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[英]How to test an exception from a future


  test( "test2", () async {
    expect( await throws(), throwsException);


Future throws () async {
  throw new FormatException("hello");

使用 try-catch


try {
    await methodWhichThrows();
    fail("exception not thrown");
} catch (e) {
    expect(e, new isInstanceOf<...>());
    // more expect statements can go here


Expect with throwsA 僅用作最后一條語句

僅當它是測試中的最后一個語句時,單獨使用expect才有效。 有過方法會拋出異常,所以不可能有競爭狀態與報表(包括后續調用期望的那樣),如果他們假定異常已經拋出無法控制。

expect(methodWhichThrows(), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<...>())); // unreliable unless last

它可以使用,但您必須非常小心地記住它在哪些情況下有效,哪些情況下無效。 因此,堅持使用try-catch方法比針對不同情況使用不同方法更安全。



import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

/// This approach to expecting exceptions is reliable.
Future reliableApproach(int luck) async {
  expect(await setValueAndReturnsHalf(42), equals(21));
  expect(state, equals(Evenness.isEven));

  try {
    await setValueAndReturnsHalf(3);
    fail("exception not thrown");
  } catch (e) {
    expect(e, new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>());

  // Expect value to be odd after execption is thrown.

  await shortDelay(luck); // in my experience there's no such thing called luck
  expect(state, equals(Evenness.isOdd));

/// This approach to expecting exceptions is unreliable.
Future unreliableApproach(int luck) async {
  expect(await setValueAndReturnsHalf(42), equals(21));
  expect(state, equals(Evenness.isEven));

  expect(setValueAndReturnsHalf(3), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));

  // Expect value to be odd after execption is thrown.

  await shortDelay(luck); // luck determines if the race condition is triggered
  expect(state, equals(Evenness.isOdd));


enum Evenness { isEven, isOdd, inLimbo }

int value = 0;
Evenness state = Evenness.isEven;

/// Sets the [value] and [state].
/// If the [newValue] is even, [state] is set to [Evenness.isEven] and half of it
/// is returned as the Future's value.
/// If the [newValue] is odd, [state] is set to [Evenness.isOdd] and an exception
/// is thrown.
/// To simulate race conditions, this method takes 2 seconds before it starts
/// processing and 4 seconds to succeed or throw an exception. While it is
/// processing, the [state] is set to [Evenness.inLimbo].
Future<int> setValueAndReturnsHalf(int newValue) async {
  await shortDelay(2);

  state = Evenness.inLimbo;

  await shortDelay(2);

  value = newValue;

  if (newValue % 2 != 0) {
    state = Evenness.isOdd;
    throw new ArgumentError.value(newValue, "value", "is not an even number");
  } else {
    state = Evenness.isEven;
    return value ~/ 2;

/// Delays used to simulate processing and race conditions.
Future shortDelay(int seconds) {
  var c = new Completer();
  new Timer(new Duration(seconds: seconds), () => c.complete());
  return c.future;

/// Examples of the reliable and unreliable approaches.
void main() {
  test("Correct operation when exception is not thrown", () async {
    expect(await setValueAndReturnsHalf(42), equals(21));
    expect(value, equals(42));

  group("Reliable approach:", () {
    test("works when there is bad luck", () async {
      // 1 second = bad luck, future returning function not started processing yet
      await reliableApproach(1);

    test("works when there is more bad luck", () async {
      // 3 second = bad luck, future returning function still processing
      await reliableApproach(3);

    test("works when there is good luck", () async {
      // 5 seconds = good luck, future returning function definitely finished
      await reliableApproach(5);

  group("Unreliable approach:", () {
    test("race condition encountered by bad luck", () async {
      // 1 second = bad luck, future returning function not started processing yet
      await unreliableApproach(1);

    test("race condition encountered by more bad luck", () async {
      // 3 second = bad luck, future returning function still processing
      await unreliableApproach(3);

    test("race condition avoided by good luck", () async {
      // 5 seconds = good luck, future returning function definitely finished
      await unreliableApproach(5);


import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'dart:async';

void main() {
  test( "test2", ()  { // with or without `async`
    expect(throws(), throwsA(const TypeMatcher<FormatException>()));

Future throws () async {
  throw new FormatException("hello");

基本上只是刪除await 無論成功還是失敗,測試框架都可以處理期貨。


void functionThatThrows() => throw SomeException();

void functionWithArgument(bool shouldThrow) {
  if (shouldThrow) {
    throw SomeException();

Future<void> asyncFunctionThatThrows() async => throw SomeException();

expect(functionThatThrows, throwsA(isA<SomeException>()));

expect(() => functionWithArgument(true), throwsA(isA<SomeException>()));

var future = asyncFunctionThatThrows();
await expectLater(future, throwsA(isA<SomeException>()));

await expectLater(
    asyncFunctionThatThrows, throwsA(isA<SomeException>()));

有多種方法可以測試來自 Future 的錯誤。 如果“無異步拋出”方法拋出一些異常,Gunter 的回答將起作用。 下面的示例將處理來自未來方法的異常。

import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'dart:async';

void main() {
    test("test with Zone", () {
        runZoned(() {
        }, onError: expectAsync((e, s) {
            expect(e, new isInstanceOf<FormatException>());

    test('test with future catch error', () {
        throws().catchError(expectAsync((e) {
            expect(e, new isInstanceOf<FormatException>());

Future throws() async{
    Completer completer = new Completer();
    completer.complete(new Future(() => throw new FormatException("hello")));
    return completer.future;


expect(throws(), throwsException)


expect(throws(), throwsA(predicate((e) => e is MyException)));


  test('fetch SHOULD throw exception WHEN api fail with exception', () {
      when(clientMock.get(uri)).thenAnswer((_) async => throw Exception());

      expect(() => sut.fetch(), throwsA(isInstanceOf<Exception>()));


當任何其他答案時我都不滿意; 太冗長了。


test('ArgumentError is thrown when throwIt is true', () {
   expectLater(() => myAsyncFunctionThatTakesAnArgument(throwIt: true), throwsA(isA<ArgumentError>()));


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