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使用getter / setter獲取動態對象屬性

[英]Using getter / setter for dynamic object properties

除了設置各種狀態外,我還想跟蹤這些狀態已激活了多長時間。 現在,這沒有為每個狀態定義第二個屬性來跟蹤時間,這聽起來像是getter / setter

那就是我被困住的地方。 如何使它們具有動態性,以便它們觸發每個status屬性?

 var Person = function(options) { this.name = options.name; var _statusChanged = {}; var _status = {}; // How to make this dynamic? var expr = "isOnfire"; this.status = { get [expr]() { console.log(_statusChanged); return _status[expr]; }, set [expr](val) { _status[expr] = val; _statusChanged[expr] = new Date(); return _status[expr]; } }; }; var John = new Person({ name: "John" }); John.status.isOnfire = true; John.status.hasPinkShirt = true; console.log(John, John.status.isOnfire, John.status.hasPinkShirt); 


this.status = {};
["isOnFire", "hasPinkShirt"].forEach((name) => {
  Object.defineProperty(status, name {
    get() {
      return _status[name];
    set(val) {
      _status[name] = val;
      _statusChanged[name] = new Date();
      return _status[name];

如果它們可以是任何東西 ,那么您將需要使用Proxy對象 使用代理,您可以捕獲所有獲取/設置,而無需事先知道屬性名稱:

this.status = new Proxy(_status, {
    get(target, propKey, receiver) {
        // handle get
        return _status[propKey];
    set(target, propKey, value, receiver) {
        // handle set
        _status[propKey] = value;
        _statusChanged[propKey] = new Date();
        return true; // Tells the proxy the assignment worked

(或者您可以使用Reflect.getReflect.set ,但是甚至Firefox都沒有。)


這是一個示例,但是您需要在最新版本的Firefox中運行它,因為在野外 ,真正的支持或Proxy仍然很薄,從本質上講,您不能填充/填充代理。

 (function() { "use strict"; var _status = {}; var _statusChanged = {}; var status = new Proxy(_status, { get(target, propKey, receiver) { snippet.log(propKey + " requested"); return _status[propKey]; }, set(target, propKey, value, receiver) { snippet.log(propKey + " set to " + value); _status[propKey] = value; _statusChanged[propKey] = new Date(); return true; // Tells the proxy the assignment worked } }); status.foo = "bar"; snippet.log("foo = " + status.foo); })(); 
 <!-- Script provides the `snippet` object, see http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/242144/134069 --> <script src="http://tjcrowder.github.io/simple-snippets-console/snippet.js"></script> 


您需要一個稱為ECMAScript 6 Proxy的對象。 在Firefox中,默認情況下處於啟用狀態。 有一次它們是在Chrome的“ 實驗性JavaScript ”下實現的,但似乎已被暫時刪除。 請參閱此ES6兼容性表


 var output = function(text) { var line = document.createElement('div'); line.innerHTML = text; document.getElementById('output').appendChild(line); } var Person = function(options) { this.name = options.name; var _status = {}; var _statusChanged = {}; this.status = new Proxy(_status,{ get: function(target,property) { return target[property]; }, set: function(target,property,value) { _statusChanged[property] = new Date(); output("set " + property + " to " + value + " at " + _statusChanged[property]); _status[property] = value; } }); this.show = function(property) { output("Property " + property + " is " + _status[property] + " since " + _statusChanged[property]); } }; var John = new Person({ name: "John" }); John.status.isOnfire = true; John.status.hasPinkShirt = true; John.show("isOnfire"); John.show("hasPinkShirt"); 
 <div id="output"></div> 



var Person = function (options) {
    this.name = options.name;

    var _statusChanged = {};
    var _status = {};

    var expr = '';

    var addStatusProperty = function (prop) {
        expr = prop;

        Object.defineProperty(otherStatus, expr, {
            get: function () {
                return _status[expr];
            set: function (val) {
                _status[expr] = val;
                _statusChanged[expr] = new Date();
                return _status[expr];

    var setStatusProperty = function (prop, val) {
        expr = prop;

        if (_status[expr]) {
            otherStatus[expr] = val;
            return _status[expr];
        } else {
            otherStatus[expr] = val;
            return _status[expr];

    var getStatusProperty = function (prop) {
        expr = prop;

        return _status[expr]

    this.status = {
        addProperty: addStatusProperty,
        setProperty: setStatusProperty,
        getProperty: getStatusProperty

    var otherStatus = this.status;

var John = new Person({
    name: "John"

John.status.setProperty('isOnfire', true);
John.status.setProperty('hasPinkShirt', true);

console.log(John, John.status.getProperty('isOnfire'), John.status.getProperty('hasPinkShirt'));


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