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[英]Validate user input from prompt in JavaScript

因此,我從Codecademy擴展了rock / paper / scissors JS游戲以驗證用戶輸入,但是當用戶插入“ rock”,“ paper”以外的其他內容時,我無法讓程序繼續要求正確的用戶輸入。或“剪刀”。

var userChoice;

userChoice = prompt('Do you choose rock, paper, or scissors?');
console.log('User choice: ' + userChoice);

if (userChoice !== 'rock' && userChoice !== 'paper' && userChoice !== 'scissors') {
    userChoice = prompt('Select again.');
} else if (userChoice === computerChoice) {
    userChoice = prompt('It\'s a tie! Pick again.');
    console.log('New user choice: ' + userChoice);

//computer random choice
var computerChoice = Math.random();
console.log('Computer random number: ' + computerChoice);

// assign rock, paper, scissors values
if (computerChoice <= 0.33) {
    computerChoice = 'rock';
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.67) {
    computerChoice = 'paper';
} else {
    computerChoice = 'scissors';

console.log('Computer choice: ' + computerChoice);

// compare user and computer choices
var compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
    if (choice1 === 'rock') {
        if (choice2 === 'scissors') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Paper wins!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'scissors') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'paper') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Paper wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';

console.log(compare(userChoice, computerChoice));

第一次用戶在提示符下輸入類似'r'的命令時,此方法工作正常,但如果第二次輸入錯誤,則該命令不起作用,並且控制台在最后一行console上undefined日志console.log(compare(userChoice, computerChoice)); 我如何獲得它以繼續請求有效輸入? 在此先感謝大家!

您的代碼有一些問題。 要解決第一個問題,您可以這樣做:

var userChoice;

userChoice = prompt('Do you choose rock, paper, or scissors?');
console.log('User choice: ' + userChoice);

while (userChoice !== 'rock' && userChoice !== 'paper' && userChoice !== 'scissors') {
    userChoice = prompt('Select again.');


if (userChoice === computerChoice) {
    userChoice = prompt('It\'s a tie! Pick again.');
    console.log('New user choice: ' + userChoice);

此代碼將永遠不會觸發,因為您在進行比較后會計算出computerChoice 您應該將此代碼移到您的compare函數中:

var compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
    if (choice1 === choice2) {
        return 'It\'s a tie!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'rock') {
        if (choice2 === 'scissors') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Paper wins!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'scissors') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'paper') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Paper wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';

運行userChoice = prompt('Select again.'); ,您只需繼續完成其余的代碼執行即可。 您需要某種循環條件,檢查它們是否輸入了有效輸入,並讓代碼僅在有效后才繼續。 (提示:“ while ”循環)


//to do
// after it is a tie, making the same choice doesn't do anything?
// keep on prompting if incorrect input again

// take user input
var userChoice;

userChoice = prompt('Do you choose rock, paper, or scissors?');
console.log('User choice: ' + userChoice);

var valid = false;

//computer random choice
var computerChoice = Math.random();
console.log('Computer random number: ' + computerChoice);

// assign rock, paper, scissors values
if (computerChoice <= 0.33) {
    computerChoice = 'rock';
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.67) {
    computerChoice = 'paper';
} else {
    computerChoice = 'scissors';

while (!valid) {
    if (userChoice !== 'rock' && userChoice !== 'paper' && userChoice !== 'scissors') {
        userChoice = prompt('Select again.');
    } else if (userChoice === computerChoice) {
        userChoice = prompt('It\'s a tie! Pick again.');
        //computer random choice
        var computerChoice = Math.random();
        console.log('Computer random number: ' + computerChoice);

        // assign rock, paper, scissors values
        if (computerChoice <= 0.33) {
            computerChoice = 'rock';
        } else if (computerChoice <= 0.67) {
            computerChoice = 'paper';
        } else {
            computerChoice = 'scissors';
        console.log('New user choice: ' + userChoice);
    } else {
     valid = true;

console.log('Computer choice: ' + computerChoice);

// compare user and computer choices
var compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
    if (choice1 === 'rock') {
        if (choice2 === 'scissors') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Paper wins!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'scissors') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Rock wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';
    } else if (choice1 === 'paper') {
        if (choice2 === 'rock') {
            return 'Paper wins!';
        } else {
            return 'Scissors win!';

console.log(compare(userChoice, computerChoice));



var compare = function(choice1, choice2) {
    if {
    return "oops !!"; //<-- missing


使用循環可以幫助您。 可能做..while循環。


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