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[英]How do I create a ListIsomorphic instance for Vector.Unboxed?

由於似乎不可能為通用向量編寫ListIsomorphic實例 (或不是一個好主意),因此我試圖直接為Vector.Unboxed 編寫一個實例

class ListIsomorphic l where
    toList    :: l a -> [a]
    fromList  :: [a] -> l a

instance ListIsomorphic UV.Vector where
    toList   = UV.toList
    fromList = UV.fromList


    No instance for (UV.Unbox a) arising from a use of ‘UV.toList’
    Possible fix:
    add (UV.Unbox a) to the context of
        the type signature for toList :: UV.Vector a -> [a]
    In the expression: UV.toList
    In an equation for ‘toList’: toList = UV.toList
    In the instance declaration for ‘ListIsomorphic UV.Vector’

    No instance for (UV.Unbox a) arising from a use of ‘UV.fromList’
    Possible fix:
    add (UV.Unbox a) to the context of
        the type signature for fromList :: [a] -> UV.Vector a
    In the expression: UV.fromList
    In an equation for ‘fromList’: fromList = UV.fromList
    In the instance declaration for ‘ListIsomorphic UV.Vector’

我嘗試遵循編譯器錯誤建議,但沒有成功。 我該怎么寫?

你不能 您的ListIsomorphic類承諾fromList可以應用於任何類型a 但是,取消裝箱的向量要求aUnbox的實例。


class ListIsomorphicUnboxed l where
    fromListUnboxed :: (Unbox a) => [a] -> l a
    toListUnboxed :: (Unbox a) => l a -> [a]


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies #-}
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

class ListIsomorphic l where
    type C l a :: Constraint
    type C l a = () -- default to no constraint

    fromList :: C l a => [a] -> l a
    toList :: C l a => l a -> [a]

instance ListIsomorphic UV.Vector where
    type C UV.Vector a = UV.Unbox a
    toList   = UV.toList
    fromList = UV.fromList


這樣,每個實例可以具有不同的約束。 但是,這不是很常見的解決方案。


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