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[英]d3js Moving SVG elements inside a transforming group

我正在研究一個查詢生成器項目。 我正在嘗試使用d3.js構建查詢生成器。 我陷入了要在轉換組內移動某些元素的部分。 這是回購協議 ,我被困在此功能中 連接后,我想移動操作員並更新連接的線。 誰能幫我?

var circleDrag = d3.behavior.drag()
    .on('dragstart', function () {

    .on('drag', function () {
        var parentQboxGroupId = d3.select(this).select(function () {
            return this.parentNode;
        var grandParent = parentQboxGroupId.select(function(){
            return this.parentNode;

        var drawingGroup = d3.select('#'+grandParent.attr('id'));
        var currentC = d3.select(this);

            dragging = true;
            .attr('x1', currentC.attr('cx'))
            .attr('y1', currentC.attr('cy'))

        dummyLine.src = currentC.attr('id');
        console.log('CIRCLE IS BEING DRAGGED' + JSON.stringify(dummyLine));

    .on('dragend', function () {
        console.log('drag circle end');

        //    dummyLine.target = selectedQbox.id;
        dummyLine.target = selectedCircle.id;
        dragging = false;

        console.log('DRAG END : SELCTED NODE : '+ JSON.stringify(selectedCircle));
        console.log('DRAG END : DUMMY LINE : '+ JSON.stringify(dummyLine));

        var targetNode = d3.select('#'+dummyLine.target);
        var srcNode = d3.select('#'+dummyLine.src);
        console.log('split : ' + dummyLine.src.split('--'));

        var group = '#' + (dummyLine.src).split('--')[1];
        console.log('G: ' + group);
            .attr('id', function () {

                var a = (dummyLine.src).split('--');
                var b = (dummyLine.target).split('--');
                if( a[0]== 'nodeRight'){
                    return dummyLine.src + '__' + dummyLine.target;
                    return dummyLine.target + '__' + dummyLine.src;

            .attr('class', function () {
                var a = (dummyLine.src).split('--');
                var b = (dummyLine.target).split('--');
                return 'line '+ a[1]+' '+b[1];
            .attr('x1', srcNode.attr('cx'))
            .style('stroke', 'black')
            .style('stroke-width', '3px')
        dummyLine.src = null;
        dummyLine.target = null;

編輯:當我嘗試刪除查詢框。 我可以在其中放其他運算符。 然后,我應該可以將它們連接到內部。 這是顯示我正在嘗試的圖像。


建立連接后,我嘗試分別移動大型操作箱和小型操作員。 那就是代碼中斷的地方。

主要問題是要移動運算符,請使用平移來移動整個組(標簽),其中包括圖像,兩個圓圈和一條直線。 然后,使用連接的另一運算符的CX,CY值設置該行的另一端。 這將行不通,因為執行平移時不會更新圓的CX和CY值,因此,第二步移動時,會將x,y值放在圓的原始點,而不是移動的點。 要解決,而不是翻譯整個組,只翻譯圖像,更新圓的cx和cy值,然后使用新的圓cx,cy更新線x,y值:

所有需要的修改都在您的operatorDrag.js文件中。 首先,當您添加圓時,添加一個屬性,該屬性包含原始的cx和cy值。 在計算新的cx時需要這些,在拖動運算符時需要cy:


 var op = currGroup
            .attr('class', 'operator')
            .attr('width', elem.attr('width') * 0.75)
            .attr('height', elem.attr('height') * 0.75)
            .attr('x', d3.mouse(this)[0])
            .attr('y', d3.mouse(this)[1])
            .attr('xlink:href', elem.attr('href'));

            .attr('class', 'node nodeLeft')
            .attr('id', function () {
                return 'nodeLeft--' + currGroup.attr('id');
            .attr('cx', op.attr('x'))
            .attr('cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))
            .attr('r', 5)
            .style('fill', 'red')
            .on('mouseover', function () {
                selectedCircle = {
                    id: d3.select(this).attr('id'),
                    cls: 'nodeLeft'

            .attr('class', 'node nodeRight')
            .attr('id', function () {
                return 'nodeRight--' + currGroup.attr('id');
            .attr('cx', Number(op.attr('x')) + Number(op.attr('width')))
            .attr('cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))
            .attr('r', 5)
            .style('fill', 'red')

            .on('mouseover', function () {
                selectedCircle = {
                    id: d3.select(this).attr('id'),
                    cls: 'nodeRight'



     var op = currGroup
                    .attr('class', 'operator')
                    .attr('width', elem.attr('width') * 0.75)
                    .attr('height', elem.attr('height') * 0.75)
                    .attr('x', d3.mouse(this)[0])
                    .attr('y', d3.mouse(this)[1])
                    .attr('xlink:href', elem.attr('href'));

                    .attr('class', 'node nodeLeft')
                    .attr('id', function () {
                        return 'nodeLeft--' + currGroup.attr('id');
                    .attr('cx', op.attr('x'))
                    .attr('cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))

                // #SB: add a reference to the original cx and cy position.
                // we will need it to set new cx cy when moving operator

                    .attr('data-cx', op.attr('x'))
                    .attr('data-cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))
                    .attr('r', 5)
                    .style('fill', 'red')
                    .on('mouseover', function () {
                        selectedCircle = {
                            id: d3.select(this).attr('id'),
                            cls: 'nodeLeft'

                    .attr('class', 'node nodeRight')
                    .attr('id', function () {
                        return 'nodeRight--' + currGroup.attr('id');
                    .attr('cx', Number(op.attr('x')) + Number(op.attr('width')))
                    .attr('cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))
                // #SB: add a reference to the original cx and cy position.
                // we will need it to set new cx cy when moving operator

                    .attr('data-cx', Number(op.attr('x')) + Number(op.attr('width')))
                    .attr('data-cy', op.attr('height') / 2 + Number(op.attr('y')))
                    .attr('r', 5)
                    .style('fill', 'red')

                    .on('mouseover', function () {
                        selectedCircle = {
                            id: d3.select(this).attr('id'),
                            cls: 'nodeRight'


完成此操作后,請轉到操作員的拖動方法。 這是我們要更改的代碼:

               .on('drag', function () {

                    var g = d3.select(this);

                    var currentOp = g.select('.operator');
                    var parent = g.select(function () {
                        return this.parentNode;

                    var dx = d3.event.x;
                    var dy = d3.event.y;

                    var mouse = {dx: d3.event.x, dy: d3.event.y};
                    var currentObj = {
                        x: currentOp.attr('x'),
                        y: currentOp.attr('y'),
                        width: currentOp.attr('width'),
                        height: currentOp.attr('height')
                    var parentObj = {
                        x: parent.attr('x'),
                        y: parent.attr('y'),
                        width: parent.attr('width'),
                        height: parent.attr('height')

                    //console.log('parent width : ' + parent.attr('width'));
                    //console.log('parent width : ' + currentOp.attr('width'));
                    //g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
                    var loc = getXY(mouse, currentObj, parentObj);
                    g.attr('transform', 'translate(' + loc.x + ',' + loc.y + ')');

                    d3.select('#' + g.attr('id')).selectAll('.line')[0].forEach(function (e1) {

                        var line = d3.select(e1);
                        console.log('line : ' + line.attr('id'));
                        var split = line.attr('id').split('__');
                        if(g.attr('id') == split[0]){
                            //change x2, y2
                            var otherNode = d3.select('#'+split[1]);
                            line.attr('x2', otherNode.attr('cx'));
                            line.attr('y2', otherNode.attr('cy'));
                            var otherNode = d3.select('#'+split[0]);
                            line.attr('x1', otherNode.attr('cx'));
                            line.attr('y1', otherNode.attr('cy'));




              var g = d3.select(this);

                    var currentOp = g.select('.operator');

                    var parent = g.select(function () {
                        return this.parentNode;

                    //#SB: added a reference to the parent id
                    var parent_id = g.select(function () {
                        return this.parentNode;


                    var dx = d3.event.x;
                    var dy = d3.event.y;

                    var mouse = {dx: d3.event.x, dy: d3.event.y};
                    var currentObj = {
                        x: currentOp.attr('x'),
                        y: currentOp.attr('y'),
                        width: currentOp.attr('width'),
                        height: currentOp.attr('height')
                    var parentObj = {
                        x: parent.attr('x'),
                        y: parent.attr('y'),
                        width: parent.attr('width'),
                        height: parent.attr('height')

                    var loc = getXY(mouse, currentObj, parentObj);

                    //#SB: Do not translate everything, the cx, cy values of the circle are not updated
                    // when translating which will make future moves calculate incorrectly
                    g.selectAll('image').attr('transform', 'translate(' + loc.x + ',' + loc.y + ')');


                    .attr('cx', function () {

                        return parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr('data-cx')) + parseFloat(loc.x);
                    .attr('cy', function () {

                        return parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr('data-cy')) + parseFloat(loc.y);

最后一件事是更新行。 在原始代碼中,您選擇了運算符組中的所有行,但實際上僅選擇此組將錯過某些行。 某些線路可以是另一個操作員組的一部分,但可以連接到正在移動的操作員。 在這種情況下,我們應該選擇父組中的所有線路,並檢查線路是否連接到我們要移動的操作員。 如果已連接,則我們更新x和y值:

//#SB: Select all the lines in the parent group instead of only group of the
                        // operator we are moving. There can be lines that exists on other groups that 
                        // do not exist within the group that is being moved. 

                        d3.select('#' + parent_id).selectAll('.line')[0].forEach(function (el) {

var parent_id = g.attr('id')
                            var line = d3.select(el)
                            var nodeType = line.attr('id').split("__");  // id tells us if the line is connected to the left or right node
                            var operators = line.attr('class').split(" ");  // class holds info on what operators the line is connected to
                            var sourceCircleId = nodeType[0].split("--")[0] + '--' + operators[1];
                            var targetCircleId = nodeType[1].split("--")[0] + '--' + operators[2]; 

                           if (parent_id == operators[1] || parent_id == operators[2]) {  // the line is connected to the operator we are moving 

                                line.attr('x1', d3.select('#' + sourceCircleId).attr('cx'))
                                line.attr('y1', d3.select('#' + sourceCircleId).attr('cy'))
                                line.attr('x2', d3.select('#' + targetCircleId).attr('cx'))
                                line.attr('y2', d3.select('#' + targetCircleId).attr('cy'))




             .on('drag', function () {

                    var g = d3.select(this);

                    var currentOp = g.select('.operator');

                    var parent = g.select(function () {
                        return this.parentNode;

                    //#SB: added a reference to the parent id
                    var parent_id = g.select(function () {
                        return this.parentNode;


                    var dx = d3.event.x;
                    var dy = d3.event.y;

                    var mouse = {dx: d3.event.x, dy: d3.event.y};
                    var currentObj = {
                        x: currentOp.attr('x'),
                        y: currentOp.attr('y'),
                        width: currentOp.attr('width'),
                        height: currentOp.attr('height')
                    var parentObj = {
                        x: parent.attr('x'),
                        y: parent.attr('y'),
                        width: parent.attr('width'),
                        height: parent.attr('height')

                    var loc = getXY(mouse, currentObj, parentObj);

                    //#SB: Do not translate everything, the cx, cy values of the circle are not updated
                    // when translating which will make future moves calculate incorrectly
                    g.selectAll('image').attr('transform', 'translate(' + loc.x + ',' + loc.y + ')');

                    .attr('cx', function () {

                        return parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr('data-cx')) + parseFloat(loc.x);
                    .attr('cy', function () {

                        return parseFloat(d3.select(this).attr('data-cy')) + parseFloat(loc.y);

                    //#SB: Select all the lines in the parent group instead of only group of the
                    // operator we are moving. There can be lines that exists on other groups that 
                    // do not exist within the group that is being moved. 

                    d3.select('#' + parent_id).selectAll('.line')[0].forEach(function (el) {

 var parent_id = g.attr('id')
                            var line = d3.select(el)
                            var nodeType = line.attr('id').split("__");  // id tells us if the line is connected to the left or right node
                            var operators = line.attr('class').split(" ");  // class holds info on what operators the line is connected to
                            var sourceCircleId = nodeType[0].split("--")[0] + '--' + operators[1];
                            var targetCircleId = nodeType[1].split("--")[0] + '--' + operators[2];  

                       if (parent_id == operators[1] || parent_id == operators[2]) {  // the line is connected to the operator we are moving 

                            line.attr('x1', d3.select('#' + sourceCircleId).attr('cx'))
                            line.attr('y1', d3.select('#' + sourceCircleId).attr('cy'))
                            line.attr('x2', d3.select('#' + targetCircleId).attr('cx'))
                            line.attr('y2', d3.select('#' + targetCircleId).attr('cy'))





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