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[英]jQuery submit won't submit form


這是腳本所在的頁面: http : //www.absoluteglazing.co.uk/quotation? item= walkon


$( document ).ready(function() { // Document ready function

$('#quoteform').submit(function(event) {  // Submit form function

    event.preventDefault(); // Stop form from submitting

// Variable declaration
    var GetLength = $('#length').val(); // Length variable
    var GetWidth = $('#width').val(); // Width variable
    var GetLengthUnit = $('#length_unit').val(); // Length variable
    var GetWidthUnit = $('#width_unit').val(); // Width variable
    var GetNoPanes = $('input[name=nopanes]:checked').val(); // Number of panes variable
    var GetLocation = $('#thelocation').val(); // Location variable
    var GetAntislip = $('#antislip:checked').val(); // Antislip checked variable
    var GetFirerated = $('#firerated:checked').val(); // Fire Rated checked variable
    var GetSolarcontrol = $('#colarcontrol:checked').val(); // Solar Control checked variable
    var GetLengthConverted
    var GetWidthConverted
    var GetPaneLength
    var GetPaneWidth
// End of ariable declaration

if(GetLength < GetWidth) { // If length is less than width
    $('#length').val(GetWidth); // Set length to width
    $('#width').val(GetLength); // Set width to length
    var GetLengthTemp = GetWidth;
    var GetWidthTemp = GetLength;
    GetLength = GetLengthTemp;
    GetWidth = GetWidthTemp;
} // End if length is less than width

if(!$.isNumeric(GetLength) || !$.isNumeric(GetWidth)) { // Check to see if length and width are numeric

    title: "Error!",   
    text: "Please enter a valid length and width",   
    type: "error",   
    confirmButtonColor: "#f36e21",
    confirmButtonText: "OK" });

} else { // If length and width are valid then continue

    if(GetLengthUnit == 'cm') { // cm to mm conversion
        GetLengthConverted = GetLength * 10;
    } else if(GetLengthUnit == 'm') { // m to mm conversion
        GetLengthConverted = GetLength * 1000;
    } else if(GetLengthUnit == 'inches') { //inches to mm conversion
        GetLengthConverted = GetLength * 25.4;
    } else if(GetLengthUnit == 'feet') { // feet to mm
        GetLengthConverted = GetLength * 304.8;
    } else { // if in mm then no conversion needed
        GetLengthConverted = GetLength;

    if(GetWidthUnit == 'cm') { // cm to mm conversion
        GetWidthConverted = GetWidth * 10;
    } else if(GetWidthUnit == 'm') { // m to mm conversion
        GetWidthConverted = GetWidth * 1000;
    } else if(GetWidthUnit == 'inches') { //inches to mm conversion
        GetWidthConverted = GetWidth * 25.4;
    } else if(GetWidthUnit == 'feet') { // feet to mm
        GetWidthConverted = GetWidth * 304.8;
    } else { // if in mm then no conversion needed
        GetWidthConverted = GetWidth;

    if(GetNoPanes == 1) { // If one pane
        GetPaneLength = GetLengthConverted;
        GetPaneWidth = GetWidthConverted;
    } else if(GetNoPanes == 2) { // If two panes
        GetPaneLength = GetLengthConverted / 2;
        GetPaneWidth = GetWidthConverted;
    } else if(GetNoPanes == 3) { // If three panes
        GetPaneLength = GetLengthConverted / 3;
        GetPaneWidth = GetWidthConverted;
    } else if(GetNoPanes == 4) { // If four panes
        GetPaneLength = GetLengthConverted / 2;
        GetPaneWidth = GetWidthConverted / 2;
    } else { // If five or more panes
        GetPaneLength = 5000; // Use 5000 for error checking 5 panes or more
        GetPaneWidth = 5000; // Use 5000 for error checking 5 panes or more

    if(GetPaneLength > 2950 || GetPaneWidth > 2400) {
        title: "Are you sure?",   
        text: "The size of glass panes in your quotation are quite large and will increase the cost. Would you like to split this into more panes of glass?",   
        type: "info",   
        showCancelButton: true,   
        confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55",   
        confirmButtonText: "Yes",   
        cancelButtonText: "No",   
        closeOnConfirm: true,   
        closeOnCancel: false },
        if (isConfirm) {     
            // Nothing, just close dialog
        } else {  
            alert('Just testing something is happening');   
        } });

} // End check to see if length and width are numeric

}); // End submit form function

}); // End document ready function

問題是您的手動提交代碼$('#quoteform').submit(); ,當調用時,它將再次再次調用Submit事件處理程序,這將防止默認操作引起處理程序的遞歸調用。




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