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Python:while(True!= True)循環

[英]Python: while (True != True) loop


我制作的程序之一是Pig拉丁語翻譯程序,該程序一直循環播放直到用戶退出。 該程序可以工作,但是邏輯對我來說沒有任何意義。

pyg = "ay" #Pig Latin words end with ay.

def translate(): #Creating a function.
    original = input("Enter a word: ").lower() #Ask for input then convert to lower.
    if len(original) > 0 and original.isalpha() : #isalpha() verifies only abc's and more than one letter.
        first = original[0] #Assigns the first letter of the string to first.
        latin = original[1:] + first + pyg #Adds original starting at 2nd letter with first and pyg.
        print("You did not enter a valid word, please try again.")
        translate() #If you did not enter valid word, then call function again until you do.

translate() #Don't forget to actually call the function after you define it.

#Set run to False.
#Can be set to True if while (run != True) is set to while (run == True).
run = False

#Defining cont(). Ask for imput and error handling.
def cont():
    loop = input("Would you like to convert another word? (y/n): ").lower()
    if loop == "y" :
        run = True
    elif loop == "n" :
        run = False
        print("Thank you for using this program, have a nice day!")
    else :
        print("You did not enter a valid response, please try again.")


#Infinite loop as long as run is not equal to True.
while (run != True) :

我的問題是,為什么該程序有效? 我將run設置為False,並將循環設置為只要run!= True即可運行。 沒問題,但是當我定義cont()時,如果用戶輸入“ y”,我會將run設置為取值為True。 True!= True應該為False(如果我理解正確的話),並且循環應該結束,但是它正在按我的意願工作。

這是我犯的編碼錯誤,還是我只是在以錯誤的方式考慮? 先感謝您。

編輯:非常感謝所有回答的人。 我還沒有了解局部和全局變量。

run里面cont函數是一個局部變量。 更改其值不會影響while循環所引用的全局變量。


if loop == "y" :
    run = True
elif loop == "n" :
    run = False


#Can be set to True if while (run != True) is set to while (run == True).
run = False


有至少兩種方法可以解決此問題。 首選的(imo)方法是讓cont返回要分配給run的新值。 看起來像

#Defining cont(). Ask for imput and error handling.
def cont(_run):
    loop = input("Would you like to convert another word? (y/n): ").lower()
    if loop == "y" :
        return _run
    elif loop == "n" :
        return not _run
    else :
        print("You did not enter a valid response, please try again.")
        return cont(_run)


#Infinite loop as long as run is not equal to True.
while (run != True) :
    run = cont(run)

另一種(不太受歡迎)的方法是在cont函數內部使用全局run變量。 這是使用global關鍵字實現的。


#Defining cont(). Ask for imput and error handling.
def cont():
    global run
    loop = input("Would you like to convert another word? (y/n): ").lower()
    if loop == "y" :
        run = True
    elif loop == "n" :
        run = False
        print("Thank you for using this program, have a nice day!")
    else :
        print("You did not enter a valid response, please try again.")

在我的第一個示例中,當值為y時返回_runnot _run當值為n時返回_run 這使您可以將初始run值更改為True,並更改while條件,而不必更改cont函數本身。



if loop in ("yes", "y"):
if loop in ("no", "n"):


我認為這可能是因為您的運行變量的范圍; 因為您沒有從續函數返回運行。 我相信您的!= True檢查所看到的在該函數之外始終會為False,盡管您顯然可以在該函數內成功結束該程序。

的問題是,在run中定義的變量cont()是不一樣的run在全球范圍內定義的變量。 (如果不確定我的意思,則可能需要查看https://docs.python.org/3.4/tutorial/classes.html#python-scopes-and-namespaces 。也許是一種更好的方法,代碼將讓cont()返回TrueFalse ,當您想繼續時使用True也是更直觀和易讀的,這就是我重寫它的方式。

pyg = "ay" #Pig Latin words end with ay.

def translate(): #Creating a function.
    original = input("Enter a word: ").lower() #Ask for input then convert to lower.
    if len(original) > 0 and original.isalpha() : #isalpha() verifies only abc's and more than one letter.
        first = original[0] #Assigns the first letter of the string to first.
        latin = original[1:] + first + pyg #Adds original starting at 2nd letter with first and pyg.
        print("You did not enter a valid word, please try again.")
        translate() #If you did not enter valid word, then call function again until you do.

#Defining cont(). Ask for imput and error handling.
def cont():
    while True:
        loop = input("Would you like to convert another word? (y/n): ").lower()
        if loop == "y":
            return True
        elif loop == "n": 
            print("Thank you for using this program, have a nice day!")
            return False
        else :
            print("You did not enter a valid response, please try again.")

while cont():


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