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[英]Self as argument type of generic callback

我正在嘗試為支持特定協議的每種類型實現通用廣播功能。 例如:

protocol Proto {
    typealias ItemType
    typealias Callback = (Self, ItemType)

    func register(tag: String, cb: Callback)
    func unregister(tag: String)

class Foo : Proto {
    typealias ItemType = Int

    func register(tag: String, cb: (Foo, Int)) {


    func unregister(tag: String) {


func bc <T: Proto> (p: T, value: T.ItemType, os: [String: T.Callback]) {
    for (k, v) in os {
        v(p, value) // error: cannot invoke v with argument list of...


我認為在這個地方雨后春筍般的越野車。 也許你可以使用

protocol Proto {
    typealias ItemType

    func register(tag: String, cb: (Self, Self.ItemType)->())
    func unregister(tag: String, cb: (Self, Self.ItemType)->())

class Foo : Proto {

    func register(tag: String, cb: (Foo, Int)->()) {

    func unregister(tag: String, cb: (Foo, Int)->()) {


func bc <T: Proto> (p: T, value: T.ItemType, os: [String : (T,T.ItemType)->()]) {
    for (_, vc) in os {
        vc(p, value) // error: cannot invoke v with argument list of...


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