop
        -- When you fetch a row from the cursor, the data from the current
        -- row is read into the variables, and the cursor advances to the
        -- next row. If there's no next row, the 'continue handler for not found'
        -- will set the 'done' variable to 'TRUE'
        fetch curComm into cFromId, cTimeStamp;
        -- Exit the loop if you're done
        if done then
            leave loop_comm;
        end if;
        -- Execute your desired query.
        -- As an example, I'm putting a SELECT statement, but it may be
        -- anything.
        select *
        from movement as m
        where m.vID = cFromId and m.timeStamp <= cTimeStamp
        order by timestampdiff(SECOND, cTimeStamp, m.timeStamp)
        limit 1;
    end loop;
    -- Don't forget to close the cursor when you finish
    close curComm;
end $$
delimiter ;



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