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[英]Using radio buttons to tally a score in a quiz

我正在嘗試使用單選按鈕進行簡單的Javascript測驗。 每個問題和選項都應存儲在一個數組中,並使用getElementById()動態替換這些問題。 我一直在嘗試為單選按鈕分配值,以便可以在最后顯示分數。



 var questionsArray = new Array; questionsArray[0] = ["1. Who is the president of the US?"]; questionsArray[1] = ["2. What is the capital city of France?"]; questionsArray[2] = ["3. What is your favorite food?"]; var choicesArray = new Array(); choicesArray[0] = ["Lebron James", "Barack Obama", "George Bush"]; choicesArray[1] = ["Nairobi", "London", "Paris"]; choicesArray[2] = ["Pizza", "Sushi", "Pasta"]; var i = 0; var theScore = 0; function btnOnclick() { var radElement = document.form1.options; var showDiv = document.getElementById("questionsDiv"); showDiv.className = "showClass"; document.getElementById("next").value = "Next"; while(i < questionsArray.length && i < choicesArray.length) { var currQues = questionsArray[i]; var option1 = choicesArray[i][0]; var option2 = choicesArray[i][1]; var option3 = choicesArray[i][2]; i++; document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = currQues; document.getElementById("choice1").innerHTML = option1; document.getElementById("choice2").innerHTML = option2; document.getElementById("choice3").innerHTML = option3; return true } if(questionsArray[0] && radElement[1].checked == true) { theScore += 10 } else { theScore += 0 } if(questionsArray[1] && radElement[2].checked == true) { theScore += 10 } else { theScore += 0 } if(questionsArray[2] && radElement[1].checked == true) { theScore += 10 } else { theScore += 0 } alert(theScore) } function bodyOnload() { var hideDiv = document.getElementById("questionsDiv"); hideDiv.className = "hideClass"; document.getElementById("next").value = "Start Quiz" } 
 .hideClass{ display: none; } .showClass{ display: block; } 
 <body onload="bodyOnload()"> <h1>QUIZ</h1> <div id="questionsDiv"> <form name="form1"> <p id="question" class="showQuestion"></p> <tr> <span id="choice1"></span> <td> <input type="radio" id="radio1" value="0" name="options" /> </td> <td> <span id="choice2"></span> <input type="radio" id="radio2" value="0" name="options" /> </td> <td> <span id="choice3"></span> <input type="radio" id="radio3" value="0" name="options" /> </td> </tr> </div> <br /> <br /> <hr> <tr> <td> <input type="button" id="next" value="Next" name="nextButton" onclick="btnOnclick()"/> </td> </tr> </form> </body> 


choicesArray[2] = [{
    text: "Pizza",
    correct: true
}, {
    text: "Pasta",
    correct: false
}, {
    text: "Sushi",
    correct: false

然后,如果選擇了radio2 ,則檢查答案數組中的第二項以查看其是否正確,如下所示:

// use index 1 for the second choice in the list.
if(choicesArray[2][1].correct === true) {
    //it's right!
} else {
    //it's wrong...



var question = {
    questionText: 'What is your favorite food?',
    answers: [{
        answerText: "Pizza",
        correct: true
    }, {
        answerText: "Pasta",
        correct: false
    }, {
        answerText: "Sushi",
        correct: false


var currentQuestionIndex = 1; //or whatever it is

var questionText = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].questionText;

var answer1 = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[0].answerText;
var answer1isCorrect = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[0].correct;

var answer2 = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[1].answerText;
var answer2isCorrect = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[1].correct;

var answer3 = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[2].answerText;
var answer3isCorrect = questionsArray[currentQuestionIndex].answers[2].correct;

另外,在將項目添加到數組時,您不必如此明確。 它使您的代碼變得脆弱。 考慮使用push()

var questionsArray = [];

    questionText: 'What is your favorite food?',
    answers: [{
        answerText: "Pizza",
        correct: true
    }, {
        answerText: "Pasta",
        correct: false
    }, {
        answerText: "Sushi",
        correct: false


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