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[英]Ideal xml parser for python



    data = """<xml>
<questionset author="Joee Foo" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.escreeningz.com ../xsd/QuestionSet.xsd">
<question    status="A" identifier="SampleQuestions.xml_1">
        <category>Core Java</category>
        <subcategory>Exception Handling</subcategory>
        <tag>Exception Hierarchy</tag>
        <tag>Checked and Unchecked exceptions</tag>
        <tag>Finally Block</tag>
        <section order="1" type="STANDARD">
            <value><![CDATA[Which of the statements regarding exceptions in Java are true?]]></value>
        <answer correct="false" score="-4">
            <value><![CDATA[Checked exceptions extend java.lang.RuntimeException.
            <explain>It is uncheked exception that extend java.lang.Runtime;not checked</explain>
        <answer correct="true" score="5">
            <value><![CDATA[The base class for all Exceptions and Errors is java.lang.Throwable.
        <answer correct="true" score="5">
            <value><![CDATA[Any method that might throw a checked exception like java.io.IOException must either declare 
  the exception using the throws keyword or handle the exception with an appropriate try/catch.
        <answer correct="true" score="2">
            <value><![CDATA[If you use a finally block, it will always be invoked regardless of whether an exception in the corresponding try is thrown or not 
  and regardless of whether a thrown exception is caught or not as long as the JVM is running.
        <answer correct="false" score="-4">
            <value><![CDATA[All catch blocks must be ordered as general caught first to specific caught last]]></value>
            <explain>All catch blocks must be ordered from specific to general</explain>

# csv to xml conversion

import sys
import os
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree
from StringIO import StringIO
from lxml.etree import Element
stream = StringIO(data)
context = etree.iterparse(stream, events=("start", ))

現在,當我嘗試從和標記之間提取值時,它將返回一個空列表。 :(

for action,elem in context:
    for child in elem.findall('{http://www.escreeningz.com}category'):
        print child.attrib

Result is : {}


for action,elem in context:
    for child in elem.findall('{http://www.escreeningz.com}category'):
        print child.tag

Result: {http://www.escreeningz.com}category



<category>Core Java</category>




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