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[英]Tool tip in gui not displaying?

我正在使用.setToolTipText組件,以便將鼠標懸停在窗口上時會顯示文本“當您將鼠標懸停在它上面時會顯示”。 目前,除工具提示外,其他所有功能均正常。 現在,工具提示僅在將鼠標懸停在單詞上方時才會顯示,每當我將鼠標懸停在窗口上方時如何顯示? 這是代碼:


import javax.swing.JFrame;

class evenmoregui{
public static void main (String[ ] args){

    moregui guiobject = new moregui();
    guiobject.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Makes the program terminate when the x is clicked
    guiobject.setSize(275,180); //This is the size
    guiobject.setVisible(true); //Means it should show up, actually puts the window on screen



import java.awt.FlowLayout; //Make it so the windows don't overlap, it just formats the windows properly
import javax.swing.JFrame;  //Gives you all the windows features in the window, like minimize 
import javax.swing.JLabel;  //Allows text and simple images on window

public class moregui extends JFrame { //JFrame gives you all the basic windows features.
private JLabel item1;

public moregui(){ //Constructor
    super("This is the title bar"); //These are all imported methods

    setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //Gives default layout

    item1 = new JLabel("This is a sentence"); //Text on the screen

    item1.setToolTipText("This will show up when you hover over it");

    add(item1); //Adds item1 into window


嘗試添加getRootPane()。setToolTipText(“ String”); 這將確保將鼠標懸停在JFrame上時顯示工具提示

import java.awt.FlowLayout;    
import javax.swing.JFrame; window, like minimize 
import javax.swing.JLabel; 
public class moregui extends JFrame{ 
private JLabel item1;
public moregui(){                 //Constructor
super("This is the title bar"); //These are all imported methods
getRootPane().setToolTipText("Hovering over window");
setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //Gives default layout
item1 = new JLabel("This is a sentence"); //Text on the screen
item1.setToolTipText("This will show up when you hover over it");
add(item1); //Adds item1 into window

這是正確的代碼。 嘗試將鼠標懸停更長的時間。

JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        contentPane.add(panel, BorderLayout.NORTH);

        JLabel lblLabel = new JLabel("Label");



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